The Huddle - Episode 22 - It's More Than Just Skill

It's More Than Just Skill
The Huddle Podcast

This week on The Huddle Paul, Daniel, Jose will be discussing all pieces that go into being a flooring installer, further than just the skill it takes to install flooring.

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The HUDDLE is where the flooring industry can get together and talk about everything! Lead by Paul Stuart from Go Carerra who is joined by Daniel and Jose Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring.

hey what's up everybody Welcome again to the Huddle where we come at you every

Tuesday to discuss maintaining Ford progress in your flooring career

I say flooring career but uh frankly we we talk about any number of things and it's super applicable to uh business in

general it just happens to be we're in a very difficult business called flooring

and uh so there's a lot lot to Garner join in this week

we are talking um as usual with Daniel and Jose of

preferred flooring um gentlemen how's your week start and how's it going

uh same bad Channel

busy busy and in and out of the field for me the past couple weeks um but we

had uh FCI CA Regional today so I rushed back here so I can be on here and he's

probably still in the parking lot oh really I just made it to my destination I backed the trailer in

and turn my computer on nice

well thanks for joining me and I should say all of us and uh always you guys are

a staple and I cannot tell you every week how much I appreciate you

so that being said this week's huddle is uh it's more than just skill

and really what that what the uh follow-up to that is

we're talking more than just technical skill this probably gets a little bit more into mindset and working

um to please a client and please your customer and um one of the reasons that go Carrera

decided to launch the fourth progress scholarship fund for cim is if you just

review the cim documents or if you have any cims that work for you SIM for short

you realize a lot of that's got to do with how you deal with customers and and

clients and and and making sure that you're setting yourself up to try to to

give your client the best experience possible that's what we preach at my company is

providing a superior experience a good experience for the customer and from an installer standpoint you are

in a and I'm not just talking about it or single a now installers but I'm

this is applicable to companies as well but uh from an installer standpoint

you have you have like a really tough job because you got more than just one client right you know on a project

you're trying to satisfy the end user you're also trying to satisfy your

clients client be it the GC or a property management company and then

you're trying to you know uh please your uh flooring company that you may be

working for or if you're anywhere in there A lot of times you know installers have multiple people they have to

um or multiple entities they have to you know take care of them please it's one of the things when I was installing uh

all the time that I was cognizant of and I would always try to be as as cool as I

could be to the owner uh as a you know 25 year old kid that didn't know nothing uh other than how to lay carpet uh I

really started dipping my toes in how to be a professional so one of the things

um that you know I feel is probably well let me put it this way

in in the go career Network you're you're giving kudos for doing a good job and you're giving kudos for

professionalism punctuality dependability attitude and exceptional quality those

are the items that you those are the five metrics that you can actually earn kudos for doing uh going above and

beyond those are the things that I found are most important for installers to display

a high level of uh of um ability and

if you can show up when you're supposed to so that's punctuality

be there uh when you say you're going to be there uh on a given day on a

dependability and punctuality are similar but they're not the same so if I can depend on you is what

requires is required for dependability you could be punctual but also I can you

know you may not be the type of person that could be dependent upon so dependability professionalism

so being a true professional as an installer um

uh a good attitude if you don't like this business I would

encourage you to teach somebody how to do what you're doing and then go do something else but please replace

yourself before you leave um but look we gotta have you're gonna do

this for eight ten hours a day you might as well try to have the best attitude possible and then exceptional quality

so those soft skills as we call them is what I kind of wanted to uh discuss with

you guys today um so how important is it or how much weight do you uh put on a installer for

um you know say dependability and punctuality and I'm talking Subs in

particular because in hourly you uh if they're not there on time or what have you there are some consequences but what

do you what do you guys uh what which ones actually let me ask you this out of those which ones would you would you

take uh in highest regard I'll go ahead and start but um and I'm just going to

add to this uh you know because we we still ourselves right uh we still get

work from other stores we still get work from other companies so I'm going to speak it from that aspect and um

I think it was very important and I learned early on that uh

creating that standard as a subcontractor working for another storage I was representing someone else

and although my shirts might have said preferred flooring when I made a phone call to a client or a general or I

presented myself I was always Jose with so-and-so company it was never Jose with

preferred flooring right and I still do that to this day when I make a phone call I say hey this is Jose with so and

so when I meet them face to face I am wearing Reverend they say hey I thought you were with Vanessa we are we're

representing uh whatever this company but you know this is my company as well um and we try to have that the proper

representation um early and I didn't learn that being able

to communicate um with whomever and user in general uh

the store we're doing work for was extremely huge in building and creating

and maintaining relationships so I I want to say communication for me has been

some of the most important items to have because I mean that's very broad but

extremely important it can cover up a lot of the other

um maybe if you're not as punctual as as

you'd like to be or maybe as you should be if you're a hell of a communicator you can sure cover that up pretty well

hey man I'm running 10 minutes late and if you let them know 30 minutes beforehand that you're running 10

minutes late no one gets mad at you you've been reading my notes is that my how-to notes

well you know how it goes uh you got you got uh the guys that show up late

and they just show up and then you got the guys that'll actually communicate I'm running behind and they'll let you

know a half hour an hour before you get there so you're not waiting on them so that's a good point I don't have that in

the metric we probably should and I I wonder how that would be measured but that's that's a good point because

communication can cover her up and I mean it's very very needed obviously but

it can sure you know help you through some of the other shortfalls what about you Daniel

got a I think you gotta know how to communicate because there's too many times where

guys you know we that that sometimes you know that have worked with us in the past and they don't know how to turn on

and off the professional thing so there's a time and place for everything

so if you can't kind of turn that on and off and know your settings then

you're already kind of falling a little bit behind

so like they're all almost like a uh a facade is

what you mean like they're putting on a professional facade and they don't know when to turn it on and off well they

they don't know how to put on that professional you know they they they don't have that

that switch towards like yeah you can be yourself right but you still have to be professional about it and it's just some

guys they just the the way they talk is the way they talk and there is no

no switching them off from that you know I don't know exactly what

they would quarantine in a very large grocery store and the other thing separating us from the employees and the

customers was a sheet of plastic right no sound proof room or anything like

that and it goes back to the outer sight out of mind thing right like just

because we couldn't see people doesn't mean that they couldn't hear us and uh you know I can't

I'm guilty um I'm not always hearing my professional cat you know I like the

joke wrong I like to make jokes with staff and and sometimes uh sometimes you get that uh unfriendly reminder that hey

we can actually hear you guys or we can see you guys and um I've been guilty of that uh uh of

being on the unprofessional end uh of that and uh you know all you can do is

apologize you know say sorry you know and it's it's hard because construction is there are some pretty raw uh

individuals and individuality and construction when you're installing in the field versus uh you have a lot of

practice in the office setting or the professional setting uh versus the Hands-On setting uh where in the

commercial World sometimes you have a whole building to yourself thousands of square feet sometimes you have you know

200 square feet and you're surrounded by by employees and staff and you you have to learn how to hit that switch and turn

it out and keep it on for the duration of the day that project that week that month

yeah well and I think we have to kind of recognize there's different types or

levels of professionalism I mean UFC fighters the good ones are professionals

but how you know look at the the

industry they're in they're professional within that industry the same guy doesn't necessarily go who's considered

a a true professional and say MMA or UFC fighting fighting uh may not do so good

in a board room or something like I'm not at I'm not even like when I give kudos for professionalism it's usually

not like the guy is gotta be staunchy or you know what I mean like

uptight I'm just talking he knows how to communicate and there's that word again communicate to the end user in a way

that is not disrespectful and is in in engaging the end user uh if they're

talking to them or to the general contractor or dealing with the difficult superintendent or even dealing with the

teammate and and showing them how they want something done as opposed to just

barking at them like that to me is professional it doesn't mean you can't you know you you gotta have your speech

you know dialed in as if you're gonna be standing on stage in front of 10 000

people or something it's more like professional within our industry means I

I you can boil it down boil it down to the kind of the core of that maybe

communication yeah yeah it go it does go a long way up you

know we sometimes get wrapped up being here loading up in the morning and

then someone's expecting us at a certain time and it's a lot better to call them as soon as we leave here when they're 45

minutes away like hey I'm running 10 minutes late so they can be like all right you know that job's just five

minutes away from me I'll just hold off a little bit and before I meet you there rather than have them go there and start

and just wait on you it's it does go a long way I mean I can't say that I've

never done that like just don't even say nothing then you're like five minutes out and they're like dude where you at

been here for like 20 minutes already yeah yeah that comes out to play really

hard when you're dealing with a customer who believes if you're on time you're late and if you're early you're on time

yeah we've got a few of those clients that like well

I want to be hitting the ground running it when when our meeting starts not just walking up to the building so those

those guys have got to get there a little bit earlier um yeah I think it is uh good

communication is kind of the Cornerstone to a lot of this I think it would be hard for you to give

somebody um you know credit for being a professional if they didn't communicate

well uh so there it's a rock in that uh same with attitude if someone's not

communicating with you well it almost comes off as a bad attitude and they may not even have a bad attitude but people

who don't communicate in a effective manner at least doesn't mean you have to

be Mr outgoing but just an effective communication manner um you know I think that helps with

Attitude as well right I mean it's kind of a Cornerstone to a lot of these is this communication piece

well we in our industry and then when we go to a lot of these uh

there are quite a few introverts that do get up there and speak and they're really good communicators right but uh

they they're they're introverts they don't that's it's because that's what their profession is calling for is what

the moment is calling for and then after their they go up and do a

presentation they go back to being themselves and you can be yourself if you're an

introvert extrovert and still communicate well like you said you don't have to be super outgoing you don't have

to be the jokester you don't have to be super technical just be honest be

yourself and communicate your point uh communicate the information

yeah so you know overall I do I just think that you can have we all know that

the installer that's got like crazy good skills and a crazy bad

attitude I know a couple and that's what I'm kind of

you know covertly addressing here is the guys that got all these great skills but

they're lacking the soft skills of the communication the um

and again communication can Bridge a lot of other problems if you're just good at

communicating uh you know any in any given scenario but

it's it's missing those soft skills where you really care about

doing what you say you're going to do and we all struggle with that a bit I mean I know I do I say everybody but I I

should just take that on my own shoulders I was trying to get some company on that but uh I struggle myself

with doing what I say I'm gonna if I say I'm gonna do x y and z

um when I say I have to be cognizant

is why I say I struggle I have to be cognizant of actually getting that on a

calendar and getting that scheduled so that I can make sure to execute upon it I've had to put systems in place that

help me to remember to do those things because a lot of times you'll be having a conversation with someone you say oh

yeah man I'll take care of you on that if you forget it you may have the best intentions but if you forget to do it

then so there's a little more than just doing what you say which is being

Dependable or being you know punctual it's also about having some time management skills I think to make sure

that you don't forget these things or forget to do what you say you're gonna do

because frankly I know I know guys that 90 they they have really good intentions

when they say something and then they forget it

80 guy right I can there's some things that will get to 100 but usually I can get to about 80 percent and then uh you

know my superpower of ADHD kicks in and then get bored and you kind of get sidetracked and then other items kind of

uh take over that and it's a matter like you said it's a matter of controlling it you know I carry around these notebooks

all the time because it is a little bit of a reminder um to review the dates and everything

um yeah kudos to your notebook by the way I make notes for it it's for me it's not for anybody else right it's for me

um I did try doing it on my phone for a while using the the programs on the phone but

um handwriting it and going through those help me out in a ton do I get everything done like no man I'm not

perfect sometimes I take on a little bit too much but um like you said it's just a matter of

exercising that muscle right getting used to following something to completion is

some people have it naturally some people got to work on it well I'm the guy that's got to work on it

just because I I want to do you know I want to be able to

um make people feel that I I care about them when I'm dealing with it

particularly clients and things um but most of that's follow through on

my commitments and so I've got various ways I I use a calendar like Google

Calendar if it's on there I'm in good shape if it's not there's a good chance it's not going to

happen yeah my to-do list doesn't work it's got to be

like scheduled appointment right and I've I've noticed that like in the office it's a lot easier to get off

track and not hit the what you say you're gonna do unless you have something scheduled but

in the field it was a lot easier because you know talking to a GC or you know whoever's on site and saying this is

where we're going to be at the end of the day and then we're essentially working until we hit

that point and not leaving until we do or you know this is where we're going to be at the end of the week and then split

it up you know that way you know what you're doing each day is a lot easier

than come in here and being like it just gets so overwhelming with everything that's going on

and then it it's so much easier to get distracted by the little things when you're in the office than when you're in

the field because you already know like over here you can be like yeah I'll just do that for a minute and then like an

hour goes by be like oh man what was I supposed to do again but when you're in the field it's like you can see exactly

where you're starting an end point is and you know exactly all right I got to

be over there and I want to leave in 45 minutes so that's what I'm gonna do well in the field you get lost a bit in

your work too I mean like it's I focus so much better on the installation I'm

doing I'm not checking my phone I'll go hours and hours and hours and hours without ever even looking at a phone

when I'm installing when I sit at my desk and I'm working on stuff and get an

email and then a text message and then this and then that and the other you got all these distractions you would think

it'd be the you know the opposite being in a controlled environment that we

created I mean it's my office I created the environment and it's full of

distractions you know um whether it's employees coming in hey got a second or an email comes across

like I said or a slack message or whatever I've turned most of my notifications off but I get what you're

saying Daniel it's like you got all these little things that's where I find it hard to really

focus um you know in the field the like you said it's a little easier

from this on this perspective on this piece I should say it's a little easier I think it's part

of when when I'm talking about punctuality and dependability professionalism out there it's just if

you say you're going to be somewhere on a Saturday at noon to meet a bank to

open up the door and do the job you got to be there on Saturday at noon that's

what you said you would do it's those kinds of things where you really damage your reputation if you

let people down too many times and you damage your frankly you damage your reputation with yourself when you say

you're going to do something and you don't do it you're you're losing credit with your

own self um I know that sounds a little odd but one of my mentors uh said that's

probably the most important promise you can keep is are those promises to yourself it bleeds over into how you treat other

people is how you treat yourself so it's a little mindset out there but I have a question too like um and this is Broad

and this can incorporate more people as how much of these distractions and how

much other items are are the cause of

of a lower grade of communication right like like how much outside stress or how

much stress um causes us to not communicate well like what is it like how can we mitigate

that how can we find other things to help our environment whether it's in the

field or in the office at home so that way it doesn't affect our ability to communicate and be at the top of our

game like uh I'm always open to ideas like that because every day is different for everyone for myself included

I think fear is probably the number one killer of communication

just fear of saying something fear of being ridiculed for a question or you as

a as a boss I try to make it a

make it easy for people to come to me to ask questions and to do so I don't want them to feel

like I think they're stupid which I don't they're they're they're all very intelligent people but it's how you

answer a question or deal with someone can make them feel that way so my my point being to this is

fear uh fear of of especially the

introvert people you spoke of earlier Jose I think fear is one of those things to just make people clam up and shut

down I'm gonna I'm an introvert by Nature um that's that's the 100 truth

um I don't have a problem talking to people I don't have a problem you know communicating with people but as an

introvert that really means you know when you're in a crowd of people whether

it's at a convention or whatever are you energized by that and when you

leave it are you energized by all that interaction with other people or are you depleted are you tired and I could be

talking to four or five people in a group for an hour and when I'm done with it you know I'm pretty much exhausted

it's like it takes a lot of effort for me to communicate and be uh outgoing uh

as an introvert not just something I've I've learned about myself self over the years and I've learned to deal with

because I was really pretty shy and quiet um in my earlier adult life as well

um so the communication piece you just

gotta be okay with um getting feedback I think that feedback and and and uh maybe the

consequence of whatever that communication is that's why you don't call the person right that's why you don't that's why some people don't call

you to tell you they're running late because they don't want to hear you say again or

dude I gotta leave in 10 minutes you got to get here now you know whatever that the response is they're just like I'll

get there and then deal with it I guess that's an easier way out is to

what was that saying uh easier to ask for forgiveness than permission yeah yeah

that's true sometimes sometimes some people live and die by that because it's kind of

kind of hard but you know the the inside just gives me it's fairly accurate to the mannerism

um that we've experienced over the years from from people and had some would say

that I'm outgoing and as an outgoing person it it's not that I want to go in the middle of a crowd and talk and say

hey just want to like be the voice that's not me I'll I'll interact with everyone but if everyone's

being quiet I'll still be I'll sit in the corner I'll be quiet too but um I guess that my energy is fueled by

the internet he will not just sit there and be quiet he's just lying to you

um but I do like to interject I like to bring humor to everything and I like to

laugh and I like to have fun because because I truly enjoy what I do no matter what I'm doing well being around

you enough if I could tell you you um you enjoy communication you enjoy uh

conversation with people those are those are all um

you know I think you're a great communicator but how you get someone who is

um maybe not so natural at it I don't know if you're natural if you've just built

up the uh muscle uh for communication but you know someone who's is truly just a

shy person and has some fear of talking people I'm no psychologist I

don't know how to solve that all I can tell you is the value of communication truly outweighs the any of the

consequences in 99 of cases so it's just better to be you know good communicative

and I feel like I've we maybe have swayed here but really what the whole

huddle was intended to be is like these soft skills and communication is that is

one of those you can have great hand skills and still

not get the pay you deserve for those hand skills not get the opportunities

you deserve I know I will tell you a story quick story of a I lost a client

for a while come to find out one of my PMS was just

super difficult uh and I I mean we bent over backwards

for the most part for this client if I go talk to him and uh I asked the

CEO to lunch and this has been several years ago but I was like hey man you know we used to do all your work now I

maybe see a project every a year from you what what is going on and it's like

you guys don't communicate it's hard to get a hold of your guy and at the end of

the day it's just not pleasant I said no no quality problems none of

that he's like no we've never had a problem with your quality I was like

I was really set aside because I always thought like that was the most important thing and I still believe it is but man

isn't communication and professionalism kind of squeezing up there if you can lose a client because they didn't enjoy

working with you someone else made it easier to work with them and maybe they

that other company doesn't even do the same level of quality as we do but they'd rather be there than deal with

someone who's high quality but difficult to deal with so you know those thoughts

the soft skills and the soft skills are a true thing you will you can win and

lose work depending upon your level of uh ability in that Arena

so I I I do like my two sets I do like debut and that might might

never have viewed it like that either right because you you kind of rely on

your your hard skills your your Hands-On ability to help sustain some of your

clients uh but yeah you're right I guess uh the same thing for me

I never really looked at it like that if if I'm not communicating if I'm not communicating well with someone else

they have every right to not like that and go elsewhere um easier communication if you're easy

if you're making their life hell or if it's just not pleasant to deal with you the clients who realize like I got to do

this stuff for eight hours and 10 hours a day like I said earlier you should enjoy it well those clients that realize

that they're like you're no fun to work with man you're hard if you're if you're

difficult to work with but have the best skill you're still not recognizing your

potential I think that was really what I wanted to like make sure is clear you

can be wonderful from a technical install perspective but

if you're difficult to deal with and not pleasant and you know don't do

what you say all those things you're not realizing the potential that you have to to in earning money in in

earning um respect and in influence and your influence in the industry you can kind

of flip that right because in in the groups there's a lot of talk about customers that are horrible to deal with

and how they hate doing that but then you kind of got to look at that you know

with yourself too because sometimes the cus like you said the customers don't want to deal with you because you're

difficult to deal with it's not it goes both ways it's not just always the customer we've had you know calls

here at the office to where you know I'll answer and they'll be like you're like the sixth person I've called and

the only one that has answered the phone yeah that's a big thing these days

especially at the office but yeah you know what's interesting you bring up the Facebook groups on that is

never do I see in those groups like guys I'm having problems connecting with my

customers I've had you know I constantly have bad customers or I have customers

that are difficult to deal with maybe it's me what are some tips what

are some tricks if if it's always happening to you guys there's a common

denominator there called you not every customer is hard to deal with

they're certainly difficult I mean I got some that are hard to deal with and I just got to Barrel through it I also

have great ones uh if all I experienced was bad

um customer interactions it's probably I probably need to look at myself and that introspective uh attitude could go a

long way so that's a good point Daniel did that I also wonder like um these

soft skills I wonder at uh isn't there a way to gauge it like at what level are you expected to have this

certain set of soft skills right from entry level all the way to management

um like is is there is there any way to to template expectations

I don't know about expectations um I could say that I think it's like

walking for a toddler or for an infant you you start learning as early as

possible and you only get better as you do practice

like if you're brand new in this industry focus on your communication focus on

some of the you know professionalism focus on your ability to

um to um you know influence people focus on what

you can control and then keep keep getting better just

like an infant walking it's going to take you know they they just get started they don't know what the hell they're

doing but they don't just keep I want to keep going and as you go uh your

communication is going to you're going to hone that skill yeah on Facebook Eduardo actually said that a while ago

you know and I think it was when you were talking about uh like getting up in front of people and

and talking and stuff right but it all goes together it's the more you do it the more practice you get at it the

better you're gonna be so if you you have to start somewhere so just start you know baby stuff start with the

customers and then work up to getting in front of that crowd and you know it's it's not for everyone it's not for me I

I realize that I still do it but yeah well and communication you know

it's got different levels I mean you don't have to be a public speaker to be a good communicator and uh the other

soft skills that I think that are you know so important in this industry like I said dependability and punctuality are

two of my biggest that's that's not you know what it takes

is just communicating on a consistent manner uh getting used to what are those

triggers when you do need to make a phone call um and then just not being scared to make the phone call you don't need to be

an extrovert to communicate like I said you know and you don't even need to be some extrovert to be outgoing

um introverts can talk and and do plenty of stuff and and public speak as well

but these other skills they don't they I call them soft skills but it's not a

skill to honor what you say I'm gonna be there Tuesday at 7 00 a.m to be there

Tuesday at 7 A.M and then use your communication if you're not going to make it to buffer

your time but that's what I I'm glad you brought it up uh Jose is because you know communication which we don't have

as a metric in the Kudo system but it's a good it's a good way to get

yourself out of um it's a good way to get yourself a lot of opportunity and keep yourself out of a

lot of trouble if you're a good communicator and

hold you hold your holders if you're able to make those phone calls and say hey I'm running

behind and like beginning of the meeting today

it happens to me a lot either I'm 10 minutes late or I have a client that's 10 minutes late or a conversation during

a meeting lasts a little bit longer but I still have three other places to go and now I'm 15 minutes behind uh put me

in a worse spot for traffic and I do have to call those people or

um maybe in the middle of the meeting of the sit down I'll shoot out a text message because that's a lot of

communication through here now too like hey just to give you a heads up we're running a little bit longer than expected I am going to be if I know I'm

going to be at least 10 minutes late I'm gonna put 15 or 20 minutes on there and give me a little bit of time because no

Theory Rob maybe the wrong mindset but now if I'm earlier than the 15 minutes that I said I was going to be late if I

show up at seven minutes later than original time no Eddie I'm early enough yeah

um I mean and remember this is this is uh progress not Perfection there I I'm

certainly not sitting here in front of anybody saying I'm the best Communicator in the world that

you know never runs late or day I'm I I stack my schedule pretty hard uh I just

try to text or communicate and uh you know specifically if I'm dealing with

clients I mean you gotta show them their respect so yeah it's kind of the Catalyst um nice

conversation around communication it's kind of the Catalyst and the the protector of the other soft skills kind

of in my in my view after this conversation do you guys got any any

recommendations on any books or or um any audiobooks that would help

someone have more insight on becoming better at these soft skills and communicating

um you know the the only book that comes straight to mind is seven habits of highly effective people uh that's a

really good book I actually write that down I think it's Steven Covey if I remember

right yeah

I really like listening to audiobooks man I I don't know how or why I seem to

be the only time that I can fish supplement when I'm zoning out well I mean you probably as much as you're in

your truck driving around if you're listening to audiobooks you probably have a master's degree in whatever you're listening to

I'm all over the board the equivalent of a master's degree oh yeah I mean you

could have half a masters and how to run a softball league and then half a masters and run a pornography

half a masters in raising children cooking barbecue you know I don't know

No Doubt all right guys well thanks uh for coming on this week I know it's a little bit

shorter not much but um it's interesting how some of our conversations which way they go I

actually learned more than and then uh you know I was anticipating just kind of

throwing out there these soft skills and having a discussion but you know I don't even have communication on that list and

it's pretty clear it's like the Catalyst everything but what a way that that these things

kind of you know what you learn I you know

you can be the moderator or the the the head guy at anything and sit there and learn if you just want to if you just

have open air so uh learned something today so I want to thank you two for joining me and and uh

having a good conversation uh we'll see you next week and uh you guys have a

great week thank you brother all right guys thank you guys all right bye


The Huddle - Episode 23 - How Far Out Is Your Labor Booked?


The Huddle - Episode 21 - Would you want your kid in the Flooring Industry?