This week as the guys prep to attend TISE in Las Vegas, NV, they discuss the importance and different ways that an installer can network to grow their business and make meaningful connections in their community.

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The Huddle was created by Paul Stuart of Stuart & Associates and Go Carrera, alongside Jose and Daniel Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring. Aimed at helping you maintain forward progress in your flooring career, they cover topics from personal and business growth, to installation tips & tricks and everything in-between.

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what's up floring family welcome to the Huddle technical difficulty sorry for

being a little bit late here but uh as you know we get together every Tuesday

at 3 pm Central to discuss maintaining forward progress in your flooring career I hope it's warm wherever you

guys are at we got a sparse two degrees or three degrees here

little bit of snow on the ground what about you fellas up there in Michigan we got dumped on yeah yeah we got little

more than a little bit of snow it's uh it's pretty dangerous out on the roads right

now well be careful out there family um today we're g to be talking about

networking um a lot of the the podcast in the past

we've discuss this I mean it's kind of a com it's almost as common thread as

communication but uh we're going to be talking about the power of networking uh

networking in general and um as we're coming up

on Ty this next week so again uh Ty starts on let's see when does it

actually start starts on that Wednesday starts on 22nd right nope 24

24th 24th is when it starts so if you are

looking at uh a fun trip come to Vegas and join us at TI uh if you're going to

be there please stop by and come see us hey Kathy thanks for joining um so it's about networking

growing and improving your business and it starts with networking because if you're a new business owner or you're a

new into flooring uh whether it's like um a new installer or you're you're

starting out your flooring company networking is key these gentlemen up in Grand Rapids do a ton of networking

locally and then you have your National networking and Industry networking um so

you guys do some chamber events and different things like that a lot of that

gets a A I think a bit of a negative skew um you guys have enjoyed your

chamber time and and uh yeah and and gotten a lot of value out of it haven't

you yeah 100% I mean I I don't anytime you're putting yourself out there right

you're putting your brand out there you're putting your business name out there whatever you're doing you're putting it out there and you can't you

can't put yourself out there by sitting sitting in the in in the house on the couch you got to get out you got to meet

people who got to shake a hand um especially now after covid um meeting in

person is so much more valuable than text message or email or socials like this

right face to face is priceless yeah I tell you what Co gave you a new um appreciation for getting

together I remember the first uh the first TI first uh convention after covid was

one of those deals where everybody was so happy to see one another they were hugging and stuff it was crazy

it oh it was crazy uh so Rand uh stated that everybody needs to

go to the seminars on the 23rd so look up at on Ty's website just Google Ty uh

2024 and you'll find it and um there's a

lot of very valuable seminars on the 23rd I know rollin's running one of them

I believe uh so is he should as he should on

networking uh yeah getting together with your local community is always valuable I've I've gotten a lot of opportunity

over the years just by being out and getting to know people I'm an introverted person uh naturally it just

is how I am and it's one of those deals

that I've had to overcome over my lifetime I I I've got to be willing to

put myself out there and go go talk to people and speak in front of people and that is a muscle I will tell you that

you need to start working to build and the local chamber is a great place to

cut your teeth at doing that then these you know we we're always

pushing convention U CFI fci's conventions both

of those and then we did it jointly last year so I'm hoping they do that again this year um and then

uh you know the networking and uh the the friendships that you're going to

build at Ty and at these events specifically CFI if you're an installer

that CFI FCI is that that's a really fun event if you're an installer to get to

so you know um yeah so networking is hugely important I know it sounds like

pretty Elementary but so many people are scared to get to put themselves out there and I

was one of them so um I can tell you that the more you work that muscle and I

believe it's a muscle it's not some disability that you can't overcome uh it's a muscle you got to just be willing

to to uh start exercising so tell me about easier does get a lot

easier I mean look at Daniel Daniel's semi introvert right pretty

introverted he just doesn't doesn't like to have conversations if they don't need to be had well we got you anytime we

need somebody to go break some ice we just said 100% that's what I

do H quick shout out to David Barons for joining and uh commenting thanks for

joining us um so yeah tell me tell me some times

where you guys may have you know seen some actual growth from Network

I've got some some stories to share around that regard as well so growth are

we are we talking more personal growth we talking business growth we talking you know just just in well when we're

talking about in uh when we're when we're talking about you being a entrepreneur or your own business they

go hand inand anymore don't they I mean there's not a way to to separate your personal or business kind of growth I

think they're so tied to one another um you know if you are out and about in a

personal Manner and you get friends I've I've seen it happen both ways friends of mine have hired me to do work for them

and build things for them and then friends of mine have joined businesses

with me um and then business associates I've become really good friends with so

it gets into a muddled kind of uh muddled thing but you know getting getting together and networking with

purpose um yes you know going to different trainings you'll you'll get

yourself well someone just stated this looks like about a foro job uh he he's

talking about it when Daniel went and helped out right yeah and that all happened because of networking we met

Jimmy at you know certifications and without that he wouldn't have had that contact information to just

you know contact me and say hey basically I need some help on this project will you come help me and I went down there and spent the day with him

and he was able to finish it successfully and that's what it's all about yeah that's what networking can do

right there so um you know improving your business I think it goes hand inand with

that as well uh because when I go to uh we're a member of fuse at my flooring

company when I go to the fuse conference and or the FC conference and you're

networking with everybody there you're learning new business uh strategies new

business approaches that uh you know we've implemented and gotten better um

sometimes we put our own tweak on it and that's what's that's just part of uh you know adding your flavor to a new

strategy but all those things matter guys and um you that's a fantastic point

right there too and um sometimes just being a flly on the wall um and

listening for a little bit before you actually interject or or um put your your two cents in or add to what they're

doing is is worth its weight and gold as well um it might clear up some of your scattered thoughts and some of the the

the items you're dealing with uh I know that I've done that a couple times just sit back listen soak it all in and go

aha Aha and then you start like well now I want to know this like what do you guys do when you do this what about this

have you guys ever experienced this and that's that's what networking is all about it's just about bouncing uh ideas

back and forth and absorbing whatever you can and sharing whatever you can it's as simple as

that yeah and people are appreciative when you're when you help them out a little bit I mean uh I've got a couple

of guys on Facebook that have reached out to me uh here and there for some advice they've started a new flooring

company somewhere and just lowlevel like

how do I do this how do I do that and uh you know I put myself in the position to

just kind of help them out and you that's how friendships are born too I've got a lot of

friends that I've gained through this industry and through uh the trade shows

and networking there's multiple people I would have never met uh including the two G the co-hosts here that or the host

whichever way you want to say it uh you know I met I met Daniel and Jose at at

CFI I believe or maybe it was Ty actually I think it was FC FC actually

it was everywhere my brother's in the house and you know what I did I did hear

you say Dave Barons right I heard you say that Dave Barons is watching yeah on uh Facebook yeah speaking of networking

you know like if if you go back to David Baron I actually worked for that guy he owned a local flooring company here

years ago uh when I was really really young um and and that helped networking as well that

helped with that muscle is uh I came in very young age became a leader very

quick for him and um it definitely my people skills were still really raw back

then as far as my patience but it it it definitely helped uh exercise that muscle as far as being able to to speak

up when needed to say something in a crowd full of strangers and not feel out of

place yeah I've I've uh once you've worked at I I keep calling it a muscle

but once you've gotten used to doing it you'll also reach out to new contacts that you may not know and you have more

confidence in doing that then uh that all these things are taking the next step I just advised a guy like get out

and get in the industry or get out and get in your community uh do those things to network and grow your business know

what your business does that set you apart this one of the things I I really try to

um uh uh make sure they're impart people when I'm talking about networking is you

know be prepared what is your you your unique um approach to our business or as

an installer um I've learned a lot from guys like yeah I don't mess with any of that big commercial work what I really

do is you know custom residential stuff

uh some guys come to mind there and I also know guys that would just soon never touch a residential job in their

life and and just wants to do the uh you know um commercial job so understand

what your unique approach to our industry is whether you're an installer or a flooring company and um you know be

have that on Q uh be be ready to talk about your business when you're doing

your networking so Hey Kevin you gotta let us know what booth number you're

at yeah toss that booth number up there Kevin Mario in the house too he just

said I love custom residential well there you go um Mario's in the

house floor God oh yeah so guys ECT there let's talk about

uh H how it improves your business when you network with other companies uh that

can get to feel like you're in compet you're working with your competition but

some of the best flooring contractors I know really work closely or work well

with other flooring contractors and and learn from them has that been your experience yeah I mean you were here

right when we had that event when you were when you came over here and I mean they came in here asking questions too

so that's what it's all about you know you know if if anyone can help anyone else with something that they've already

been through that's the the key right there and I think we said it last week

too where it's a matter of uh understanding and knowing your strengths and weaknesses and then recognizing the

other installers or or company strengths and weaknesses and trying to build something on that you don't always have

to self- sustain yourself right you can you can seek help elsewhere they can

seek your help and you guys can succeed together even if it is only a couple projects a year or even one project at

that um you can find success in any little uh Endeavor like

that for sure I'll say one one thing about uh this whole idea of networking

and growing your business it is the best type of business you'll get if you're in the commercial world or even in the

residential world and you have to consistently be the low bid to to win the project if you don't get out and

network and build those relationships uh you'll be stuck in that world for a long time uh building those um those strong

bonds with other uh with your community uh I'll tell you a quick story our uh

one of our coordinators was getting a some dental work done and they asked

what he does and he started into the spill so you want this to filter down to your people too if you're in the floor

you know if you have employees but he started telling them we're in the flooring uh business and we do this and

that and the other you know we do carpet U uh lvt sheet vinyl and all and he goes

through the spill and we're doing that job they reached out to us to to bid a job and it was one of our coordinators

that that that said that so that's the that's the power if you set the good example as a leader of getting out there

and put put yourself out there so will your employees and you'll be surprised when you get a a new dental office or a

dental office rebundle in this case uh just because the guy went and got a tooth fil or whatever it was so and that

goes to show like uh you know that that old saying which is is probably for me like one of the furthest things from the

truth is uh it's it's uh all on who you know right like I I understand that who

you know could get you invited to places but it's who knows you because who you

know isn't going home thinking about you right is when they know when they know you they're going home thinking about it

and I think uh we learned that uh at the chamber at the chamber yes some of some

of those meetings and networking and trying to figure that out and and realizing that our approach uh although

it wasn't incorrect it wasn't streamlining um any of our uh networking

at all but once uh once we started marketing ourselves in a different Manner and understanding that we had to

put ourselves out there um that's when more attention came our way when more attention came our way we

we had conversations you know we we don't always have uh the answers but we sure can find the solution and that was

uh that was part of what what helped us out there's been plenty of times where especially lately the chamber like just

showing up to these events you're on everyone's you're on the top of their mind right so if they see you the more

often they see you then then the flooring comes up and they're like o I know who can do this for you like they

don't necessarily have to like have anything done by you it's

just seeing you everywhere everybody wants to know a guy right I know a guy I

got a guy a it's a branding uh you're starting to Brand yourself it's like uh who was it Jay-Z said I'm not just a

business man I'm a business man you know like you you are your business and the

way you present yourself and go out and Network and and help people solve problems the more opportunities going to

open up for you so you know this is not a long form uh conversation or long form

like uh title or subject it's pretty simple you know get out work that muscle

go meet some people in your local community you'll get some opportunity from that get to know people in the

industry though that's my biggest kind of uh um I think that's what our

industry needs our industry needs you and you need our industry if you're in

floing it's a it's a mutual thing like the industry needs more of the people

that join us on this podcast to also uh get out and and go to the shows uh you

know our feeds going crazy right now and it's people that are are interested in

in this business and and get out and you know do that networking they know each

other and uh you know if I have a problem with the flooring project or we're running short I know who I'm going

to call you know and so a lot of that's um very beneficial in you building your

business especially if you're pretty early um and then making those relationships with guys like Kevin with

Roberts and and your your sales reps and things like that and you know making those those contacts so what else

um what's your guys's thoughts around you know we've talked about networking

how it can grow your business and but a little bit of personal what's that do for you from a personal level you know

we know that it kind of crosses over so you know what happens well just on a if

we're talking about like um Dwayne when I met him he thought that I

was I can't remember the word that he used think of a couple

yeah but then he met me and he was like you're nothing like I thought you were gonna be and that's like an online

Persona is totally different than meeting someone in person 100% 100% well

and and and frankly judging before you actually get to know him a little bit because if if you're introverted which

is like you're you're just not that you know robust person out there uh you can

seem scary to approach but I've I would

say uh kind of getting over that and getting going and then I've always used

Dwayne who you speak of uh the same way I've used Jose like hey

man who who is that oh I'll introduce you come on I mean that guy is fearless

I uh a fearless networker and

a Fearless guy to go and uh talk to anybody at any show anywhere regardless

of who they are um so yeah commercial and residential lover

that's a superpower brother it's a superpower um the I do wanna do want to

add real quick I'm sorry I didn't mean to cut you off uh but like when if you guys are out there networking and you

have someone who is semide decent at networking and you see someone struggling to mingle and say hello give

them a little kick give them a little boost um you know sometimes that's all they need in order to come out of that

shell and you know it it Daniel an introvert you're an introvert and that's

all it is is you come out that shell just that much you just need that little nudge and then you find it easy for the

next hour and a half and then you go back into your little your little hermit crab and and go back to the room

whatever whatever introverts do I don't really know what you guys

do well I we don't just sit in the hotel room and and cry uh it's just that that

and it's not even you know that you're afraid to talk to people all the time the fact is is that an introvert is

someone who doesn't walk away from a big social interaction that is uh and you

walk away from that energized I feel depleted in those situations you

probably Jose leave some big party and you're like let's go I've got my business developers that way she can go

to a an event and then a party and stay just as enthusiastic and want to do

another one after the first one I'm ready to go home and go to bed yeah you know it's

uh I'm ready to go home and go to bed too but I always feel like there's somebody else that I need to talk to

there's somebody else that I might be be missing an opportunity with and that's

usually what leads me on however when I'm tired I'm done with people um it's ready or I'm ready to go

to sleep it's time to go to bed yeah I love that people are chiming

in about their success with with this topic and and how they've applied it uh

to their business and I need I need to go ahead and remember to plug that if you're watching us on YouTube and you

appreciate the content or if you hate it give us a thumbs up or a thumbs down uh subscribe so you can keep figuring out

if you love or hate it and uh you know it helps our Channel gain some traction

on the different uh networks and uh we want to be able to come to you guys every single week as we have for 80 plus

episodes now and um you know deliver at the best content we can uh we have had

more people on this year already and we're going to continue to do that we're going to have some more guest and next

week at TI we are going to have the Huddle at the same time time we're going

to do two overtimes though uh we're going maybe three so we're going to be

shooting uh Tuesday Wednesday and possibly Thursday um and then we want also want

to live stream the the insulation Competition winner yeah so we're gonna

we're gonna be uh all over next week so if you don't catch us on on Tuesday you got Wednesday Thursday and probably even

Friday to uh catch us we're going to be working with uh we've got several guests

um we're we're there's a lot going on so make sure to join us next week uh same

bat Time same bat place but also we're doing a couple overtimes and at the

minimum like uh Daniel just said so we're gonna be shooting a lot and um we

hope to meet everybody there come up and and uh if you want to be on one of the the uh podcast one of the live streams

you know hook up with one of bu uh Ben Walker for the podcast or the the

backpacks I mean yeah that's where you'll find us yeah yeah we're hook up

with one of us and uh we're going to be trying to talk about some great topics we we've got some good stuff going on so

I look forward to seeing everybody next week um thanks everybody for joining us

yeah thanks everybody for joining us again if you're catching us uh on

YouTube or Instagram feed or Facebook feed follow

our Pages uh engage with us I appreciate everybody who is um you know in the chat

right now going nuts I love it and I hope that um you know we get to meet you

at TI and get you on the show ourselves so yeah I hope Dirk finds a roommate he's looking for someone to split a room

down at TI nice

well like not everyone knows everything like the floor guide does you just have to you know what you

know this is true all right guys well uh any closing

uh comments statements encouragement for the for the audience yeah just get out um put

yourself uh in an uncomfortable position and then get comfortable being uncomfortable um it's the best advice I

can get you um it's not always easy to get out in Network and and put yourself

out there just make sure you don't got no boogers hanging out and you'll be [Laughter] good just put yourself out there man

like that's what we're all here for if you're uncomfortable come to us we make people more comfortable

because you just come hang out and we introduce you to everyone that we know

then you're not a stranger anymore yeah if you're new to T come come hook up with us we'll introduce you to as many

people as we can uh I'll tell you another thing uh you hit on there Jose

was uh get comfortable being uncomfortable uh that's some life advice

really the truth is is um I've learned in my life and I'm telling you right now

there there is no Champions on the couch the the most comfortable place you can think of your couch or your bed

Champions don't live there man they're they're up doing uncomfortable things and always trying to push himself

whether you're a champion in Life or a champion in basketball I don't care it's like get out get uncomfortable and get

used to it yeah if you if you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got right so

correct if we're saying these little on liners do what you're supposed to do when you're supposed to do it so you can

do what you want to do when you want to do it or stop talking about it and do it we're gonna have to do a whole podcast

on on some oneliner quotes dude I got a lot lot I got a lot all right gentlemen

well we're g to cut it out I hope everybody found some value and uh little

nuggets a lot of times you know they're not huge audacious audacious topics but

they're some of these are the most important you go Implement you go get yourself uh uncomfortable and you put

yourself out there uh give yourself the chance to get to know people and get and

people to get to know the real you and you'll find some friends not only in the indust but in life so with that we'll

break this huddle and uh see you guys on Tuesday of next week and and join us for

all the episodes uh I believe we're gonna get them set um on T probably

Tuesday morning for the overtime so just the time change is

probably going to throw everyone off it's going to be at 1: p.m. Vegas time so if you're there you want to actually

join us on the Huddle get a hold of us and we we'll be happy to have you on especially that first one the next few

are kind of uh some scheduled stuff but on that first one we'd like to have anyone on that wants to be on

Amen all right gentlemen it was a pleasure and can't wait to see you guys

next week yes Vegas time so Vegas time wher you're

at you can do the calculation it'll still be 3 pm Central and 4m

Eastern and yeah so all right guys well it was a pleasure

can't wait to see you guys and break some bread and hang out a little bit so until then dude dude catch you on the

next it's B some tacos bro Bend some tacos man we're Mexican bro we don't break bread we B tacos come on man well

you guys love your tacos I know that for damn sure I was out there and enjoying myself it's how I keep my figure okay

I'm sorry all right everyone see you guys all right see you guys



The Huddle - Episode 82 - Live from TISE 2024


The Huddle - Episode 80 - Get Trained, Get Paid