The Huddle - Episode 78 - 2023 Recap & 2024 Projections

This week the guys hit memory lane over the past year to reflect on past episodes, changes in the industry, and more, all while also making predictions on what changes we might see in 2024.

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Go Carrera initiated the Forward Progress CIM Scholarship because we believe in supporting professional flooring installers and providing them with educational opportunities to improve their future and encourage ‘forward progress’ in their careers. We value continuing education and believe access to advancement opportunities will ensure a rewarding installation career and a possible future in installation management. FCICA shares these values, which is why Go Carrera is a proud member of FCICA and strong supporter of the Certified Installation Manager (CIM) Program.

Please complete the application to be considered for this scholarship. The closing date for application submissions is Monday, December 18, 2023. One online CIM Program scholarship will be awarded. Applicants will be notified after the review period by January 8, 2024.

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The HUDDLE is where the flooring industry can get together and talk about everything! Lead by Paul Stuart from Go Carerra who is joined by Daniel and Jose Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring.

Merry Christmas flooring family welcome to the Huddle we're here even the day

after Christmas to discuss maintaining forward progress in your flooring

career with me Staples Mr Daniel and Jose Gonzalez up in Grand Rapids you

just call us the vatos the vatos from the north

uh funny story I was up there and it was snowing and now it's nice up there and I'm back in Witchita and it's snowing

here so not sure sure if it's me or what but uh it was a pleasure hanging out

with you guys and um yes sir Merry Christmas how'd you guys' Christmas go

do good ate a lot of food still have a lot of leftovers in the fridge hey man that's one of the best

things about Christmas is The Leftovers man I'll get home tonight about day three kind of get sick of them but

tonight I'm kind of anxious to uh get to the house and see what the wife uh

scurries up from all the leftovers that's the best best though watching hey

Rin hope you had a good Christmas yeah Merry Christmas to everybody uh couple quick house uh

what's that called house cleaning house yeah we'll call housekeeping call

them housekeeping it is housekeeping few housekeeping items uh first off the sim

scholarships uh closed but we had 22 applicants which is the highest number

not only that we've had which we only have one year to compare to but also one of the higher years that the FCC has had

as far as the scholarships concerned so thank you everybody for participating we

will be uh announcing the winner on January 9th on the Huddle so make sure

that if you did um uh you know enter into that scholarship that you're uh

there you don't have to be present to win but uh you can hear your name announced on that we'll pull it live but

we'll like you more if you are there when it's announce we'll definitely like you

more um and then we're going to be moving into a new kind of uh platform hopefully

uh you guys will notice a a better produ coming in 2024 here and uh also we're

going to just kind of review 2023 some of the some of the best topics got the most uh engagement and uh have a little

discussion about 2024 where not only where the Huddle's going uh or this

podcast the Huddle but also just kind of what we're seeing uh from economic uh

reports and such so with that being

said I will start off with

saying bringing up a few of our um best topics of last year

so uh one of the series that I enjoyed the most is called re the relationship

series we did a four-part uh relationship series with your crew General Contractors homeowners than your

vendors uh but some of the best performing was no wrong way to start

your business episode 37 uh mindset of success episode 40

which um I'm gonna do a plug here I've actually followed a kind of a routine in

my life for the last several years and uh have assembled that into a journal um

that I try to journal daily try to live my life with intent uh So speaking of

success I've uh started working on a a journal to follow the way that I've kind

of keep my life in line and keep my uh smile on my face even when the when the days are hard and running several

companies with a ton of employees and um a lot of the stress that goes along with

that how I stay grounded and so I'm actually going to be publishing that uh here in a few weeks um I'll show it to

you guys but if you're interested Ed in that journal I'm going to give away like

I don't know 20 free copies I'm going to send some up to my boys up in Michigan

um if they would like to have them I guess I didn't even ask but uh I'll send them to you and you can give them away

if you don't want them how's that um that's fine that's fine brother we won't we're giving away to to good people

there you go um you guys have good practices in your dayto life already but if you don't and you want to live your

life a little more intently with a little more intention um this has just

been the practice that has helped me and I wanted to build it for myself to put it all into one uh deal where I'm not

writing in multiple books and multiple uh you know Journal here uh goals here

and this there and I put it all into one book with one layout and so it's pretty

cool um I'm excited to share that with everybody um it will be on Amazon uh for

purchase if if and in our store maybe maybe if preferred likes it they'll

they'll throw it in their store but um uh it's really helped me um so

anyway that's a Shameless plug uh but the mindset of success uh we

talked a lot about things and a lot of that is in that journal so um number uh episode 47 the impact of

technology on the floor floring industry that that's a big one we're going to have to revisit that in 2024 because as

we stated in that um in that podcast technology is always changing it's

always improving constant Evolution man it's it happens so fast doesn't it yeah

probably already changed since that podcast well we get emails you know just from the software just on the updates

this is what's happening you know this is what's going to be changing and the the crazy thing is is that

once these these things start changing there's really no turning back right I mean just think of it in terms of of the

subscription model like QuickBooks for instance was before it was just a

straightup program now it's a subscription model with online and they're changing everything over to that

model and people are really angry but it's it's the evolution of the software

I mean that's what everyone is running to right now is that subscription model yeah and and it it's just part of

um you know technology in general whether it's the the way that it's um

paid for or the changes within it I mean the cloud you know the the the whole uh

Advent of cloud technology that allows us to store everything on uh you know

servers that are not anywhere near you you know that's what the cloud is um I

mean from that to to uh blockchain technology that's starting to find its

way into um into different te you know pieces of Technology where you share GPU

um Power from all the computers on the network it's it's crazy how where it's

going and uh it's just going to continue so you don't have to participate in every piece of technology but I would

tell you you should probably get up to speed on these things AI technology that

everybody talks about it's kind of a buzz word right now but I've used it

I've you know worked with chap GPT pretty uh in depth as well as mid

journey and and there's these there you know I don't use it a ton but at the time when I started messing with it I

just want to know about it you know what I mean I don't want to get left behind and that's what's going to happen

is you know there's a lot of people out there that are stubborn like I am or I I don't say I am lucky for your brother

yeah that that you know this is like dude I know how to do this already like this but I already know how to do it and it's just uh it's just one of those

things where it's changed right and we don't like change because we're already accustom of how we're doing it

but the reason that change is coming along is is to create efficiencies right and as long as you're willing to learn

it you'll become more efficient um it's just a matter of trusting trusting another process um

yeah yeah at least don't get outpaced by it I mean yeah you don't have to adapt

everything but you knowing about it you might find your own way about using your

current systems in a more efficient manner just don't understand until you dive into it and try to learn those

things most of it you can't break I mean you're not going to ruin it so just get in and play with the stuff uh get to

know it and get comfortable with it at the very least you won't be left behind conversations about it you know and kind

of kind of have a little bit of knowledge around it so um yeah we'll

definitely tag back on to that one um number episode 49 the importance of

safety protocol and OSHA regulations um have you guys ever

watched that Tik Tok of the world of Osha violations and yeah like come with

me in a world aosa violations yeah I won't try to sing because it's really

terrible but I will tell you that it's pretty funny stuff and you will find a lot of things in there that you'll be

like my God I can't believe people do that but um safety is very important

I've shared a few times on this podcast of when I've seen people get injured

pretty significantly I've cut myself I can't count how many times during uh the years of installing um smashed fingers

and all kinds of stuff that's taught me lessons so uh that was a a good

performer building a strong Rel relationship and oh I'm sorry actually

building a strong reputation episode 55 that was one of our better ones as

well that to me stands out because everything's about relationships I mean

I've gotten close to you guys and You' visited me and I've visited you and

we've hung out with each other's families and it's because we weren't shy

to talk to each other at a trade show that's really where it all started from you know so um building reputation and

relationships kind of go hand in hand probably why I stumbled on that um but

um that was a well um a well received

episode another one um balancing work and life one that's gonna be the hardest

one to to to figure out for sure yeah technolog is easy compared to

that one although it's uh it seems to be one of the one of the reasons you use

technology can you imagine doing the amount of work we do today without email or something like that or without

digital communication I mean we wouldn't be sitting on this podcast that's for sure let alone you know the efficiencies

that all that stuff brought it's pretty crazy to think of if you think 30 years back but it is crazy to

think the the the technology and how easy um the evolution of everything has

has made it to increase your volume of work right your job becomes easier so

you take on a little bit more then something else comes out makes it easier so you take on a little bit more next

know that's the tough that's the tough thing with balancing yeah and then then you compare what one individual does now

compared to what one individual did 10 years ago it's like

man yeah it's expected so technology can play a role in it but

it certainly makes it actually I think a little bit harder because it's hard to

unplug you know it is you're it's it makes it a lot easier to work

247 yep as I mean I know that we probably touched on it you know on a pre previous podcast but like when I was on

vacation in the Bahamas it's like I'm there working everyone's still

sleeping I'm sitting at the the dining room table working and I mean it paid off I ended up winning the bid that was

due that week so it's it's one of those things where it's like uh it's a blessing and a curse at the

same time yep for sure we'll hit on that one again I think

that's always a good one to revisit year uh right in line with that is

episode 72 which was addressing installer

burnout yeah and that goes hand in hand with the the work life balance R and

they were they were both well ACH uh received you know ran said that we should see what they used to do 140

years ago which was roughly I think he was roughly like 50 years in at that

point he yeah he was 27 well Rand could probably um well he's

always a wealth and knowledge but he I guarantee you his life has seen all those

Transformations and um probably ought to be a guest on those episodes yeah

100% that dude's always busy traveling to all these certifications and all that

though he is he was just on one not long ago I seen on Facebook and kudos to you

for always being that guy too that's uh

amazing another one that was uh well received was episode 74 a new generation

of Labor and I think that just um you know that's

going to be a a topic as long as we are probably around you know trying to pull

in that new generational labor I did watch a deal on um I think

it was YouTube about the trade wave they called it that you know yeah just so

many people um who went to college kind of got some you know BS degree in fact I

was talking to uh my daughter's boyfriend last night and he was talking about all the guys that went straight to

work out of high school he's got a business degree of some sort and uh he's

like they're all doing better than me it's like they just went and got jobs or

got in the trades and and uh that's often the the the case you know and not

just with college but but you know

getting getting into so many people got into computerized systems and computerized

things and and you know now now ai now now you got AI That's taking over a

lot of these uh me it can write code man um and and it's it's amazing what

that thing can do um as well as like everyday stuff I've

I've wrote some really complicated formulas in Excel because it helped me

to like talk it through and figure out it's it's pretty uh crazy so anyway

it was talking about the trade wave that a lot of people you know are going to realize that like uh in that particular

video is talking like this guy was saying guy or gal I can't remember but

talking about how uh their financially can't afford this and can't afford that

and and people are in their comments like I'm doing just fine I'm a carpenter I'm doing just fine I'm an iron worker

and well I think you can almost look at that and kind of see how you know a degree ree is almost the same thing as a

certification we we always say certification we always preach education and that's it's the same thing right

just because you have that piece of paper doesn't mean that you're any better than that person next to you it's what are you going to do with that piece

of paper and how are you going to Market yourself and you know learn even more to

be able to be like I I do have this piece of paper but I'm better because of this you know let me show you what I can

do and it's it's kind of the same thing it's that that degree only gets you so

far it gets your foot in the door but you still got to prove yourself the same thing as a certification it it's only a

piece of paper until you show people exactly what you're worth yeah yeah same yeah that's a good point I wonder if

there's a way to pull like a non-biased metric on the success rate of certain degrees in certain areas because like oh

they have it if you pull it from the University that you're getting ready to attend it's totally different than if

you pull it from like a national one it's like how would like who who's creating this I I think all they keep

track of the universities is how many people get hired right out of the school right yeah but it's again I'm I'm saying

like into the field and the field that they went to they went to school for and then well something like 70% of people

do not have jobs in their um in

their field yeah in their field to study so that's pretty telling right there I

think another thing to your point Dan that that should be thought about is the

one thing you don't get in college as as easily as you do in the

trades is the experience with those things so you can mesh experience and

education together so you're applying that so if you're in a field that you can go out and get

internships then yeah you and a lot of those are free whereas in the trade you

get paid for that time uh but you know internships are kind of

like our pay trainings which you know most most of the trades if you're if

you're getting a training and and while you're getting your years of experience

you're getting your certifications and different trainings throughout the your your life of your experience um I mean

that's where that's where kind of the rubber meets the road and you become real valuable right here says uh happy

holidays and he actually went to school for pharmaceuticals and worked in impatient Pharmacy for years so and now

he's he's that carpet guy man yeah some of the work that he does on uh Facebook

man that that stuff is amazing I like binding surging and all that custom Runner work his nickname should be

Sergio ve very Sergio he's very talented no doubt about

it and he's got um I'll tell you one thing he's got too is a great attitude I

like that guy a lot he's he's always had such a positive attitude and uh but yeah

that goes to show you like he's got a a degree in Pharmaceuticals and he's laying carpet but he loves it he's an

absolute Master at it and uh I think if you master anything you're GNA find success

[Music] so let me see what the other there was

one making the industry One Number 77 making the industry one I think that's got a lot to do with um the at the end

of the um the end of the day coming together we

know we're bit fragmented in the flooring industry compared to a lot of the others and that fragmentation is

somewhat uh our Achilles heel but we can come together we can keep building each

other up keep talking uh you know keep shooting podcasts and and uh hopefully

they that that help helps to mend some of those things and allow people to come

together and um you know look for the best of the industry and not just I

think one of the things that I've noticed in talking to a bunch of flooring contractors and a bunch of

installers is the the shortsightedness looking out for the

week or for the day or the month maybe at best and uh not really looking out

towards it you know towards the future um that seems to be getting a little bit

better and I got to give it to the installers to be honest with you they're starting to catch a little at least from

my conversations like okay you know like the even the training or the the uh

adoption of new technologies and things of that nature um they're a little bit more uh

ambitious than I gave them credit for you know a year ago and I say them I'm

one of them but uh at the end end of the day um you know the guys that are putting the floor down on a daily basis

you know the men and women out there knock it out of the park um you know I

think that the the embracing of of trying to build a a uh Community where

we're we are all together the manufacturers the flooring companies the

flooring dealers and the installers and and we all realize our jobs are to put

down sell and put down Great Floors that's the bottom line so I think that Jon here says good afternoon fellas and

you're talking about Community he's one of the the guys that's been in it around this area for a long time too and and we

rarely see him we see we probably see people across the us more than than we end up seeing him and he lives in the

same city right and it's just how do we how do we end up bridging that Gap and I

mean we've talked about it a few times and we just have to start planning something you know once you set a date

it's just it's there kind of like I mean what what we did when you came in was you know like like on the Fly and we

still had like 20 people here yeah just imagine what you can

do meetups installer meetups is I think

one thing that you know I'd like to uh explore here and and try to do a few in

2024 is just get together and do the discussion have a talk have some fun and

um you know one of the biggest manufacturers uh in flooring is kind of

on board with that idea like showing that Community can come

together not not like shoot arrows at each other that we see on Facebook I

know we bring that up a lot but if you get on Facebook groups at all it's hard not to bring it up you know yeah um the

amount of back and forth and I don't know if there's more negativity or positivity on there I think it's a it's

a it's a pretty good mixture right but it's the the thing is is that on the positive notes there will still PE be

people trying to bring it down and then the more you try to like not attack but

like tell these people like no man you just got to be easy on them they're they're asking for help you know and

then all they do is bring their negativity to every single positive post anyways but but you know what both sides

are I think both sides are contain uh if someone starts commenting on a negative one you know the people will

will follow suit until someone changes that and then and and then you see you'll see the

shift yeah so be positive guys I mean it's a lot better way to live I'll tell

you that um yeah so those installer meetups could

be you know really cool throughout 2024 not just go career throwing them at different places but like hopefully it

just can be somewhat of somewhat like what you guys did there um just having

an open door and you know allowing people to voice their opinions their

excitement their concerns and and what they want to see change in the industry but at the same time you know we even

had a manufacturer here right Jeremy from Sho showed up with some of the most delicious cookies I've ever had in my

life and uh those were some good cookies it was it was nice to I mean he was

there and he was trying to learn about about go Carrera too so it was it was nice to have someone there and actually

like like before he left he was like yeah I've always heard about it I've never been through like anything about

it he said this is a really good idea yeah well you know beyond idea I

could tell you that it's past that point it is past the idea point and one of the

the key points to all that is building a community building a community of installers

uh and become installer strong I just said that out and I might need might use

that become install strong um that's a new shirt uh but yeah you know coming

together and and and uh having the retailers or the local flooring

companies put something together and have the installers come together and

and not just the installers in your company but like the the entire community of installers in your area um

and uh because one thing I found is if it's just my company and those

installers do a lot of work for me from a subcontractor level you know they're they want me to be happy and I want them

to be happy and so there's some you know I want the guys that maybe don't do any

work for my flooring company to to talk and that's why I wanted to come up there and and have it up there where there's

no strings attached I just want to hear from the community um and in that in

that particular setting it was about what can go career do more to uh make your life better what what types of

deals can we Implement that would make the installer's life truly better and um

so yeah but having those community events where we come together you can see the benefit of it if you go to CFI I

mean those guys that's probably the one organization that does really good at at

coming together and and Rollin said that um that's why the the chapters you know

the CFI chapters are trying to bring them back that's why they work so well it's because you don't have to be CFI

certified in order to to come to the to the meetups and stuff like that but it's just showing people that you know we are

a community We're In It Together and Tanya said the same thing that we need to change it the every man for

themselves mentality and and you need to realize that

everyone wants everyone to succeed like I never look at anyone and like I hope they fail it's like you know we may not

see eye to eye but I still don't want you to fail I mean you never want to have that mentality um just last week

Thursday Jimmy reached out to me Jimmy Salisbury and um he he reached out about

a project probably a couple months ago and he was like you know asking me about material selections and then once once

he he made those selections then he's like I got the job and then it came down to hey I'm doing this job on

Thursday and I really don't feel comfortable will you will you come down and help he said just I remember that

yeah and we need a lot more of that too and you know that that's so I want to add on to that that that installer

strong because I I was right I was already writing stuff down on here about that and like like an installer town hall or something like that and I think

part of the part of the issue is is uh trying to find neutral ground right like I don't want any other installer to feel

like we're trying to just invite you over and then messing up your relationship with with any of the other stores you do work with no because

because we're an installer before we're a store and and um install local guys you guys have to understand that that's

how we're thinking right like we're not thinking get labor get get uh more

installers we're thinking we're installers what were we missing when we did it fulltime ourselves and that's

that's where where all this is is coming full circle and uh I I think got try to get it out there so that way they

understand this is all neutral this is all like at your own will we're not

ruining anything other stor bring come on like if you're another salesperson come join the the party too come and

learn about some other people um I think that we do need to start doing something like that we talked about it a few years

ago actually um and just never really followed up so shame on

us well I think one thing um that came out of the the

meeting down up at your guys's place was you know getting an online form where we all can communicate and come together

off of Facebook possibly and just have a you know more of a forum type deal uh

for announcements and things and that could be a real good place for whether

it's CFI or anybody putting on a you know a um local chapter you know gather

uh event or installer kind of gathering event put it on there advertise it on

the Forum to everybody and Heck if you're close within 30 45 minutes maybe

uh it would attract more people but that was one of the things that came came out of that was you know putting a form

together I want to test that a little bit and make sure it be utilized and if so I'm happy to build

it form together where we all we all can just you know voice you know have our

voices heard we're three guys that rather every week but having having some

central location to um explore a topic and start a conversation and then say

hey all right guys in this area we're gonna carry this on over here in person come on down you know you're right so

then it does give it a it does give it a a better better feeling right creates atmosphere before

you yeah so that's a few things um that I think you know we can all agree would

be helpful if it could be well attended um maybe have it launched out of the Goku app or have it vice versa or uh I'm

open if you'll comment on what you would like to see you know just a website

version kind of deal launching out of an application or how you would like to see

a forum be made that could um you know assembled in a way that could benefit

everybody um you know it also would help if you know installers in one side of the

country is having problems with the flooring product and you start to see these Trends on a certain flooring

product it's closed community we can talk how we want and maybe the next time

somebody grabs it you got a few tricks and tips that they've learned through that Forum that helps them get that

product down without you know as many problems or maybe sometimes just stare away from it

I'll leave it at that so 2024 how's how's the year looking uh up in your guys neck of the

woods from a overall you know uh construction maybe uh Outlook or

attitude is it still still buildings people still doing stuff it seems to be

a lot of Education um stuff coming back around again I think we're I don't know if it's every other year every three

years that mean there's some every year right but now they're cycling some some larger projects seems to be more

government projects uh coming across the uh the desk right now and and I think

that that's I don't know if that's going to be the whole thing but that's what's there right now as far as this the

summer coming I I I don't have a metric in front of me for that and I haven't I

haven't looked on some of the local uh uh some of our local affiliates uh yet

haven't really dug too deep and all that I just go to the meetings and we talk about some stuff very Loosely but that's

about it right I think um the ABC the builders were are they do their

projection every year and I think that one is slated to go in January or something like that they're meeting so

the last time we went to one of those they they were pretty spot on with everything I mean they have the the

resources and stuff to keep track of that kind of stuff and I mean they they straight up said in there they were like

you know we see commercial going this way we see residential going this way and that's almost exactly what happened

and now um that was commercial going this way and residential going this way

um is and that's what happened and I think um like the the projections that I've

been hearing on um other you know different forms of media are almost

like a commercial may end up slowing down a bit and residential may end up

picking up because there the loans and stuff are the interest rates are starting to kind of level out and so we

have an election coming up of course so we yeah that there's a lot of stuff going in 2024 gentlemen so

yeah yeah I I um so a few sources uh say a lot of the similar

things if you if you chop commercial up into um sectors the healthc care sector

is going to continue to to um stay steady uh didn't seem like it was going

to have the same growth that it had last year a lot of that was uh rollover from covid so a lot of projects that got

stopped and this was Nationwide um rolled over into 22 and

23 and uh so that's why those two years were so good for health care but it it

came off of they were still increases from 2019 so they were preco increases

and um it looks like that is probably going to stay steady which is not at

least it's not turning down uh government work is in particular look you know I hate to say it I wish we

weren't but we're in we're in Wars I I mean whether it's proxy wars or actual

Wars um anytime that happens the government's you know trying to recruit

and they're trying to you know remodel I've seen five different barracks in our

area go up for for bid to remodel the barracks and um that's just in Kansas so

and these are huge projects so that makes a lot of sense too because

now the um the office Personnel that is in charge of you know facilitating the rest of it they're trying to make their

place look a lot better too that's what I'm saying it's a recruiting tool hey come join us we just remodled this stuff

well you seen it in student housing look at student housing today versus back you know

you know 25 30 years ago you went to college and it was a it it was like the

dorm dorm rooms that you see in the old movies you know it was not a place that was uh exceptionally special now they

are like little condos you know super nice lvt floors everywhere uh you know

beautiful finishes and and nice appliances I mean it's it's uh pretty

crazy and the government's doing the same thing you got to attract people and get them to you know come join and you

get I was in the military so um you know just National Guard but um still the the

idea of like joining um getting paid and then rooming

board and all that stuff in the barracks I mean you don't pay none of that and if it's a nice place to stay and so they're

they're using it as a recruitment tool possibly uh I would assume as well but

those types of projects are are seem to be not only have I seen that happening it's

also kind of the AGC and and the AIA their Billings kind of reflect that as

well uh AIA Billings for 2024 seem to be soft compared to 23 so take that for

what you will that can turn around in a in a yeah in a contract just a few

months I mean it could turn around and all of a sudden 24 be blown that out so that's a tough metric to follow um but

all in all the interest rates are going uh they've you know obviously paused rate hikes they start the fed's been

really doish on their talk and the way that they're uh you know addressing the

economy so it's likely that we see a another pause coming up or even possibly

you know the first quarter you start to see um you know rates coming down you

start seeing that liquidity come back in the market because they start reducing rates and home owners are going to start

buying because they know they can refinance if it goes down again and so

as opposed to on an uptick it starts to really cause problems uh the theory is

that once you get close to the top uh in commercial it it causes a boon you know

at the first because everybody's trying to get their projects financed at a rate before the next rate

increase and then as it gets close to the top or it sounds like it's close to

the top people stop doing things because they both residential and Commercial because they believe that you

know it's going to do this and you're going to start to you know top out and you don't want to pay a higher rate if I

can just wait a few months for my building or something and then once they start ticking down you'll start to see

those projects coming back to life and uh the knowing that they they'll just

refinance all the way down so it's an interesting um that's not my theory it

was just something that was been posed to me I go to a lot of uh you know I'm member at Stuart and Associates our

company's a member of fuse so I get to go and hear their e economic Outlook every year as well as I uh I do a lot of

reading on macroeconomics and such and so um and the AGC does a good job of of

publishing some of that stuff as well so it looks like it should be a pretty

steady year uh I think 2024 will be the year for the go-getters frankly I don't

think that it's going to be easy but uh I think there's going to be work out there and the go-getters who are paying

attention to uh what where the projects are and and you know doing some research

on on where to focus their attention uh will do pretty well in 2024 maybe even separate themselves a bit from other

installers and other companies and such says that um he heard that llc's in 2024

is going to be a little bit different when you first set them up and I haven't heard anything about that I know that um

like anything other than a C Corp you're going to have to provide the government with information on whoever is more than

a 25% owner so that's one of the big changes so I mean it's going to come to

light where all you're you're essentially going to know who owns every single

small business yeah beneficial ownership is what they call it and um the banking

industry's done that for quite a while uh if you open up a bank account for an LLC or a C Corp or an es Corp rather uh

you know well C corp's always been that way you got to show The Beneficial owners and now it's moving to the es

Corps and the the llc's for beneficial ownership uh to show whoever's 25% or

more not just the majority owner um I'm not sure if that's what he's talking

about or if there's some other things I don't uh currently have an LLC so

haven't looked into it recently uh but that's one of the other things that

seemed to come up you know having a an accountant on tap inside you know

available for installers to like utilize uh was another you know whether it's for

questions like that hey I read this article what's this mean to me you know uh with a with an thing that came up

yeah that's almost like a subscription based model too because uh my friend Colin lives in California but works at

one of the universities and he said even one of the UN the university he works at out there does a prepaid legal now to

where they pay I think he said like $14 a month and you can ask them any questions you want they review whatever

documents huh H so you figure I mean everyone that works in a university

you're looking at a few hundred people and if you expand that to like go Carrera and it's like got you have

thousands of people that that are doing that that would yeah there's been a

there was a deal called prepaid legal at one point um I think the the for lower

needed you know right legal advice same thing with the accounting I I think

those two uh things could be really beneficial in 2024 for you know all

installers to have access to that kind of thing yeah one of the there was a guy

that was in here um a week or two ago and I was like do you have an accountant he's like no and I'm like I mean there's

no shame in that man like when we first started I did our own our taxes and everything too and it's everything gets

to that point when you're like it's probably not the best

idea yeah have an account and have a or access to an accountant and access to a

to a uh to an attorney is I think Paramount in business so no matter what

level you're at you gotta say it in a different way you gotta say having someone else who's gonna take full

responsibility if there's an error is worth his way and gold that's how you gotta man that's how you gotta attract

people somebody would have said that to me years ago i' been like oh oh okay so it's messed up it's their fault okay

okay we'll go with it that's yeah that's that's why you want an accountant to do your taxes not that they you're not

still ultimately responsible but they definitely are going to you get a set of

reviewed financials and they have to sign off on that uh depending on the size of your company and how much you

know effort goes into a review a set of reviewed financials this is off topic a lot but uh you know it could be anywhere

from four to eight $10,000 but that is them signing off that the information is

Le is uh accurate and then of course that they've gotten your signature that

you've provided them with all the accurate information so well with that guys I I

am gonna cut this short this uh episode I hope everybody's doing wonderful out there please if you're watching us on

whatever social network or YouTube you know give us a a like subscribe to our

channel uh possibly leave a comment that that's what helps us out a lot is is

hearing from from the audience and allows us not only to yeah we don't even

care if you don't like it leave a comment and tell us what you think we're doing wrong uh we're we have thick skin

and can U and uh we can handle that so yeah 100% come and join better amen come

join us we're happy to have any uh we're going to have a few episodes in 2024

we're just you know I'm going to try to make it to where we can have you know maybe max out the our new platform to 10

and have you know a bunch of as many installers as we can get on there and

just just do what we do here which is wrap together and talk about uh have a

topic and and uh you know have a a bigger group of guys uh chatting it up

so happy New Year to everybody Merry Christmas I hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas uh you know get

prepped for the new year and uh and uh I'm really excited for 2024 with not

only go Carrera but as well as the Huddle and what content we're going to try to provide and some of the uh

impacts that we're going to try to have in the industry uh we've been here for

77 78 episodes we're not going anywhere we're still here we're g keep going guys

so uh join us uh and if you want to join us you can always shoot a email to

support at go Carrera you can email either one of the fellas too and um ask to be on the podcast we'd love to have

you on as long as you're uh you know you keep that positive mindset we could talk about difficult things and still keep a

positive outlook on how to solve those problems bring the negative on so that way we can find solutions for

it yeah positive mindset with negative uh things is one thing yes and we can

always deal with that so all right guys well I hope you had a Merry Christmas uh it's nice to catch up with you today and

um you know best of luck this uh coming new year and and hopefully all your wishes come true on on uh Christmas here

so yeah we'll talk to you in uh in the New Year next all right see you next

year see you guys thanks [Music]



The Huddle - Episode 79 - Pros and Cons of Subcontracting; Tax Season


The Huddle - Episode 77 - Making the Industry One