The Huddle - Episode 7 - Trade Shows; What Attracts Installers
This week Paul talks with Jose and Daniel Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring discuss upcoming Trade Shows, and how they benefit the Installer.
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The HUDDLE is where the flooring industry can get together and talk about everything! Lead by Paul Stuart from Go Carerra who is joined by Daniel and Jose Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring.
welcome everybody to this week's um
it's episode seven
and um
every week we come to you as usual with
daniel and jose
and the whole goal here is to move your
flooring uh business or career forward
so we like to call it forward progress
uh today's a pretty light-hearted show
uh or huddle we're really wanting to
just kind of talk about experiences at
trade shows and what attracts installers
um i know you guys go to these uh to a
lot of different trade shows just
wanted to chat super quick uh it's day
after holiday so it's kind of a short
week we're gonna keep this hu this
huddle short as well
but uh
i think it'd be beneficial the more
installers i found a ton of value going
to the to the different shows and uh i
thought we'd maybe just chat about that
a little bit
anybody feel like jumping in
uh and as a note we're right on the
on the cusp of uh cfi convention so
that's coming around the corner here at
the first of next month a little less
than a month away so it's probably good
timing to talk about you know what are
the goods uh out there
um that that can attract installers to
get to some of these shows uh you know a
lot of companies go but what about the
what about us
i think uh
when we started going it was really for
the installation competition which
they're also doing
the the preliminary installation
competition i think they have like three
or four different um
kind of regional
deals that they're trying to do and to
to get people to go to um surfaces this
year and competing in installer of the
year but
um before that i mean we never really
did anything and then i i signed up i
got in and
you know once you
actually walk into one of these places
and see how
huge it is and how many people are there
the p the people that are there it's
like man i never thought i'd be talking
to this guy and him over here shaking
his hand and
talking to him and it's just
just amazing um then you know once you
get your your first one under the belt
and then you start going to more and
more you realize how many um different
like education events and stuff like
that that
that they have so it's not just going
to network and hang out but i mean
there's actual classes and seminars that
you can attend and
uh you can pick and choose which ones
you go to but it's like
so much information jam-packed into the
couple days that you're there
so what what's the
you know like you mentioned the
the installation
competition the preliminaries are at cfi
generally and then the main events at
and yeah so
tell me a bit more about that because
you have some you guys got some
some skin in the game there
i mean
the competition was amazing i they just
brought it back after you know what was
it like almost 20 years that they didn't
have it
when i signed up right because
i'm not like
a lot of the the other flooring guys
it's like yeah i'm good but i know there
are people better than me out there so i
was super nervous to sign up
but then
it was actually like
my brother my sister
uh jeremy got chuck that used to work
with us they all like hype me up they're
like man you're you are good you got to
do it so i signed up and
got in and just being in there it's it's
pretty nerve-wracking because you got
all these eyes on you but it's a it's a
great time it's almost
a lot of these people always talk about
how good they are
but none of them ever like
show up to show us how good they are
yeah it's
the whole the whole journey just as far
as getting involved that was
amazing too and i'm sorry if i if i'm
cutting in a little bit but um
like daniel said when he entered we
didn't know what to expect that was my
first time
ever going um the two
ties and
you know obviously i i went because to
support my brother but
it definitely
opened up
both of our perspectives as far as
understanding that there is
a lot more people out there
with similar
uh goals some similar interests and it
puts you in front of
people in your industry um and like
daniel said knowing that
we're pretty good he's pretty good at
installing you know we all have our
little niche
doing the installer of the year and
having him compete and kind of
gaining that much more knowledge because
that that place fuels you right like it
you feed off of the
the vibes that you get while you're in
there and it does help boost you
this is so the installer
competition obviously has
is was the kind of catalyst to get you
guys going
i think it's great that they brought it
is there you know what about some of the
other shows like coverings um i i would
also say it's a heck of a good time when
you go
you know daniel had mentioned about
you know all the education which is is
you know obviously it is there
uh different
oh how do i say it it's it's not all
just so installer focused or anything
but you can learn some new stuff about
the industry as a whole
the economics of the industry they
usually have like a you know a
state of the uh the industry type deal
there at tice i know
but point being is it's also pretty fun
you end up meeting people that you see
on social media or you might meet the
president of shaw or
ef contract or mohawk i mean literally
those guys are just kind of hanging out
so it's kind of neat to go meet
you know one of the ceos of a
multi-billion dollar
uh corporation right there hanging
hanging at the same same place that we
you have the opportunity to break bread
with some of these people too and you
know as
everybody is so down to earth and so
welcoming that it's
it's hard to view
to view it like the outsider looking in
right like
like you said you go meet these people
that hey this guy's on the email i've
been getting for the past three years
and he's like sitting right next to me
and we're talking about
life in general we're not talking about
work right i mean obviously work is
related in there and all ties in but to
be able to to sit there and get to to
learn who everyone is know everyone is
more on a personal level
like i said it just feeds to that that
fire inside of you it's that fuel that
you're looking for
that everyone started at some point
worked their way up
um and you know it's not just ties like
i've been into a few other events um and
every single one is the same thing
you go there with an open mind knowing
knowing that you're going to learn
something it's not whether or not yes i
i wonder if i'm going to learn anything
i wonder if i'm going to take something
away it's
100 facts that you're going to learn
something you're going to take something
away it doesn't matter how small or how
yeah i mean
i guess i want to spread the word and
try to get more guys there
uh you know even at
i did
kind of a
i wouldn't i wouldn't call it a survey
or anything
uh really um
just a a
overview of of the amount of installers
going appears to be somewhere in the
200 range and it appears i see the same
guys at the same shows
my thought
here is like how
the and most of the guys that go to the
shows are some of the guys that you you
see and recognize as some of the the
better installers out there
so how do you get more guys to go i
guess uh if if uh
the the thais people and
uh tsp
cfi convention if they were watching
this what what what got you there is the
competition is there other things that
that these uh you know i go for
networking i go to learn about new
i also enjoy just getting around the
rest of the people in the industry
the way you were talking about jose and
what i was
speaking to about you know you you're
you're getting to meet the ceo of say
mohawk or what have you um
we're kind of like a
the biggest small industry there is it
seems to me like
everybody kind of congregates at these
uh conventions and there's
there's a lot to be had and a lot to
learn from the installer standpoint but
it's also a hell of a lot of fun so if
you get out there you start networking
you go have drinks with guys uh you know
i went to a great after party that that
that tile nation put on
uh that was a a great
great uh
event afterwards it was fun to hang out
with everybody so it's a it's a fun
yeah i i see
he'll probably be back in a minute
but uh we got like dwayne pruitt just uh
a few minutes ago said that the new
tools from the vendors is one of his
favorites and then you that that is huge
right because you go to like ties and
they got two alley and you go there and
you see
and the countertops and stuff and it's
like these huge machines it's like man
some of these tools are
are crazy and then you get and they're
doing this
they're doing you know displays or
showing how the tools work it's really
cool jim aaron just chimed in and said
big industry small community
i think that sums it up pretty well
very big industry small community that
that um you know it's got that small
community feel so
if you guys you know
yeah we've seen you go
uh but if the install
competition got people there
how what other ways
you know that that competition obviously
brought some installers in
uh you know
just speaking from experience like i
said i like networking getting to know
the the heads of our industry
most people are very
open with their comm their uh contact
information as well and so emailing them
later when i have a question
i got this really talented guy at mapei
that i got his email and i know most of
the people have my pay and this guy just
has a certain specific knowledge that
i'm able to email him and ask him
specific questions and he's not even
necessarily my rep so you get some of
that stuff too
but yeah go go
go into the shows it for me is
a little bit away
from work but it's still enough work
that i feel like i'm being productive
and i can have a good time so
and then once you start looking at it
from like how do we get guys to go there
right that's what we're talking about
and it's like you have to look at it
like these are more um
or have been
in the past more like dealer focused so
you get the guy going out there and and
ladies going out there looking for the
new materials and what's trending and
all that and then
uh to get more installers out there
actually gives us a bigger spot in the
industry for them to be like okay well
it's not just us that's going to these
shows we've got tons of installers here
now and it's kind of like
maybe we we do have to start
communicating better as an industry and
not just
we're storers and we're installers
that's everyone is is here together
let's start talking about that i think
that's one of the biggest things on
why more people need to start going to
these things
yeah i think the more installers to go
the more they're going to do some stuff
to cater
they have always been pretty dealer
with the amount of
independent installers that are not
working for a company
there has to be something that draws
them there
i think the competition is a high level
and i also want to thank you
go ahead
go ahead jose
the competition is what initially
brought us to our first let's quote
unquote convention
that was the that was the driving force
behind it um but
the people that we met and the
connections that were made
is what keeps our engine
and what brings more interest is knowing
that they're going to have technical
reps that they're going to have
marketing rights that they're going to
have um
you know other reps from other
manufacturers offer other aspects of the
really keep our interest in returning to
any one of these and not only that is if
you find something that draws your
then go there with a goal like find
someone that you want to connect and
something that you need to connect with
and try to connect those dots right like
sign up for it and go when you get there
ask a question maybe
you know i mean i'm going to revert back
to the meeting that we had there in
kansas we said hey this is our this is
where we're falling short as a business
this is where we need help
if it wasn't for us continuing to go and
for one uh further our education to
increase our social capital uh and three
just try to be as much of a flooring
nerd as possible in our industry
um we never would have connected because
me and you bumped into each other
multiple times over the course of two
years and yeah we met we met at the show
at different at you know multiple
different times but we met at shows so
that shows you the value i mean i've
go ahead let's say it's just
it's just ongoing like yeah
there's somebody there
for any questions you might have there
is somebody that can help you out
and that's not a place to be shy or
embarrassed or
or anything like that like seriously
everyone there wants to see you succeed
as a sales person as an installer as a
new company as an aspiring company
they want to see your growth you know
everybody there pushes for that and
it's just a matter of asking
the question if someone doesn't know the
they will lead you to the person's guts
well and i think that some of the events
i'll i'll bring up tile nation again
because they did a a really cool
uh booth at theis this last um
event and that was fun it was cool to go
hang out with those guys
cool to watch their approach they made
it fun
uh let you participate
i think if more of that the more that
stuff happens
they seem to draw a pretty good crowd
so that was cool
so shout out to them and
hopefully the industry can continue to
do some things that'll kind of
attract installers to the shows i just
think there's such a benefit i know that
you know we talk about training and
everything but there's some cool
trainings that are there as well
but there's more than just
you know there's more to this industry
than just
installation training and all that
there's also a good camaraderie amongst
installers when you gather together
i think you find
less guys that are
you know six month or one year guys that
think they're the the best already uh
you have true professionals showing up
there so
um i've always enjoyed hanging out and
getting to getting to know other
installers we've gotten jobs covered
we've formed other relationships there
and so i
i think it's something that if you have
not been to a convention cfi convention
is august
2nd i believe
is that correct
anyone yeah second to the second to the
fourth yeah so go to that that's that's
coming up um
in less than a month
sign up go to that that it's pretty fun
i should i mean it's really installer
focused and and get to know some other
people out there
i know we'll be there go carrera will be
exhibiting there
come by our booth
i know that preferred flooring will be
you can get to know some of the other
industries uh people likes
you know
uh what was
see obviously cfi but the ceramic tile
education foundation i'm not sure if
they'll be there but
jim aaron and the floor covering
education foundation will be there
so get to you can get to know some
people uh and there's also uh
great speakers that got brought up
great great speakers and and um yeah so
he might have been referring to himself
just just throwing that out there
danny wants
everyone to know that wolfe is going to
be there
wolf will be there as well yeah
my brother
your twin
my twin brother
so yeah everybody i mean um this is a
pretty short podcast uh huddle
um but
you know really it's about trying to
encourage people to go to cfi it's right
around the corner and then go to some
other shows as well depending on which
discipline you're in like
uh there's more specific shows like tsp
is really tile focused um but
we may put a link on our uh website in
fact for each one of the shows that you
can go to
um and we'll we'll put that
so if you have any questions go to
we'll have that up here in the next i
don't know 48 hours or something it
shouldn't take too long to put something
like that up and we'll
we'll give you the links to the shows
where you can go sign up and and uh show
up i mean
give it a chance if you haven't been
you're going to have a heck of a good
time and you're going to learn a lot
when you look at it like cfi
convention that's coming up is pretty
small compared to some of these other
ones where
when you walk into ties and it's like
as far as the eye can see
that you have to walk through
and you know see if i convention is
smaller you you get to actually
network more one-on-one with a lot of
people because it's so close together
it's it's just awesome you know we went
for the first time
just last year and it is it's one of
those things that you
don't know how beneficial it actually is
until you go
and then you realize man just like you
said just the networking aspect uh you
can ask any question you want
well and generally
they're they're really everyone's really
helpful so
go enjoy the show that's my ploy to
everybody like let's let's get as many
people to cfi as possible uh cfi
convention and then follow up with you
uh another show there's probably
five or six good shows a year good
conventions you can go to a year so
and the other thing is don't think that
you have to go to every single one of
them because you'll be gone for a long
time yeah yeah yeah you know and that's
another thing too is like daniel said
this uh this actual cfi convention or
anyone because this is on a smaller
scale compared to
uh ties or any of the the other larger
ones you can actually ask people um a
more direct question on what conventions
do you think would be more beneficial
for me and my company and they'll tell
you hey i went to this one and you know
this one was over my head or i went here
and i got a lot of information that i
could use
you know and ask them about all the
group affiliations as well yeah um which
ones could could
uh help you grow which ones could could
uh benefit you as far as a learning
capacity there's just a lot
yeah there is a lot of opportunity to
get involved once you're at the show
you'll find different opportunities if
you want to be
on the advisory board for something or
do something
we got a celebrity in here hey crystal
how you doing good how are you she wants
to plug her her thing that's going on at
cfi is why she's over here right now
awesome plug away
and i are doing a round table discussion
uh with women in chair covering
on uh wednesday august 3rd
come see us come talk with us at what
time at 9am
sweet hey is there a hands-on that's
going on everyone can
that uh crystal is there a hands-on that
you said that you're gonna be
participating in is there any more
information on that that's on tuesday
elliptical stars
yeah so if you're if you're
a woman in
industry installation
go meet crystal and and get to know her
journey it's been pretty cool to to get
to know that and
obviously she's done some pretty cool
i i got to personally watch her install
a tice and it was it was it was awesome
uh go check her out and and
will you be speaking crystal or
is it jen vern and i are leading the
round table discussion sweet
yeah so go go listen and and um
and participate in that as well
is that about women in the floor
recovery industry um just
general conversation general
conversation but the one of the biggest
especially the takeaway from last year's
ties is that
the industry is growing and there's more
and more women in here and they need to
start feeling comfortable in the
industry as well so this is an actual
actually a great time for them to come
and network
hang out with crystal
hang out with everyone
yeah get to the show guys it's going to
be fun
i actually had a dream that someone uh
there was another female that
signed up for installer of the year
well hope that comes true
yeah hopefully that'll be reality
all right guys anything else crystal you
want to say anything else
we're talking about trade shows uh so
what did you think about trade shows
like before you actually went to your
first one
and then how do you feel about them now
you know we're going on a pretty regular
basis now i didn't even know they were a
thing until
they went to
ties the first year and i was like they
have nerd conventions for flooring
but uh
once once i went last year
to cfi convention that was my first
convention that i attended and
it's it's game changer it really is to
be around all of the like-minded people
just getting to know people on a
personal level instead of just on
facebook or you know over zoom and stuff
it really is a game changer and
you can't afford not to attend these
that's a good point
well that's that's pretty encouraging to
hear so if if anybody's
watching and wondering if there's any
what you just heard was after the first
one it's a game changer so you like
if that doesn't speak volumes to what
you can learn
both beneficial to your business plus
like on the personal level getting to
know other people at the that's in the
industry and having some fun
you're you're working but you're still
having a good time
that's what's
pretty cool to me i've actually been
told that
like online and just you know meeting
without talking to me like on a personal
level i seem pretty arrogant and i'm an
a-hole or something
but this this person has
whatever you know
they told me that you know you get to
know someone and it's like man you're
not even like that at all it's
well you might find personal level thing
yeah you get to
get to actually know somebody
uh you get the joke around man
personality comes out it's it's totally
different when it's all about work
versus in person right because
yeah when it's about work anybody can
come off a little monotone a little
repetitive but as soon as you let your
hair down
you know
there's no rules when it comes to that
you can be
you can be
you you don't have to be the person that
you think everyone wants you to be you
can be yourself and that opens
that you know makes you vulnerable right
it it it brings
it brings to everyone's attention that
yeah this is a real person and that's me
looking at other people and maybe how
people view me i don't know i mean i i
don't do as much
as daniel or crystal have done in front
of the spotlight but
most of what i do is just talking person
to person like like we have in the past
it's hard not to be yourself
yeah we certainly get to let your hair
down if you had any
have a good time
crystal knows about letting the hair
down i i'm not so blessed but
so yeah go to convention give it a shot
guys i'd love to see you there
jose crystal thanks for joining today
and we look forward to seeing you in
we'll all be there if you guys want to
come hang out come buy us a drink
yeah yeah we don't we will only probably
drink one drink a piece so we're
hey that's gonna be one of my five this
so come enjoy i hope to see uh
some new faces and at the very least
i'll get to see some old friends so
that's what i look forward to every year
so um hope everybody makes it uh we
don't have a lot of questions or
anything that came through
today so
we got any questions we do
well anyway hey just just to fill dead
space i i have a baseball game today
with this guy right here
can you tell he's ready for ball
that's why i had to leave early and be
on the phone so
yeah he looked pretty
okay we have a question of
why would i pay money to attend a trade
show that doesn't have a direct effect
on my abilities
i think that's that's almost like the
same thing as when people say that
certifications don't have an effect on
them because they already know what
they're doing why would they pay for
someone to tell them what they already
know and it's you got to have a
different mindset than that you have to
the mindset of you know it's is it going
to directly affect you it all depends on
what you do with the information that
you gather from these shows yes
yeah that's that's a really good way to
put it because
you are going to take something away you
100 are going to take something away and
if you go there and you just meet one
person and that one person helps you
with the project or you go help them
with the project or you network and you
go work out of
your comfort zone out of your radius and
you go learn something from somebody
that's i mean that's still
a takeaway you never know what you're
going to learn is the key i mean it's
pretty presumptive
no no offense to the
person asking
it's just presumptive that you're not
going to learn
that it's not going to advance you in
some manner also if you go with the mind
of if you're that good you have
something to give so go and give yeah go
participate and and help other people
then i that's a a bit lacking sometimes
in our industry
if it doesn't benefit you then maybe you
can benefit someone else so be a little
unselfish about it
and and go and you will have a good time
i'll promise you that if you participate
um and then you know
if you're if you know so much that you
may not learn which i would challenge
that for just about anybody but if you
are that guy or that lady
go and give give your knowledge
there there is again
go career is going to be there so
you can go and learn all about what go
prayer is all about and kind of you guys
are going to have like some screens kind
of showing what's going on or
yeah we're going to take we'll have some
screens we'll show you the the platform
show you how it works show you how it
can benefit you as an independent
how it can benefit companies and kind of
the win-win
between you know
uh installers
as well as the industry that has uh you
supported us and we're really excited to
be at convention here so thank you for
that daniel
come see us at convention at the very
least you can you can learn a bit a bit
more about go career and see see it live
happening in front of you yeah we're
going to be hanging out at your booth
for a little bit too so word on the
street is that we're going to help you
when needed yeah absolutely that's a
all right guys hey thanks for joining
everybody that's we're gonna close it
out with that and um we'll see you next
week and see everybody at convention
all right that sounds good thanks guys
thanks guys see ya thanks for joining
thanks for letting me crash the party