The Huddle - Episode 89 - Project Site Conditions Impact on Profitability ft Scott Banda

The guys are excited to host industry expert Scott Banda ( This session dives into the critical yet often overlooked aspect of how job site conditions directly influence project profitability. We'll explore the tangible benefits of real-time monitoring, showcasing how staying ahead of environmental and logistical challenges can not only prevent costly setbacks but also enhance overall project efficiency. Join us as we discuss strategies and technologies that empower professionals to anticipate, adapt, and act, ensuring that site conditions contribute to, rather than detract from, the bottom line. Tune in to turn potential pitfalls into profit.

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The Huddle was created by Paul Stuart of Stuart & Associates and Go Carrera, alongside Jose and Daniel Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring. Aimed at helping you maintain forward progress in your flooring career, they cover topics from personal and business growth, to installation tips & tricks and everything in-between.

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what's up team welcome to the Huddle it's your weekly strategizing session on

not only playing the game but changing it from mastering your craft to learning

how to better display yourself in the industry you're you're our type of

people and you're where you belong welcome to the team all right fumbled there a little bit I almost got it guys

you'll get one of these days God all right so uh with me as always Mr Daniel

and Jose Gonzalez from Grand Rapids Michigan although only one of them is there today Mr Jose

down Georgia representing from the fcca

uh midyear convention I believe is what they call it Y and we got Scott Banda

from Flor cloud with us so Scott welcome aboard glad you could join us today

hey thanks you are you are in the best uh possible um episode for your product

so tell us a bit about you and uh Scott's with Flor cloud and uh he's

going to give him a chance here to tell him a little bit about himself and and and what floor cloud is sure Paul thanks

thanks for having me on this is a great opportunity and we appreciate it so um just a little bit about me and my my

business part um I was the one that uh was nominated to be on camera but Pat has another obligation but um you know

you both are very good-looking guys so hey we'll take either one of you I don't know I seen that email that said that he

has a face for radio [Laughter] so oh that's great so uh both of us have

been in the flooring industry for about 25 years um 16 of my uh years were were

at bosk where I was the director of marketing and business development for North America and uh Pat mullins's

experience he started a company by the name of CMP cements and um they man leveling

underlayments to primers moisture barrier Coatings patches things like that and we came together because um at

bosic we were looking to build out our product line of Surface Prep products and they were a regional brand expanding

West and uh we liked a lot of their products so we put together a deal and we acquired their company so Pat and I

got to know each other from that and worked there for a few years and then uh realized that when we saw some

of the sensor technology that was really coming on the market we felt that we could put together a system that would

help all types of contractors basically identify issues in real

time that would help um really SES and headaches from installation related

failures or or uh redo and and things like that uh not only just flooring but

all the other interior finish trades you know trades that are frequently impacted by building controls if the climate

conditions aren't really maintained in the proper uh range

so that's a little bit about me and how floor Cloud really was

conceived yeah so that falls right in line with our topic of the day you know

project side conditions and their impact on profitability so I mean we couldn't

have a better guess right we talk about it all time you know like I know in past

podcast we talk about showing up to a job and it's like concrete's too cold

there's moisture everywhere and that that's really what what you guys are trying to to put in in front of everyone

before you even get to the job site so that that's amazing yeah exactly Daniel I mean um

Paul do you want me to touch a little on how it works or or do you well let's do this from the very beginning let's talk

about how important it is that site conditions why does floor cloud or any

any of of this matter like what is so important about the site conditions and

how does it impact our profitability so one of the things I'll I'll just throw it out there is as a Commercial

contractor myself there's been plenty of times when the site conditions not only

didn't match like specs and this is where I want you to dig in and uh really

tell us about how Flor Cloud does some of these uh uh product specific uh

notifications but um you know Not only was the job site not in condition for a

certain product it was in condition in a lot of ways to even be doing any finish

work whatsoever uh we still run into that uh we have a project at the moment

uh I can't list it or else uh my client will kick me in the old rear end but at the end of the day we have you know

plastic on covering uh uh the windows and we got a 50 degree slab over here

and 20 feet away it's 78 and the the humidity is different and every

different area and we're like these are thermoplastic products they're going to expand and retract what's going to happen when you

kick on the hbac what's going to happen when you do get this enclosed one thing I can tell you is I

don't know but it's not going to be good you know uh the manufacturers will give you some ideas of what's going to go bad

but what that does though if we send a crew out there um obviously it's wasting that

cruise time huge impact on profitability and we're big on if we can make Cruise

successful and and make the cruise profitable then they're going to be it's

going to benefit the flooring contractor that uses them so you know uh guarding

the installers profitability and then we got to go out there then so then now it's

we're just taking the burden on and it's our project manager our installation manager our people going out there to

survey the site and look at it right um so some of the stuff that we're talking

about is like huge impacts on your profitability a lot of this gets brushed under the rug and overhead but the fact

is is it shows up and if you spend 4 hours with an executive level person out

on your job site if you pay them anything you've lost five six 700 bucks

so um you know that's how I kind of look at the the profitability impacts and

that's only talking about you know the um the uh am you know the temperature

when I say site conditions because this goes this will go a little deeper than just the temperatures and things that

you guys monitor it's also like the floor conditions and the substrate conditions and all of that stuff so uh

Scott you have a very particular feature of of floor Cloud that I love and just

to set this up it's basically once the products for a project are uploaded you

don't only tell them if the Project's out of spec for in a general term you're

telling them which prodject are out of spec yeah versus side conditions is that right that is my favorite yeah that

that's totally right so big part of what we have right so we have the mobile and desktop software we have the floor Cloud sensors we tie into Wagner uh the rapid

rhl 6 is for concrete temperature and relative humidity and then we have our database and the database is a really

powerful uh tool for us database is is made up of over 18,000 products and

we're always adding products to it manufacturers are are actually providing a lot of their data to us um but

basically that's where we keep the really the most critical specifications that the

contractor needs um which are basically range ambient relative humidity a

dupoint and then concrete slab relative humidity and temperature ranges um that

stuff is really what is being measured um or compared against every

hour so the way our stuff works is one an ambient or even a Wagner as well

every hour We're comparing the site conditions against the manufacturer specs of the products that you're

working with and there's no limit to that you know it could be a hundred products it could be one product and if

things dip out of this spec range because building controls get turned off GC um whether it's you know

heat or AC or too dry or too humid you will get an alert and it'll be specific

to the product that's impacted to to the level of detail of what what product

what section of the job and the Delta that it is off the

manufact sense if it's only two degrees off okay if it's 10 15 all right we may

want to get in touch with the manufacture and get a little more guidance here or what not if we should proceed yeah so to bring that around for

like the audience and our our installers that kind of uh you know frequent our

podcast that means less trips to the job site where you find out you can't install that's from an installer

standpoint that is your biggest thing and for companies I mean saving time and your your cruise efforts I mean you guys

up in Michigan I can only imagine there's you get projects ever so often that are of the size that this really

matters I mean am I right am I right I think we get I think we get more projects than

that especially during the the colder months where this is a very important

piece to have um the not only in the commercial but also

you know if if needed maybe a residential aspect and to some extent but let's just stick with the commercial

industry right now like it would tell us so much and to have a report and I'm

sure that we would catch on to the what's trending on that project whether or not we should even make a phone call

or share information to say I don't believe you guys are ready um and this is why but not only that is it gives us

it gives us literature to submit with backing from the standards required for

specific materials for us to not only have an argument with uh the general or

the site conditions period but it has it has that data to back it up and that is

that is worth its weight and gold in some conversations to especially to the to let's just say the old school ones

were like no we have a deadline we need to meet it and it's like well we can meet your deadline if we're not going to

proceed but if we were and it fails what does that do for your client what does that do for you what does that do for us

so Scott tell us a bit from your background I mean where you came from what do manufacturers how do they

approach this stuff if an installer or a company in installs product outside of

the correct project site conditions what happens with failures well I think first

of all um really from all the man and I'm working with more manufacturers now than ever um you know the manufacturers

of course don't want to get involved in claims um it's it's litigious it's expensive claims

investigation um and then the amount of honestly noise and meetings that go on behind the scenes at the corporate

office it's tremendous um and they really do I believe generally uh stick

with their contractor and kind of come to the table but you know they they

provide guidance for reason I mean these products have as the as the market creates more and more

sustainable sensitive products um this stuff's become more important than ever

um you know they're going to they're going to always defer to the published literature um but behind the scenes what

they come to the table with really depends I'd say on of the people involved from what I've seen um you know

and our our system and we're we're starting to get recommended by more and more manufacturers because um they they

see it as a way to help people just be more productive Paul like you're talking about I mean it's it's the data

that objective um that can be presented to the stakeholders the you know you can

provide it to the general contractor you're going to say listen based on these material specs this site is not

ready and we're going to be in Jeopardy of having warranty problems so you may want to take this Mr GC and pass this to

the owner who's pressing you so you you really help them have a more objective

you know even keeled logical professional uh meeting and conversation

once the data is in front of them and that's what we're seeing all over the place and I will say this what we've

seen again we we have about 130ish clients around the US and Canada

now saying the same thing that you know unrelated to one another they're saying this is the data that's allowing me to

push back and get these site conditions to what they need to be and well yeah I mean before how how how do like how did

you how would a company and I'm flooring contractor myself like how would we even

go about producing something that is going to uh be sufficient from a a like

hey we went out and looked and we take a picture of our fluke it's like you know and and maybe a picture of the moisture

yeah reading like it's it's it's kind of I mean it's first world problems because

we didn't have these types of things you know 15 years ago but still there's a

more efficient way um and it allows you to create a report and send it to your GC and you can even add your GC to your

to that particular project if you wanted from my understanding that's 100% right I mean

you know as to what you more or less alluded to you know it's manual with

with manual comes time running back and forth potential errors transcribing readings um and then a bit of the the

honor System so you know with our system and what you just said about putting the

general contractor on it and then not and it's a great way for the flooring contractor or any really sub to to get

close with their GC is say hey this is technology we're using a monitor site we'll give you

put you on the system you can see everything I can see and it really does strengthen the relationship between the

sub and the GC and everybody's s rearranged the schedule if it's too cold in one area you know they're not going

to want to put down a rubber that you know could be a $300,000 problem a month

later what do you think Daniel I think he's absolutely right I think it's like

is it beneficial for us absolutely but it's more beneficial for the DC

because they're the ones that are you know inevitably they're the ones that are going to have to come out of pocket

if anything happens right I mean we would like to think anyways but I mean

for them to see everything that we see and in real time and say hey this isn't

ready and here's a link you know so you can see exactly what I'm talking about instead of me having to do a report and

then them coming back with well is this report accurate yeah you're you're seeing exactly what I'm seeing at that

that exact moment and that's yeah that's absolutely beneficial for the the

industry that's great technology right there and you know that Daniel made a good point it just brings um like we

were on a a project probably 10 years ago where the it was in the middle of

summer there was you know no HVAC and they're trying to have us install this sheet vinyl and the adhesive is not

setting up and it's just something like this would have been really really beneficial 10 years ago when we were on

that project but you know it wasn't around but it is now so that's where you can start implementing things and and be

ahead of you know showing up on that job site and trying to explain to them that it's not ready yeah so for the installers out

there like ask your company if they know about floor Cloud uh if you're working

for a a shop I mean ask them if they if do they know about floor Cloud um can

toss up the QR code probably here yep I'm about to do that right now and uh you know QR it and send them there and

and and have them look at it because it can it's not just a company benefit this

is really uh strives to uh you know reduce the amount of time that you're

going out to the job site so I do have uh a bit of a push back for you Scott so

I'm gonna throw you a curveball here what do you say to the flooring companies and installers who say this is

the gc's responsibility why are they not buying your like why are gc's not just

adopting and putting your stuff in and then reporting to us yeah no it's a good

question um I'll tell you the gc's are probably we're approaching maybe 15 16

gc's um and that's great there're when we have the conversation with the gc's

it's interesting they are usually thinking of mill work drywall wall coverings and then they're

kind of like oh yeah and flooring but um damn we always get walked on yeah it's

kind of it's interesting um but what I would tell you is that the number one

reason and is the flooring contractor the sub wants to control the data

themselves so you know that's propri it's stored in your own job file in the cloud and you own that data so a year

later if there's a problem you can go back and you can get that data and have control over it that that's what I would

tell you is the number one reason and there's been plenty of jobs I was just on one in

Boston yesterday um two contractors were on there flooring contractors and the GC

had floor Cloud so now there's a big property so they're all doing different things but

um I think there's a place for it to really coexist with the GC having it as well well that's a good point a very

good point I would like to uh so the the quick and easy answer is you own the data and if there's a problem later you

got something to go back to and say we were in conditions when we installed yep

yep that and that's going to tie right into what Daniel had said too in uh the

when it's the honor System when we take take our own reports and we have everything written in pictures it is it is during the time that that was that

test was done that particular temperature was taken this Avenue is a

consistent reading you know or constant reading video not a photograph that's

right right yeah it's not a a part of time it is time yeah it's like it's like

I didn't I didn't Photoshop this picture that I took you guys of of this test right here this date is real like my

picture is timestamped but this is timestamped way more often with less visits it it really eliminates the yeah

I don't want to say time that we've wasted going back in and Babys set projects right but it gives you time

back yeah to focus on other things yeah I mean I'll tell you guys how people are most commonly using it um they use it

early put it on the site early to do kind of P what you were

alluding to and that appropriate to to send the labor there because there's nothing worse than sending labor and

it's 40 degrees there and you can't do anything and then they have to be redeployed that's a real cost but the

other thing I I I was just at a couple different conferences one was starett's Tech Summit the other one was fuse's

conference and a common theme at at my Bo saying that

um you know obviously the importance of acclamation of everything you know

essentially any of the resilient products the Rubber products and hardwood products is critical and you

know this is a great use to help you monitor acclamation too just putting stuff on putting material on site you

know and saying yeah it's going to be there for two weeks so it's acclimated there's no need for that risk you you can have a sensor in that room you can

see exactly for yourself if windows are getting opened or doors and whatnot and respond to that and then really truly

only install it when you know it's ready that that alone becoming one of the most popular uses we have and then of course

during the installation but then also guys are leaving these sensors behind a couple weeks or even a month just

because flooring contractor could do a phenomenal job you know the most intricate work medallions you name it

and be off the project and then all you need is somebody else the owner to turn

off the controls because they think it's all done and then the and then the flooring contractors getting you know brought to

the table about you don't know how to do an adhesive installation you're like really we we've been there on a project

not not long ago yeah me too let's tell some more stories man I think we've

already talked about this project but it was you know it was a church and they turn the the HVAC

off uh when no one was in there and then it's not something that you know then

issues start happening and yeah you start getting all investigative and they

they try to blame it you know everyone is blaming someone else but yeah essentially you know once you start

asking the right question things start coming to light and it's like yeah this is why and you start

asking the right people yeah and it's just something that right and it and it

sucks right because you don't want to add to the problem and say it's going to cost this much more it's like how can we

come together and all solve this issue that happened it's not I don't want to be that person and say nope it's your

guys' issue it's like what can we do to help at the same time right yep yep and

you know I had a I had a Sports floor that did the same thing they ended up it

it was an out building with its own HVAC and they turned that sucker down to 50 deges when when it was not being used so

five six days in a row it'd be down in the 50s and then they wonder why they start having

failure uh you know we went back and took care of it uh one time and then the

second time I was like I've got to charge you for this you're going to have to keep this within 7% of what you're what your day-to-day

temperature is I tell them seven I've heard up to 10% difference so if you're going to be a 72 you can be down you

know seven plus uh or minus a bit uh degrees from

that um but you certainly can't go from 72 to 50 all the time and then Crank It

Up to 72 when you have basketball games or whatever in there I mean it

just yeah it just it it destroys flooring how often do um have you heard

Scott from uh your clients that they do leave it behind and you said a couple of

weeks is that fairly often they doing that um I'd say guys that are on it um

now that have been on it for a while are definitely doing that and then we always start to we're trying to share as many

examples of successes um and once we start to do that we need to do a better job of that

but once people start to hear that um they get it like you're your example of

the cooling one um you know Northeast Midwest all these hot areas when they're getting schools ready as you guys know

super tough uh timeline things are generally um not that cool they're

they're they're uncontrolled and then they slam on that HV AC crank the AC and the sites that

have our sensors basically you'll get an alert right away you know you might see some gapping where it starts but you'll

you'll be alerted early on and you can get in there and let somebody know that hey that's that stuff supposed to be cooled you know one degree a day for

seven days or whatever I I'm I'm convinced you know a lot of these mistakes AR um there's a lot of

materials not everybody knows the nuances behind it um but you're really kind of taking all those mistakes off

the table if you keep this thing there for a couple weeks um we had 110 unit

condo complex out in La it was like 105 degrees out there same thing was lvp

they got in there saved that there was a massive um Mondo job in Connecticut that

we saved um because the owner had turned off the controls um not the GC the GC

was sent the alert they got in there over the weekend turned it all back on and I was told by that contract

thousand you know argument um so though it you know for the cost of having floor

Cloud on there for couple weeks or a month it it's peanuts compared to what what it's

saving yeah and you could be the hero and you can be got a question for you Scott um and sorry to interrupted their

po but uh does does uh do these sensors uh have

the ability to uh measure negative positive air pressure um so they measure uh

barometric pressure is that is that what you're referring to so primarily for um

locating the device so they are GPS track within 30t but then if you go

vertical um we have the ability to look at barometric pressure which will tells you how far above sea level the unit is

so you can get a sense of what floor it might be on uh I'm curious why why do

you yeah the reason I was asking is um is you know we do we do a lot of work in hospitals and in hospitals whenever

we're creating dust we have to create or someone has to create a negative airspace right so that that way it's

contained um and we're trusting that they've done that and if they didn't

then if for some reason we create some dust or if we're there for a a long period of time um the residuals that

that are created um can go all over the place and I just didn't know if it was

uh sensitive enough to to know the difference between the negative and the positive air pressure

that needs to be created based off of um what the requirements for the

hospitals that we're working in yeah so that that's a good one I've actually never heard that one I've heard do we

have sensors to monitor air particles so when you're doing Hospital work and trying to adhere to all the Hipp laws um

you can have a sense of you know what might be coming through the curtains

um but I'm I'm actually going to talk to some of the technical team on the Verizon side about your question and

I'll let you know because that's a good one aome okay

so back on the topic here uh obviously it's the you're kind of uh you kind of

are the topic uh for this but in in void

of floor cloud guys you still need to obviously side conditions are like you

got to do it the manual way I mean you got to get out there and make sure your side conditions are correct because

manufacturers when you you may have a great relationship with them uh but not

always I mean if you if you don't do a ton of foro and then you do a foro job

and it fails you're gonna you're not going to be you know buddy buddy with uh foro or what have you so uh the key here

is you know kind of getting out to your job sites uh checking in on it even installers uh you know get with your

your your company that you work with or if you're doing a job on your own you know making sure those side conditions

your ambient temperature your obviously your moisture and your Rh your concrete your D points those things are really

valuable information for you to make sure that your flooring's going to perform now on a part that floor Cloud

can't solve for is I don't think guys's substrate conditions uh past uh humidity

and and temperature so doesn't tell you how much you you have to

sweep or how messed up the the concrete is or um but

when when you're faced with those conditions when you guys have get get out to a job

site what let me ask you it this way you got a new project it's a remodel you

know the substrate's going to have something but we can't always assume when we're bidding jobs that every floor

is just demolished and we're going to have to cap the concrete we'd never get a project right so how do you guys go

about that when you first like how early do you get out to your job

um and and look at the substrate and start you know having some considerations for floor prep or

grinding or those kinds of things that's depending on the deadline

um and how far out it is and how compressed our schedule is at the moment you got to be out there at least two

weeks prior to um so that way you have a little bit of time to adjust especially when it's a prep issue

um we don't I love it when the GC tells me like hey this floor is jacked up you

need to come look at it but that just doesn't happen all the time unfortunately for us we we do know

a lot of the the generals and they they will tell us right away hey you know I know that half of this building is brand

new construction but the other half isn't it didn't come together very well we got a peak we're probably gonna have to level this side to bring it up or

grind or you know we get the luxury of we got we get spoiled a little bit

with the communication but that's because we were very thorough in creating that relationship and expectations on our side um but larger

on definitely gota get out there two I say two weeks it's a it's pretty pretty standard I

believe yeah I try to get out there as early as possible I figur we

can't you know um fight that battle too early um it would be interesting Scott

do you guys ever plan on adding cameras to your sensors so another big problem

with flooring with us is we take up a huge amount of space one of the reasons we're so disruptive on a job site yeah

is like you can have a room packed full of stuff and still paint the wall y you

can't have a room packed full of stuff and still put in the floor right so a

lot of times you know uh I'm thinking of a project right now that we're doing

where um we're getting out there early doing some floor prep and little bit

early but you know you get all the all the prep done

and your guys are getting ready you know go out there and start sanding floors and and doing stuff and you get there

and the room's absolutely packed full of stuff like it just packed full of every

other trade stuff right where you're supposed to start yeah um do you guys have a future plan of adding a little

nice little camera to the outside so guy like me goes out sets a sensor

monitoring my site conditions and I can actually have eyes in the field yeah so that has come up um a handful of times

it is a capability we could launch there are sensors that we can connect right into what we've built our platforms

really into all different sensors um we're just kind of a little apprehensive

to do that right now because we're worried about people feeling that you know it's a big brother thing and you

know are those sensors going to go missing because of that um we probably

Paul you know as as we're kind of bringing this first step of sensor technology to the market the follow on I

think as everybody kind of becomes socialized to what we're doing now will be what you're saying into probably more

cameras still shots originally but of course videos can as well just gets into

be a big data hog and a lot of space in the cloud and all that um but I could

see that coming out yeah I just curious if you guys were thinking about that and if that had been brought up um I mean

just getting every hour would be uh would be you know awesome addition and and what

you guys already have is is great obviously and and serves a huge

need just thinking in the future as you guys you know uh mold your business and

and uh expand your service offerings it's possible that you know getting a picture showing you your job site every

once in a while um and I guess you know knowing installers there'd be a few um

middle fingers on those pictures I'm just guessing probably a lot more than a

little bit of middle fingers every time someone walks past it they'd be doing something yeah

yeah no I see it being valuable guys have spoken about it for the same exact reason you said we had a big customer in

Texas actually ask us the same thing they drive six hours to sits and only to run into the same thing you said yeah

and then like you said like big brothers watching right but I mean at this point

it's 2024 you kind of got to think that someone is watching you all the time anyways so if it's not that camera

there's another camera right around the corner that's going to be watching you I've seen projects where they put cameras up and then they do a time lapse

and it's like I didn't even know any cameras were there but you kind of got to just expect that these days yeah yeah

they got me picking my nose and my butt I'm not gonna say what

order that's disgusting all right so back on track here uh so I got a question when you uh

for you guys up there just commercial flooring contractors and General when you have had those conversations with um

your end user and the the site or your your contractor whoever you're working for and the site conditions are not uh

up to par and let's use the old way pre pre floor

Cloud how are those conversations like um are

they do your contractors or your end users I I see uh I see a difference between

those two so let's use gc's do you do you see them being receptive to what you

say I think that we've been L pretty lucky to to have gc's that rely on us in order to tell them

you know kind of what the best thing is but at the same time we've been on that other side where they're like we don't

care just put it down and it's it's a lot of push back and that's where uh you

know our buddy uh Paul Stewart gave us some some tips on that about having you know things signed off by not only the

GC but the owner and the architect and then I think once you you present that form right there that's when they're

kind of like all right let's uh maybe we should wait or do something about this so that way it's right just turn in the

change order just turn in the change order we'll get it taken care of yeah um yeah Daniel Dan's right and and it to to

add to what Daniel said is um if you're an installer out there and

you you are not doing your best or making your best effort to even track project information for yourself um do

yourself a favor get a notebook take some pictures and and do it especially if something is out of line if you're

uncomfortable for an install try to have some kind of information or literature that you are tracking yourself because a

photo with a timestamp um a concern an email a text message with some concerns

could actually help you at the end of of the day especially with there's an argument or a case being created against

against you because of a potential failure or a failure um yeah and if you're if you're if you're on go Carrera

you can take those pictures toss them right in the chat yeah and and put your

concerns in the chat you know um th those types of things those

documentation you documenting your project and the the condition that it's

in or even things being in your way that goes a way we've you know I created a go

careera to be transparent in many ways transparent into the installer skill and

and ability but transparent into the job site and what the installer has to go through transparent on change orders the

key here is if you don't have goer and you ain't got floor Cloud then you do

what uh Jose was just talking about and document it yourself protect yourself make sure that you are you know uh

bringing your expertise to the to the table I mean that's that's what installers we here for is to really say

this is I mean the company should know I get that and I challenged Scott and he

made a very good point on why gc's aren't the only ones using floor Cloud the the reason only flooring companies

are not should not be responsible for tracking that is so you can protect yourself if you track it on yourself

like J Jose just said and you're you're uh uh taking notes and pictures um in a

in in a big part you're protecting yourself from you know a future uh issue

so yeah we always talk about I mean it almost every podcast it comes around to

Communication in some sort and that's really what Flor Cloud does in an automated way it's what go career does

in a very automated way uh we just all have to participate in these new technologies and push them and push them

to your manufacturer push them to your gc's push them to your flooring contractors that you're working with

yeah yeah I don't think it's the pushing them I think it's the educating them as to the benefit right pushing pushing it

to them is like you're trying to sell them on something but I don't I think this is something that is more

beneficial than it is the dollars it can save the dollars it will save the dollars it has saved

like yeah Fair Point Brer especially yeah I me what we say is you know the

flooring contract that adopt technology earlier definitely separate themselves from the competition right when they're

when they're going after certain projects and they're talking about using technology whatever it is they they're

they're a resource to their client and they're looked at differently than other guys in the market so we we encourage

people to really get out front pitch the stuff best to breed quality control um

and all that just to separate from the pack yeah well I'll

say one more thing for the installers is like there's nothing worse than doing this bang up craftsman style job you

know whether it's a bunch of circles and your sheet vinyl or like curves and just different stuff and you're very proud of

it and then it fails because you got a bond failure because of site conditions that that sucks all around and so the

the one way you can you know protect yourself there is make sure your job site uh that you're well documented if

if you're um you know being forced into installing outside of conditions and the

form that you that Daniel was talking about was just merely uh you know the signoff form for

any flooring companies that are on here it's very clear in the rulings across

the United States on this matter it's our job not only to alert them that they're installing outside of

manufacturer specs but you need to tell them all of the possibilities of what

can happen due to doing that and make sure that you're held harmless and

indemnified from all things that could result from that including safety issues

that could result from peing tiles and these things and then like Daniel said

have your uh GC owner and uh um

architect sign off on that yeah yeah that like there there was a project that

we were on you know this years ago you know before floor before floor Cloud was on our radar and um I mean it it didn't

take much to to monitor site conditions right but we'd physically have to be there it's going to to Home Depot or you

know your box store and buying the thermostat that keeps track of the temperature and humidity I mean it's

it's kind of cheap insurance right but still that's something that job site was an hour and 20 minutes away so that's

where the pictures came in too where you know every morning I'd make my rounds take a a photo of them that way I have

daily readings but that still that's better than nothing I mean Flor better

yeah obviously a far superior and your sensors I'm going to give you as we close out here I'd like for you to tell

us a little bit about the quality of your sensors Scott and what set you apart from going down to Home Depot and

and doing that um you and I had previous talks about that so I want I want you to kind of touch on that because one of the

things uh you know what Daniel was hitting on there is is 100% true

something's better than nothing yeah yep yeah so so tell us a bit about the

sensors and and what makes them so special okay so these sensors are basically um came out of two different

use environments that we thought made great sense for our

trade um basically they they standards for accuracy um as they were used during

covid um on pallets of vaccines that were then shipped around in the cold

chain Logistics process so there's a real tight tolerance around how

that stuff has to be measured and recorded I said earlier there's a GPS tracking to it to within 30 feet but

they're also they can be regarded as an asset cracker and that that's basically

something that is being put on um backos and bulldozers and you know heavy equipment on sites is so they can be in

very rugged environments they their IP67 rated they can get wet they can get

dirty Dusty whatnot so they're they're very accurate yet very

durable awesome well that's what sets them apart guys so give Flor Cloud some

love I see we had a few uh clicks on the uh QR code already uh again encourage

your uh you know educate as Jose said uh your your companies that you may be

working with if you're an installer and companies um you know it's it's it's like Scott said it's pretty cheap

insurance so uh look forward to um you know seeing your success Scott with

floor cloud and more job sites and just better project outcomes that's really

what we all want so yeah and there was um Patrick was at where were we at the

summit with nfct and unite and gave a presentation on it and uh I actually

just released a little short earlier today and there'll be a few more just you know bits and pieces on on your

guys' software coming out on on the social media so we definitely he he definitely did a good job on that and

the the video that you guys put together is is great and I'm looking forward to to using your

guys' stuff in the future on some projects right Jonathan and uh Robert Varden both

said that you know they got him in the school so it's not just for job sites either it's anywhere that could be

valuable it doesn't have to be just job site specific they want to keep make sure that the schools are you know

staying within tolerance too and that that's huge yeah and those guys are starting to integrate it into a little

bit of the curriculum um but just want to thank you guys for having

us on you know I think what you guys are doing for the industry is huge and um we're going to help spread the word

too about the Huddle and go careera so awesome we appreciate that well thanks Scott Jose Daniel guys it was another

awesome episode it was a great chat with you guys again and Scott when we when we

end the live don't get off we always forget to tell

people okay all right right well huddle crew huddle team uh until next Tuesday uh

you'll catch us on all the social channels uh if you see us on any of

those give us a like give us a subscribe you know make a comment tell us what we're doing great what we're following

and uh give us some more topics to discuss we love when you guys give us those topics from the audience because

that helps us to uh you know obviously Aggregate and communicate better

uh with what you guys are facing out in the field all the time and in your businesses so from there we'll catch you

guys later as great having you Scott and thanks everybody for uh your participation and comments thanks guys

we'll see you next week thanks a lot thank you [Music]



The Huddle - Episode 90 - Floor Academy Crossover with Kyle Hedin


The Huddle - OVERTIME The Power of Partnerships