The Huddle - Episode 3 - Image Isn't Everything (but it's close)

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This week Paul talks with Jose and Daniel Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring about how your image plays a role in your personal and professional success.

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The HUDDLE is where the flooring industry can get together and talk about everything! Lead by Paul Stuart from Go Carerra who is joined by Daniel and Jose Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring.

all right what's up everyone and welcome

to the huddle

we come to you weekly to discuss on how

to maintain forward progress in your

flooring careers

i'm paul stewart

and joining me as always today is

daniel and jose with preferred flooring

what's up guys hey how's it going

so today we're going to be discussing um

image uh title of the

of this episode is images and everything

but it's close


you know

there's a there's a ton of uh

there's a ton of discrepancy i believe

in what we talk about when we're talking

about image it's not uh you know we're

flooring guys so it could be

it's not having a dirty shirt or or

working uh

you know

like trying to be the best dressed it's

about how you present yourself both

professionally and from a

from an aesthetic standpoint so

you know a lot of times um

you know in my career


there's been guys that come into you

know our company to


apply for for a job or or try to become

a subcontractor if i don't know them

image has a huge play in my initial

assessment of them even if they

sound like they may know what they're

talking about

if they're

you know wearing a

f you the to the world

i'm sure you guys have some experiences

uh so maybe we'll share a few uh

experiences here on

one of you guys ran across in in uh

both in your in your ability to gain

work because of the way you guys present

yourselves and uh how do you guys look

at you know guys and jeans that are

ripped up to their pants pockets or

those types of deals so yeah i'll go

ahead and start off if you guys don't

mind um


when when i got into the industry uh i'm

not gonna lie man i was not

i was not the most uh presentable person

right i was a

cutoff sleeve shirt i wore the big baggy

jeans i was never really big on like uh

sagging right but

where i grew up everyone everyone did it

it really wasn't my style but so i wore

the oversized jeans that were cut off at

the bottom with the strings hanging


uh holes in them

um you know and

coming in nobody really ever did say


about what i was

wearing um

but i did start to notice a trend uh on

my own as far as

the companies that we did work for on

the commercial land the the the more

prestigious they were

was more visual to me than it was uh

anything else right so they started

getting on to larger projects you

started seeing people where they were

more uniform

and to me they just stood out as as more


did i catch on right away and start uh

you know addressing that part no i i

didn't to be honest with you i didn't i

didn't wear

my actual first uh uniform for work

until i went and worked for a um a

company under a w-2 in a warm just a

simple shirt with a simple logo and you

know what it made me feel so much better

made me feel more professional then i

started worrying about more about my

appearance because now

now i'm a crew leader for this company

and i'm representing them and i wanted

to make sure that i was representing

them in the right manner

so i started you know

watching how much glue i got on my shirt

on my pants started watching how many

rips i had in my pants you know try to

make myself more presentable right

um and you know none of this really

resonated until later on after we

started uh preferred flooring and

we didn't have our guys uniformed and

there was a

specific incident and we were getting

blamed for it and it

really did not

it was like something out of the movies

and you know the guy said something to

me that just like right away it hit me

and he said um

my phone's going off for some reason he


if you're not willing to put your logo

on your employees why would i be willing

to let them work in my facility

and as soon as he said that it was just

like fireworks in the brain


no matter how much

we try to veer away from it

people are very visual and they're going

to judge you by your appearance when

they first meet you they have nothing

else to use the judging appearance

it might not be everything but it's the

majority of something and well

first impression wise it's pretty close

right i mean it's pretty cool you don't

know the guy and they it's the first

time you're meeting


i don't know there's a there's a lot you

can judge the way they present

themselves and things like that but also

uh the the

their appearance by itself seems to

speak volumes when you first meet and i

know it does for me

yeah it did and

and you know i'm not gonna lie like

within within five days i had

you know the cheapest cotton shirts made

for the guys

um you know everybody still had their

own coats and all that because you know

it was winter time when this happened

uh but we all looked uniform within a

within a week and

after that happened

you just all of a sudden you started

noticing that uh

the respect that you were getting

your crew was getting not just you as

the leader but your crew was getting

more respect all of a sudden you know

everybody's got sleeves on everybody's

matching the obviously the jeans wasn't

working progress but

um you know it put us

it put us in a position where all of a

sudden like

maybe we can attract the people that we

are trying to work for maybe we can do

that you know and it started we started

thinking about different ways that we

could uh um improve on our appearance i

don't want to say alter our periods

right because you know people can can

wear their personality in the haircut


dreads whatever they want piercings you

know that that part really doesn't

bother me at all right i know it bothers

some but

um the appearance as far as

the clothing and the aesthetics of that

really did help

bring to light it made it so people

focused on us as a group

instead of just knowing what we did you


it gave us a better

representation of who we were

do you see a difference

i mean you were talking there that


you noticed a difference have you

continued to notice a difference how

people perceive you or how

some you know a client

responds to you

because of your crew

um for example i i i have a customer

that we have

uh done a ton of different of their


and when we had a crew on that had all

of our shirts on

they were all the neon yellow

they had they all looked very

you know much there's a reason why the

military and the police forces and and

things wear uniforms and i'm not saying

you have to go full on guard uniform but

i'm just saying like a standardized look

within for you for installers


the difference between the way that

client perceived how that job went


other jobs with guys who were

sub crews that had different shirts on


and they weren't even offensive shirts

it was just one had a black

uh you know t-shirt on and one had

a different colored you know whatever

it wasn't anything offensive on them it

just they looked hodgepodge you know

what i mean

there's there's a definite in my opinion

if you're a subcontractor if you're a

1099 installer

putting on the uniform on a daily basis

it could be a simple logo or it could

just be a the same colored shirt for you

and your helper

every single day um i think it goes a

long way for perception from the client

100 i agree i agree with that 100

yeah so daniel what about uh what about

you have you i mean you you've

basically grown up in flooring so i mean

you guys kind of know that to me you

know what we're talking about here image

being important but you got any personal

stories or experiences with uh either

pro or khan versus uh you know somebody

being in

you know their appearance either gaining

them work or losing them work


well we do a lot of commercial right so

appearances is

is everything because you go in some of

these businesses and

they have a dress code and then you go

in there and we've seen guys with

you know shorts cut off sleeve shirts


we're talking you know working at

colleges and stuff and it's like man

there's got to be

something that you can do to make it so

that people know what you're there for


at least look presentable because

i mean some of these guys man they just

well a lot of those places it's a safety

thing too they they don't know a part of

what what the

facility has you there for


and you look like a

you know a 40 year old dude at a college

walking around the campus right and

that's what i mean it's like something

they they don't pay any attention to

what they look like and it almost makes


they look like the way

some people

you know picture

us looking like and it just drags

everyone else down it's like not every

flooring guy is out there


cut off sleeve shirts and wearing shorts

and they don't

ever do their hair

yeah you know i'm just gonna flat-out

say it you know i'm sure we're just

trying to tiptoe around it right without

hurting feelings but

you know if i if i put myself in the

consumer shoes and i'm looking for

specific like you know if i go to a

mechanic shop i expect them to look like

a mechanic right but if i go to mechanic

shop and the guy comes in

and he's wearing a cut-off sleeve

metallica shirt like i said shorts no no

work uh safety boots

i'm probably not going to trust the guy

to work on my vehicle i mean that's the

bottom line right you got to dress the

part um you know i can only imagine what

residential guys go through because i

know that there aren't a lot of

guidelines for them to follow and they

can pretty much do what they what they

want um as well but you know


a customer perspective


where i started doesn't is irrelevant

right how i started is irrelevant


i do look at that and

i know that if i am going to

go to abc company and i'm

deterred because of an appearance

you know has it happened yeah 100 might

have been the person might have been the

place but i mean it's because we're

visual right you associate

professionalism with the appearance of

the professional that's presenting

themselves to you and i'm sure we've

lost some in the past

because well let me let me

build on that just a second

this is something that you have complete

control of every single morning

what shirt you put on what jeans you put



so for you to make the decision to wear

certain things

that i think is part of why

your dress code or how you dress

is something that's important to people

when they see you in their business

you they know you chose to put that

stuff on you chose to present yourself

that way

i would i'm just trying to implore

people like give a darn about how you're

presenting yourself to the world


overall but you know particularly for in

our industry when we have such a

a black cloud of this assumption of how

we are

like rise above that put on genes that

either have been patched correctly we

all know we go through genes like you

know right so so i was actually in the

field today right so my shirt is all

super dusty and stuff but

my pants are

on the front are dirty because i'm

constantly wiping my stuff off but i

mean we got logos everywhere you got to

be proud of

who you work for right

yeah and your your jeans and

the dirty

dirtiness you expect we're in

construction but you don't have to have

like you said cut off sleeves and holes

in your

excessive holes in your jeans or those

kinds of things i mean customers care

man they do

um i know this seems like a pretty small

item for

to be talking about on

on this huddle but i've just watched

guys lose business over it and i've

watched them you know struggle


sometimes financially from not

properly presenting themselves i mean

think about this

businesses spend millions of dollars a


on marketing and branding themselves

trying to make themselves look as

appealing to the to the consumer as


shouldn't you do the same in

in as much control as you have you don't

need to spend a bunch of money a

t-shirt's a t-shirt buy one that you

know instead of buying a metallica

t-shirt you know

toss your logo on a four dollar t-shirt


maybe the place doesn't allow logos

having a standardized color that you

guys can wear

on a day in day out basis or hey hit us

up at go career we'll send you a whole

buttload of t-shirts it's all good like

just wearing something that's familiar

and says

if it's going to say something i believe

i agree with you daniel if it's going to

say something it ought to say what you


yeah it separates you from everyone else

especially on a large project with

multiple trades there's got to be some

kind of separation right i mean

if something goes wrong or something

happens to an individual

being um easily identified is to your

benefit as well

yeah that's a good point safety


yeah i'd say another thing is

as a sub crew uh how you keep your

vehicle and your van or your truck and

how you keep your tools

all those say a lot about you um

i know

one of the guys i used to work with um

when i had to uh bluntly

back in the day

you know

he never had a trial in his bucket that

wasn't dirty

he either had patch caked on it and he'd

scrape it off before he used it or

glue all over it and he'd pick it off

before he got going i mean

instead of taking the few minutes after

he was done with

you know spreading his glue and tossing

it in a bucket and wiping it off with

the sponge and then putting it back in a

clean bucket or

you know cleaning the patch off his

trial he just let it dry and then scrape

it off with a four-inch scraper

afterwards i won't lie i did that too

when early early on in my career i

learned quickly

that wasn't that wasn't uh the preferred

method for me but you know i think that

stuff speaks volumes as well if you

tell you one thing

if you have a sub company your guys's

place there in michigan

looking to do work and you just go out

and look at their van that's going to

say a lot about them just go look at

their vehicle look at their installed

vehicle look inside look at their tools

that'll tell you a bunch about what that


values what is he clean is he a clean

installer clean installers don't have

dirty tools i can tell you that like if

they're clean on the job site and they

keep their stuff picked up and they're

they spill a bag of patch they sweep it

up or whatever

those guys that do those activities

they're not the ones who have dirty

tools you know nasty dirty i'm not

saying the tools need to be looking

crystal clean but no man

you know what i'm saying like yeah

i mean i think so they don't have to

look brand new every single day but yeah

um in our

just in our meeting this morning we we

had a

talk about

you know tool upkeep it's

it's not

one's person one person's job in order

to keep that tool up it's everyone's job


it's part of the appearance if we're

going to have a bunch of broke down

stuff then why even have it like


you keep on like we keep on talking

about um

appearance and then some guys losing

jobs and stuff but

some guys are just there for those jobs

i mean

and and that's totally fine because

someone's got to do those jobs right


yeah i mean

it goes to those those customers that


looking at the bottom dollar

instead of

the value that someone provides

and i would 100 rather just

them take care of those people and me

not have to worry about it

yeah you're talking about

like people just shopping only on



those being the crews that are willing

to to lower their

you know their car their their price to



you know

that's a whole nother episode

right a whole nother episode about

what are we gonna do

uh and how do you separate yourself

um in fact a little ahead of schedule

here you know next week's


huddle is

directly on that is understanding your

value and how to increase your prices

well this is this is number one right

here easiest thing you can do

present yourself as a true professional


trained and skilled in your craft and


charge more


and stick to your guns like

i think i may have told a told this

story previously but we had a customer


a project that we had lost

a big job about 70 000 feet of tile i

ran into the

uh to an installer at a local emser and


i was like hey what are you up to and

you know just kind of chatting it up and

he used to work for us years ago and


he said oh i'm doing this big you know


like office building

about 60 000 feet man but the chick

she's really

she's really cheap dude and i was like

well what'd you what are you doing it

for he's like two bucks a foot tile 24

by 24

large format

large format

i i was blown away i was like

we uh we we haven't i i

don't ever remember paying two dollars a

foot for tile install uh

those types of people those people who

do that are

unfortunate i don't have really great

things to say so i won't say much it

just i really believe they

put dents

in our industry they cause other

people's um

you just can't make a living wage okay

maybe in one cafeteria that's 80 by 60

you'll make it you'll make some money


what about down the halls and then all

the door cuts and yeah just all this

other stuff man you know normal jobs

just aren't that big and that that that

uh you know maybe it was wide open or

something but even in that case you're

doing the work

you know understanding where you bring

value and how you bring value to the

process and not just going as low as you

can to get the work is you know what

like i said we'll address that in next

week's episode but um

i do believe image has is the easiest

way to at least

start to separate yourself as caring


um you know

caring about your product what you're

going to give that customer i mean

there's a lot of research out there that

says how you dress or how you care about

you is what you're going to give to your


and uh you know it seems to be a little

bit true

yeah it's it's directly you know

the way we're talking about the pricing

and all that it

how you present yourself is is directly

proportionate in most cases to

how they perceive you and how much

they're actually willing to pay so

you're only cutting yourself short if

you are that guy which

like i said some some guys just want to

do that and that's

totally fine but you know we're

we're trying to lift this industry so we

can do that one person at a time if one

person hears this and that they make

that jump to to go get a shirt and i

mean a lot of people think that it's

super expensive i mean if you don't have

a logo there's apps out there you can go

on fiverr have someone create you a logo

you know they'll

they'll give you a few mock-ups you

choose one you take that logo to your

local screen print shop

and they'll create a screen for it i

mean it is a one-time charge that they

do for the artwork and having to create

all that stuff but once you pay that you

can order more


you don't have to pay that charge again


it's an upfront cost but

it's worth it

because i mean

uh our shirts we don't we don't pay much

for them they're they're a different

material right so it's a dry fit


um that wicks moisture away because

we're always sweating right so we want



yeah so we don't really like the cotton

too much


i mean it's like

six five or six dollars a shirt and then

what a dollar fifty to put the logo on


it's really not much yeah so for under

10 bucks

yeah why is there a feedback

for under 10 you can have

a t-shirt with your logo on it i mean i

think the setup fee is like 150 bucks

it's not much the same thing you're a

small company and then if you

go with another small company that's

trying to build a name as well they'll

probably even give you a better deal

like hey just tell people about me

and stuff like that um

it doesn't even have to be a small

company we went with the first time

the first time we didn't want to talk

about because we didn't do it right but

after we actually started going to a

screen print company we went to one of

the bigger ones in town and that's when

we realized man we uh we're paying this

other guy that was doing it you know on

his own

this much per shirt

when we can only be paying this much and

that's when you you kind of realize like

man it's a lot

more manageable than people put it out

to be well that's a good

i think a good thing to


is that the


go with the larger guy the the larger

guy in your area typically they're

larger because they do the most they

have the most buying power on the shirts

and they can

uh you know

you're gonna

be cheaper we use the biggest in in our

area and we pay eight bucks a shirt


in and out of the door for three

different colors


you know

you maybe pay 10 bucks because you don't

buy them you know say a smaller company

uh but at the end of the day man

ten dollars you're not going to buy a

shirt for

ten dollars at walmart or you might in a

package of white tees or something but

right so this is pretty easy low-hanging

fruit for somebody to to do that and

then like on your vehicle if you want to

look presentable there

you i i've literally

seen guys just put professional flooring

installer they're not cf not the cfi

logo or nothing just professional

flooring star they got a magnet put it

on their the side of their truck

no logo or nothing and it feels better


their truck by itself when they pull up

to a job site right so if you want to

put your logo on one of those magnets

they're 100 bucks a piece

toss them on your vehicle take them off

if it's a personal vehicle that you uh

like i did in the early days crossover

from family vehicle to work vehicle

pull them on and off and you're you're


i don't want this to seem elementary

because it it's actually way more

important than it is hard

that's the purpose that's why i wanted

to have this talk like

the the importance of caring about this

stuff is way more is is so much higher

than than how hard it is to do it it's

simple get a get a shirt you like

whether it's a pillow or a t-shirt

even if you you uh initially start the

way you guys were talking it wasn't the

right way at least it's a step in the

right direction i would recommend go see

you know a big screen printer in your

area telling you you're gonna buy you


10 shirts at a time or something like

that and see what their cost is and then

later when you get you know a few

helpers or something you're buying 20 or

30 shirts at a time your costs will go

down but


practices are simple

and then you talk about the way you you

visually present yourself and then how

you act

that's a whole nother deal but if those

two match up


you know you you're going to be a lot

more successful than the guy that just

refuses because the only the only reason

i can see

with the information out there that

somebody would not put on a decent set

of clothing is because they don't care

all right they don't care um

logo or not like put on a decent shirt

some jeans and work boots and look the


if you don't care you're you're that's

exactly what you're telling your client

that's exactly what you're telling a

company like my flooring company when

you come in to try to

get work from me you know that was me

that was me when i started i'm not gonna

lie because i didn't care

i didn't understand the importance of it

i didn't understand the benefit of it i

i really honestly didn't care well if we

help one or two people that are

listening to this call

uh get get further than where you were

at where you're like i didn't care i

don't care because i didn't know the

importance to really realize the


just so everybody knows like you guys

own a flooring company you guys hire


your opinion matters in this i own a

flooring company i hire installers i'm

telling you it this stuff matters guys

so take note of what these guys are



wear decent clothing but go if you can

swing a few hundred bucks to go get your

logo put on a shirt do it have some

pride in what you're building

absolutely and then to touch on what you

were talking about as far as uh

you know

the way you sound and stuff you do


have to create a customer service voice

is what everyone calls it right because

you you got to kind of become a

different person that everyone can

relate to

and it's it's happened here in the

office when i'm on the phone

and then

someone that's not usually here you know

hears me talk on the phone and they were

like man you sound really good you got a

really good customer service voice and

it's like

kinda have to have that you gotta you


you you have to know what the customer

wants and then play off of that and they

don't wanna

hear your everyday sling and all that

stuff that you you usually talk about


yeah you kind of did the way the same

way when you take the magnet on put the

magnet on the car and take it off you

have to be able to turn that on and off

and know when to use it


another interesting aspect

i had a


sorry i'm getting feedback so it's a

little distracting but i had a uh a

client say that

or a

not a client i was listening to a audio

book and it's about customer service and

branding and all that and it talked

about putting on your hero uniform for

the day it was talking about

like you know all the heroes all the

batman superman everybody had a uniform

and it's like transforming yourself from

your daily

uh who you are into your

what you're presenting when you're at

work and let's face it like you can't


you know be homies with everybody when

you're talking to clients and and

business people i mean you and i you

guys and i hung out

i don't we don't we you can't just

you know throw all that type of language

and you know uh

the way you are in your personal life uh

you keep a piece of that but you have to

like you said have a customer service

facing attitude uh so how you present

yourself from a i guess what i was

getting at there is when you put on that

uniform if you can

visualize like that's when you need to

switch that over too when you're when

you're representing that


brand or yourself

you know consider changing the way that

you uh go about talking to your clients



whether you work for a store or you work

directly and you you

go out and get drum up your own business

in the retail market or

you know maybe you do a little bit of

work for gcs here and there uh


any of those scenarios you're still

presenting yourself and i think that it

goes a long way if you can do it in a

professional manner it does too and it's


it's also like a muscle right like you

know that you have to have your customer

service voice

and versus your who you are at home your


but but it's like a muscle but the more

you use it the easier it becomes and

you start finding that it does start to

transfer over because

you're becoming who you really should be

anyway you you start those practices for

work and then all of a sudden it

transfers the home you're a little bit


vocabulary around

around the kids growing up clean your

vocabulary around people you might not

know who are

in a restaurant while you're out with

your family and friends you know you

start start realizing that uh it becomes

a lot easier to

to articulate yourself and just be

just be professional all the time you

know you know somebody's always watching

somebody's always listening um you don't

want to say or do the wrong thing in

front of the wrong people as well as

that also puts a strain on your your

business and your your persona

well you realize real quick that

perception is

is a big thing

how people perceive you is important

having a you know

where i'm not saying you you can't be


i'm just saying be the best version of

yourself there you go

there you go that's


all right guys well thanks for joining

me today uh again trying to keep these

between 30 to 45 minutes


trying to keep them hitting hard and uh

provide as much value as possible to uh

people and hopefully

as uh

you know like i said if we help one or

two guys take a step or two ahead um

then then the goals accomplished so

again next week we're going to be

talking about understanding your value

and how to increase your prices


i i want to come uh with some practical

steps on how i pay

different installers higher prices than


and how can you be in that

higher group how does that work um i'm

sure you guys do it i've talked to

hundreds of flooring business owners

and the fact is is some guys make more

money and why is that

and how can you join that group if

you're not and if you're in that group

how can you increase your prices even

more because at the end of the day here

uh we have a little bit of ways to go

before we

uh are


i would say uh infla you know to even

match inflation at this point so

um how can we help these guys and and

gals out there installing working their

tails off make sure they're getting full

value for what they're providing

let's come with it hard next week with

some good ideas on how to help the

installer make more money


all right brothers

have a good one signing off we'll talk

to you next week

thanks everybody


The Huddle - Episode 4 - Increasing Your Prices


The Huddle - Episode 2 - Employee vs Subcontractor