The Huddle - Episode 14 - Setting Realistic Goals

This week on The Huddle Paul, Daniel and Jose talk about the importance of setting specific and realistic goals, and how to go about achieving them.

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The HUDDLE is where the flooring industry can get together and talk about everything! Lead by Paul Stuart from Go Carerra who is joined by Daniel and Jose Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring.

whoa what's up everybody welcome to the

huddle where we come at you every week

to discuss

maintaining forward progress in your

flooring career

really just about any uh

business uh this applies to but


joining me is daniel at least for the

moment right now


so we're gonna talk about uh setting

realistic goals uh it's something i've

worked on a lot in my life um i thought

i'd get your guys's perspective but

the reason this is is


our businesses in construction

uh really require

goals even if they're daily project

goals or

or financial goals or

growth goals

um i've had the pleasure of being

mentored by some of the uh

leading entrepreneurs in in

the united states on this matter

uh i have not perfected it even close


i know what they say and i know what i

try to do as much as possible

so i thought i'd share that and then get

your guys's take on what you guys kind

of do


you know from that perspective so

just to start off i would say that um

a lot of people will tell you

to you know set realistic goals and

that's kind of what we talked about in

our title but it's a little catch-22


short-term goals or you know weekly



even yearly

uh you may want realistic but

uh at the end of

the day when you're looking at a big

vision you really want something that's

going to drive you it's going to

challenge you

and really

hold your feet to the fire

the idea


there's a lot of confluence a lot of

people that believe in this way

if you're aiming for the stars you'll

hit the moon type scenario right like

you may not hit that goal although you

try like hell


the truth is you might not hit it but

you also

you don't know where your

where your limit is

if you always have a goal that you can

reach and you know you'll reach and you

hit that and then you go to the next one

well that will move you forward it's not

going to slingshot you

so that's kind of the premise here

i like to set

annual goals for the company and for


and um

but then on a day-to-day basis we have

project goals you know like

day to day what you are trying to get

done in a in a given day with a given

crew or for your own crew

those types of things need to be highly

realistic because you gotta


that information gets shared to your

client to the

general contractor maybe the end user

you may be working for

so that's almost like to-do's

but they're still goals right you want

them to be realistic when you're talking

about big financial goals um i make them

scary sometimes they're impossible to

hit at least


that's what i think in the beginning


a lot of times you get a lot closer than

you probably imagined

so setting big goals and dreaming big

i'm a big proponent of and then breaking

that down

into actionable steps that you can take

on a daily or weekly basis to make sure

you're moving towards that goal and your

ability to execute on your daily or



or goals that move you to your big goal

uh determine if you make it

and uh so that's kind of how i've

approached it um i'll give some examples

maybe here in

in this call about a few different goals

that how i set them and how i reached

them but


what do you what do you guys do on your

side i i'm speaking mostly business but

personal is important too because

there's a balance to all this


for our goals

like especially lately it's been

small ones right um


being able to write things down and go

through the list and getting daily daily

stuff done

has been a struggle for a long time so i



posted notes everywhere to remind myself

i got books everywhere to


you you gotta

you know

that's a goal of mine is to get more

organized and to actually

stay on task and without writing stuff

down like that

it's real easy to get on some some

tangents and just

not even realize

you know how much time is lost in a day

when you don't stay on task

that's a big piece of it right is

writing them down

writing your big goals down but then

breaking them down

and when i say big goals they could be

big tasks uh andy fursella



had the pleasure of being

mentored by him

and one of his things is like

what are the five most important things

you can do today that move you closer to

your long-term vision

and if you can do those five things

every day and then obviously you're

gonna have these ancillary tasks that

come up and and creep onto your to-do

list but these five things

you know the the power list as he calls


that is um

that is

the way you

you know continue to keep forward motion

or forward progress towards a bigger

goal so if your goal

if my goal was to be an xyz

sized company

then i break that down into actionable

steps and then what five things can i do

on a daily basis what phone calls emails

or whatever so

and then keeping your to-do list that

keeps you on task for all your daily

tasks this is kind of on the um

almost separate from that although they

can play together but yeah writing i

guess i was just saying writing them

down is huge yeah and like you said you

know it's almost uh

you you want to get the big picture type

stuff right and set that goal and then

almost reverse engineer that into all

right this is my goal what steps do i

need to to get there and then break

those steps down further all the way

down to your daily tasks so that way

you're always following something to get

to your goal

so uh rollin is on facebook right now

and he asks if we feel

that goals and self-drive go side by



i think you got to have

some internal motivation to set goals uh

if you go up to the average person

uh it's like one in every you know 10 to

15 people even have written goals

so um and there's other studies that

show it's like one in a hundred so yeah

i think you got to be somewhat motivated

self-motivated to

write them down

um and then of course

you know we're talking owners to owners


who's gonna who's gonna make you do it

it's gotta be you


same way he's in his own you know he's a

head honcho man who's gonna make him do

those things it's it's him it's it's

your self drive and your self motivation

so that's a good question and a good

good insight if you think about it

because uh it kind of tells you what may

be missing in a lot of people's


you know ability to uh log their goals

and follow i i got i'll be

100 transparent i haven't written my

goals down in six months i'm really

ashamed of it i'm sitting here doing

a podcast about writing down goals but i

have seen the power of it

you know i've done it for years and

years and years but i can also tell you

from not doing it the the way that i've

done it in the past for the last i don't

know four to six months or something i

can see a difference i'm not achieving

the things

i'm not taking those steps

it's like taking a ladder

if you have your goals written down and

you're doing this kind of daily ritual

of like trying to get those five things

done that'll move you closer to your


all of a sudden you look and you skipped

a few rungs

you're up the ladder higher than what

you thought

closer to your goal so i can tell you

from both practicing it and then uh you

know have lacking the self-discipline or


uh that's all it really is and doing it

this last four to four to

six months something like that

yeah i think that yeah you have to

really be motivated in order to want to

get somewhere else um a lot of the the


you know stay where they're at because

although they want to get there they

have no motivation to get there right

they just

want to get their eight and skate

so to speak

do you think they want to get there or

do they want to get the rewards of being


a lot of it has to do with the whole uh

human nature of

you know wanting that instant

gratification right



why can't i just start working here and

in six months make as much money as

the best installer well you're not as

good as that best installer so you got

some work to do


they see

from the outside looking in you see

wow they're great but they don't see the

20 years that they put in in order to

get to where they're at they just want

to be

boom let me start doing this and be as

good as you and i mean don't get me

wrong there's some people that come in

and you know a couple months down the

road you're like man this dude surprised

you the person is moving



i asked that question because i i think

there's a lot of people that are stuck

in the uh social media world and you

know i i'm on social media i use it as a


sometimes for entertainment as well



i don't look at somebody who has


you know that's that's maybe has a

lifestyle or something that that would

be appealing to me and say

oh man i want that and i don't i don't

but i don't want to do the work to get

there but i want that you know i realize

the effort that goes behind things and


being lucky is kind of

there's an element of luck to just about


but it's pretty small really

what i've learned is

luck is really when preparedness meets

opportunity you know when you have an

opportunity and you're prepared and then

a couple years later you look lucky i

mean it looks like dude this guy went

from this to that

all of a sudden well

what about the other 18 years it took to

get to get ready and then be open to the

opportunity so i think a lot of that is

is um you know has to be considered if

you're if you're looking at that stuff i

wouldn't get

motivated by things get motivated by

accomplishment of

your tasks and your goals

because that usually leads to

the lifestyle that you want

yeah i

watch a lot of documentaries right

i don't think my kids in my life love it

but anytime i'm actually watching tv

it's on a documentary and i'm actually

learning something

and uh

like it's crazy the way like even

you know the rock stars that we look at

and the famous singers and stuff out

there you watch their documentaries and

that's what they say you know they had a

goal in mind

and they wanted to do anything they they

could do to get there and you really

don't see the struggles that they went

through until you watch something like

that that and it's like

man this dude was just brushed off by

everyone and he never quit

yeah because he he seen that goal and he

wasn't gonna stop until he got there


yeah it's like that harry potter book


i think she got like denied

by 10 or 12 publishers or whatever


someone either took a chance on her i

can't remember if she self-published it

or what but

i remember reading a story that she was

denied by

like multiple yeah yeah

and they they thought and look at that

that thing made her a billionaire you


that one that one story line turned into

the saga of you know

harry potter stuff is still coming out



yeah i'd say don't quit


you know when i'm writing goals uh

you know and i'm really motivated here i

am sitting talking about goals i'm i'm

motivated to um restart my

my um

ritual of a daily

i still have my power list i i have

the five things


it's kind of like the ship in the harbor

without a

without a root or a captain like if i

don't have a goal i'm just kind of doing

stuff and even though they seem

important at the time

if i'm not aimed at something then the

likelihood of getting there is

is uh you know

nearly impossible so having a goal is

like having that target

um or having gps coordinates to a

you know from from where you are to

where you want to be

that's what your goal provides is gives

you the two points the best thing about

the goal too is you're working towards

it and

if you set a timeline and you don't hit

that you can always reformulate what

you're doing in order to still try and

get that you just reformulate your

your steps and keep that goal and i

think that's what we've been doing for

the past few years it's like

you know we we have a vision of where we

want to be


in order to get there

it's been a lot of you know this


every time that

you know for the past i want to say four

or five years that we felt all right now

we're finally making momentum you know

we hired this person this person's gonna

put us to the next level to where we can

get this accomplished and then what

happens they're gone and

you're back at square one and you gotta

you just gotta pick up the pieces and

say all right well

this is still gonna be my goal but

it's gonna be a different route to get

there at this point

yeah and you can evaluate what went what

went wrong

or what went right and kind of double

down on the things that went right

and you got to look at things from

different perspective too right because

when these things happen it seems like

man you're so devastated this sucked i

spent so much time on this

and then like a couple years down the

road not even that long sometimes it's


i'm kind of happy that happened because

it wouldn't have worked out in the long

run anyways so that was probably for the



well and goals are

they're a little bit

you know like i said they're kind of a

target they're they're a little uh how

do i say this

they should be inspiring

almost unachievable sometimes

uh but

when you look back and you say where did

i start at least you moved you know

forward towards that goal



even if things didn't go right and you

absolutely achieved it you know

kind of evaluating the the

areas like i said that you you had a

really good uh response or a good

um outcome

and then kind of doubling down on that

and failure you know kind of one of the

the biggest pieces of this is don't look

at failure as a bad thing look at that

as a lesson

of what

not to do next time that's easy to say


but if you look at people who have done

really great things they felt their way

to success i mean thomas jefferson you

know that story is

is uh probably fresh on i mean most

people know about it but he basically

said i didn't you know he didn't fail 10

000 times when he was uh inventing you


the light bulb or whatever


found 10 10 000 ways it didn't work and

he found me you know what i mean uh so

he he took the failure as a

lesson on just it that didn't work so

the next thing will something will work

so you got to keep pushing and pushing

and pushing it takes perseverance a lot

of time so and that's probably what


i would think a little bit of insight on


as well is that

you know

his goals it takes self-motivation but

it also takes that perseverance it takes

motivate your self-discipline just to

get started

it really takes a lot of

perseverance to keep going when you get



you will get kicked like you just said

you know you had a guy that started and

everything was looking good and you

thought things are going to go

taking this thing to the next level and

next thing you know that guy's gone so

what what can you change next time to


not depend on that person for it or

is it

is it a different person you you got a

lot of lessons you can learn from that

and you probably have so

we have and then on the flip side of

kind of like push and pushing

rolling asks if

you feel like we get someone can get to

a point where they're

happy with the place they've gotten to

and feel like they've actually hitting

their ultimate goal already

yeah that's that's a great question

that's probably uh

the million-dollar question is

you know

i think it really depends on your

personality high achievers uh generally

they get somewhere and they're like

i enjoyed the journey there more than i

did getting there than being there and

they create another goal or another you

know they have another thing in their

head that they're going to go after


those people


you know i i don't know


um people that get to

accomplish a big goal in their life

maybe it's to have a hundred thousand

dollars in the bank or something and

then they're like

okay well now i'll quit saving or

something they look at and they're like

i did that and that motivates them to go

ahead and set that next goal

and what

and i just use as an analogy but


you know whatever it is a lot of times

once you get there you're going to re

you're going to set another one because

you now know for a fact you can achieve


especially if you're young and you're

setting goals and you're

you know a teenager and you or you're in

your low 20s and you're setting a goal

and you actually get to that


it's very unlikely you're going to stop

there so i don't know i think that's a


uh person by person thing but

from just

knowing a lot of high achievers i would

tell you that most of the time they get

to that

uh they they reach that goal and they

either already have another one set or


they get the confidence especially if

you're new to it i'll tell you that if

you're new to it and you reach that

first goal of whatever that is that

seems big to you at the time and you're

like i did it

why not set another one you know

right and

i think uh

like we've had multiple different goals

on you know different levels we have you

know the business goals and then

industry goals and stuff like that

and it was probably

probably around four years ago or

something like that you know

uh jose and i were talking and it's like

you know the

the ultimate industry goal is to leave

the industry better than

when we came in


um i forget who it was but someone asked


uh if i felt like i've already achieved

that goal i said i mean if i feel like

the industry still has a lot of work to

do but i still feel like my presence our

presence in the industry has already

left it better than it it was when we

got here


and that's that's where what's up jose

what's up i was there but

nobody could see or hear me so well now

you're in frame yeah

well i i uh

you know when you're talking about

you know the goal of leaving the

industry better than the way you found


if you get real specific on what you're

trying to do

that's when you know you've you've hit

it you know uh

you've already

left the end you know you've already

made a big impact you guys both have

made a big impact on the industry

what i would say is

setting something like

solving this xyz problem whatever maybe

higher installer pay or whatever the

deal is that's just an example but

whatever that is

then you have a real concrete specific

item that you can


for a fact like it's almost like an

uh an epiphany

that you've reached it


but that's a huge goal though that you

guys said like you're talking about

impacting the entire industry and a lot

of people think our industry's small

it's probably

it's it's the biggest small industry i

know of meaning it's bigger than most

people realize that like 20

something billion dollars of sales in

material goods but then you add labor in

there at about 15 billion

and now overall you're like a you know

35 to 40 billion dollar industry


the fact that our industry is still so

small though from a organization

standpoint we we have a lot of access to

people that

you know if you were in aerospace to go

sit down

with uh as a

as a machinist to go sit down with the

president of boeing or something


is unlikely

highly unlikely but i've sat down

multiple times and i know you guys have

and i know plenty of other installers

who have sat down with ceos of the

carpet mills that run billion dollar


so i think we're

as an industry we're a big small


um but your goal to impact it in a

positive way

that's a hell of a goal and i applaud

you guys for for going after that and

and uh you know i share some of and a

lot of those same aspirations is to

um help the industry heal in a lot of

ways and solve a lot of the

communication and

labor issues

those are big big audacious goals to to

solve and takes a lot of perseverance

and you guys are a part of that as as

you know


but yeah re reaching for the stars you

may fall short but you know you do get


and you do um move forward if you're if

you're consistently trying on a daily

basis and that's where we're at as long

as we're moving forward with it and


not gonna

stop doing what we're doing you know and


who's to say that later on you you know

after we're gone they look back and

they're like they really didn't do that

much but

hey at least we tried right i doubt that

dropping the bucket is still a drop in

the bucket right it's one one drop

closer closer to filling that bucket up

and that's really all that matters and

sorry i came in late guys i really was

there i just couldn't didn't have any


options to uh to to speak where i was at

i was having uh

i think i just joined a little bit later

than uh than i needed to but i'm sorry

to backtrack too as i want to go back on


a couple of things like the goals and

all that like uh

i just had a conversation with my nephew

uh last week or the week before

about goal he's like yeah i'm setting up

goals and so i

i broke it down a little bit different

for him i said how about instead of

setting up goals you just create


he's like why i said because if you

don't achieve your goal then you're

going to be like oh i failed

i failed and i'm like you shouldn't view

it like that right because some people

are a little bit different if they set

milestones and on the way to that


they get sidetracked or have to make a

lateral movement they didn't

fail at their goal their milestone just

changed right i mean either changed in

length of time or changed as a the

description change and they'll get back

to it or they can hit a milestone and

then split two different directions so

that that's my little two cents on that

yeah i don't think there's a right or

wrong way to look at it i would say that

you know

you got to be cautious and self-aware

enough to make sure you're not

shortchanging yourself in those

instances where you don't reach a goal

and then


uh or you don't

you get you get to a certain milestone

and then you you uh

take a different path as long as you're

not taking the easier path because it's


but you're taking the other path because

it's more effective in getting to your

goal there's an easy path

sometimes or at least it seems easy yeah

yeah you know how that goes

or too good to be true that's because it

really is too good to be true

yeah i thought i had a rich uncle in

freaking scotland that

14 million dollars was supposed to give

me at least like a facts last week right

that the email that

that they they found uh 14 million

dollars in

in a government account that has your

name on it yeah they need your bank


your bank account information and

they'll they'll they'll forward that

straight to you

signature on a bank account everlasting

installations is on here he says that

whenever he clears uh

every time he clears a goal off the

vision board

that's his motivation to set that next

goal like we were talking about earlier

all right i hit this

now it's it's time to to get this next

one and

i can i can see that right


that's that self motivation

yeah and vision boards are cool because

you take the time to do one


they they keep that

you know especially with men i'm i'm not

trying to separate us but men are just

very uh visual creatures

and uh it works for women too don't get

me wrong um but it's just like as a guy

you're very visual um

stimulus right i mean we we're we're the

main buyers of exotic cars for a reason

we're main buyers of you know

uh these these um

you know lamborghinis and ferraris and

stuff because

visually we're we're uh motivated by

that kind of thing so vision board is

cool because it keeps it right out in

front of you it's cool to hear someone's

keeping a vision board yeah crystal

actually has us all putting our own


vision boards together and we're putting

them on a

a bigger board out in the warehouse

because she wants these guys to realize


you should set some goals you should

have some motivation in what you do


and uh i think she's getting a little

bit of pushback right now

well that's cool that's leadership right


yeah she's a great leader man and you

know what and i i missed uh i missed the

memo on getting that done but i she gave

me everything this morning to get going

someone was on vacation

how dare you i know

i got to pay more i got to be better

than that


that's pretty cool you guys are doing

that and combining them


as a team it sounds like you're she's

encouraging everybody at your company to

do that huh

yeah everyone she wants everyone to do

it so that way we can actually

point out how

i like some of our our goals and

just our hobbies just like in general

it's just it's gonna bring it all

together it's gonna be a good team


uh thing as well as like helping others

you know achieve their goals so

um yeah

it was there that's that's a good idea i

might have to steal that

take some pictures and say trademarked

already sorry


yeah just um

i guess in in closing here for me anyway

uh i just want people to realize that

failure is not failure really it's just

a lesson

there's a lot of these times when we we

feel like a failure


just gotta check yourself today's been a

really rough day for me actually um

in a lot of ways it was um you know


we got

a big kick in the old keister


you know a couple of our

long-term guys one of them retiring one

of them moving on to another company a

total different industry in fact

which were kind of sad to lose him from

the industry let alone our company but

uh with all that

we have

you know

a lot of pressure then

stacked upon the the remaining people

keeping a positive outlook even when

things don't work out or when something

falls back um i'm working on a big deal

you guys know about that we're having

some complications with and it's just

this little piece

that's keeping the the whole train from

moving and

you know

the goal is clear

and we just kind of

keep getting notched down

i'm not going to

give up you know we're going to

persevere we'll get through it and and

get the problem solved but um i think

it's i think it's got a lot to do with

uh staying with something even when you


it it may seem like a failure but it's

just a

short setback you know

if you're taking two or three steps up

and you take one back down you're still

two steps ahead right so just keep going

just keep pushing


don't look at failure as like this

ending thing it's it's a lesson hey

failure is the foundation of success

so it's the um the only way

that you can actually put it all

together and make sense of the finished


um i'd really


for me to

experience success without failing

because then

the steps in the effort to get there is

unknown like i'm just there how

if something goes wrong i won't know how

to fix it

yeah i've heard it said that

like you know


failure is


a setback is only should only be

considered a failure

or is only considered a failure when you

accept it as one so if you feel like

it's a failure that's when it's failure

it's not that the item or the event

itself's a failure you're giving it that


it's just a setback just something you

gotta overcome so

if you just keep that positive mindset


and this might sound a little foo-foo

but this is true you just got to keep

going sometimes and

not accept it as a failure accept it as

a lesson and keep driving forward um

and that's even in like your kids

sporting events you know

your son

throws a

a game that he wasn't super proud of

well there's some lessons in there it he

shouldn't come off the mound feeling

like a complete failure there's just

some lessons there that he can learn

um and and get better or one of our

we we just adopted three kids and one of

them's playing football and he didn't

get the position he wanted you know on

the team

uh he wanted to be one of the skilled

positions you know running back and wide

receiver or something and he's a

he's in line he's a defensive end and a

offensive end you know

and um

that's not a failure he he's he's he's

on the team first off


uh he's going to get better

just playing that position

understanding plays and understanding

routes and understanding uh you know

blocking first quarterback for example

and and which way to do that you'll get

a better understanding of the game and

he's you know seventh grade so he's got

plenty of time to grow into his body

there's a lot of kids out there that

don't even start playing football until

seventh grade

or even high school yeah

but cool story you know you were talking

about being on the mound and you know

having that tough game it was we

actually went and watched the

shohei ohtani pitch when he came to

to detroit it was it was one of those

things i told my wife i was like if he

come if he's pitching on one of these

days we're going

and she texted me the game was on sunday

she texted me saturday at like 1pm she

was like he's pitching tomorrow

the next text after that was i got the



yeah that's good and then and then when

we got there uh

he did not have a great game you know

you when we went in there i fully

thought we were going to lose and he was

going to just demolish us

and it

you know tanya and i talked and it's

like that's probably the best thing that

could have happened because now

you know the kids can see that you can

be one of the best people in the world

and still have an off day but you know

what he's gonna do he's gonna shake that

off and he's gonna go get that next one

and that's how you either kind of look

at things

they say short memory in sports i think

that's the same thing when you're

setting goals like learn from your

lesson and move on like don't let it

drag you down don't let that


that setback drag you down into failure

you know get your motivation

sock sulk for a second or so but get

back on the horse you know

right and i'm i'm sure he's gonna be you

know talking to his coaches and

everything about it don't feel like you

can't reach out to someone to

to help you out with something that

you're struggling in like

if you need to talk to someone

talk to someone


i did find it very uh helpful one time

um i hired a business coach to help me

through some of that before

um you know sometimes you just got to

reach out and have somebody guide you uh

especially if you're an entrepreneur and

you're on your own and you you may feel

like you don't have a lot of people to

go to


it's always there to there's plenty of

business coaches there's


there's undoubtedly

uh dozens in any given city so

you can always find them but the point

is is that you know

sometimes you need a little bit of help

and it's okay to ask for it but

that too goes back to roland

uh comment and that takes

self-discipline and motivation

inner motivation to just make that

that step so yeah i think it all boils

down to you know

keeping keeping your goals in sight

keep moving forward and uh have that

discipline to uh to do so


no no no no you're my friend told me

once uh playing ball obviously we

compare a lot of things sports

i hit the ball and

i got a double right but before i got

the two i probably could have went to

three but before i got there you hear

him he says

know your body just

know your body right


that i stopped that too because so he

said that he's like oh man my head said

you know what

if i do go for it chances are i'm gonna

have to slide i'm not built for that

kind of

you know your body you tried

you know who was there was known

it was no he was he was trying to push

you to go to three though no no he's

trying to tell me the nice way to stand


uh know your body i'll never forget it

but you know that that kind of a relate

that resonated with me through more than


that moment and that that

that situation it's uh you know

it's a metaphor for know yourself right

like if you like back to rollins comment

like uh when is enough enough when you

when you stay stop is um

when you start losing the passion for

the things that you're doing

know yourself man know your body know


going through the motions isn't going to

get you where you want to go um being

passionate about it and finding

passionate people to surround yourself

with will help motivate you to move on

to those next steps


know your body

i'll never forget that's kind of like

well hort hedges said right here we got

a comment on linkedin he said uh not to

stay stagnant doing the same thing play

with the new products learn new things

you know that can be motivation to keep

you moving forward but without you know

doing the research and motivating

yourself to to try those new things

you're just going to stay in the same

spot so

surround yourself with the people that

are trying to build themselves up just

like you are

and trying to learn those new things and

it'll help

help you self-motivate to push yourself

even further and i think that that's uh

those are some good words right there

yeah that incumbent right

yeah i mean that's why we're talking to

you right now

we all have goals and

i mean we we went over there to to your

spot to

ask you questions i mean you you've been

through a lot of the same stuff that

we're going through now and we

appreciate everything that you you

said to us so far and you're very modest

everyone who's listening the gentleman

right here is very modest he's also very

passionate about the industry and he is

leaving a mark as well

so it's just

you know we're just all making our own

little marks on different sides of of

the country right now your mark is a lot

bigger than ours just to let you know we

appreciate any help and everything that

you're you're doing well

i think we we um you know we're aligned

in our in our

passion for for a lot of these things


and uh

i look at it like

they're you know you're not always


how do i say this i i'm not always

looking for

uh somebody that's bigger than me to to

motivate me or whatever i find

motivation in your guys's and what i


uh is your guys's dedication to growth

your dedication and i'm talking personal

growth and getting better

all those things

are what continue to push you forward

i would say

at the end of all of this if if anybody

gets anything out of it is you know

set your goals

the motivation side of it it does take

some personal motivation or some you

know self-discipline

but the other thing is

you know make sure you're pushing

yourself sometimes you can get in these

zones where you're doing things but

you're not really pushing yourself and

you'll you'll see it at the end of a a


and i'm noticing it now because i

haven't really been pushing myself on on

goals uh where

uh you and you know the business kind of


you know saying that is if you're not

growing you're dying

and there's a lot of truth to that in


uh and personally because you

even in my marriage i've been married

for 27 years uh you know there's times


you're just kind of coasting along and

it gets

that's where you lose passion that's

when the passion gets lost is when that

you just kind of coast along so you got

to be cognizant of that i'm i've got to

be cognizant of that in my in my

personal life say my marriage or or my

business is

try to continue to push the envelope

um and have that as your gauge and it is

each each person's a little bit

different have their own um

you know no know your body type deal

that's true i mean

like it would be

a bit ridiculous for me to think like

i'm gonna go build a rocket now elon did


can i do it


the the most motivational people in the

world will tell you oh yes you can

well i'm not saying i couldn't

eventually but i'm telling you am i

first check myself am i passionate that

to me is knowing your body am i

passionate about that

you know you may

you may be a great hitter and not a

great runner know your body right you

take your take your wins where they

where you get them uh that match your




i think the vision boards are another

good thing that came out of this uh it's

cool you guys are doing that by the way

that's awesome that's all that's all

baby sister credit goes to the baby

baby sister brought some cool stuff

because she that that's all that's the

ultimate machine she completed hers

before she even told anyone what was

going on she was like

boom here's mine this is what you guys

are doing this is your homework

she led by example


that's awesome

all right guys well we have come to the

end of our time here i want to thank

both of you for joining me i know this

isn't like super flooring specific but i

don't think that it any of us believe

that this would always be oh what glue

are you using what trial size like these

are these are things that

that will help you to think

uh a little bit bigger

a little longer term and uh then

those trial size things kind of end up

on your to-do list

right unless you guys wanna do one one

one of these episodes where that's all

we do is give you one little

schooling section on how to do this you

know one foot of flash cove yeah

yeah those are um

you know this whole time we've spent

together on on a weekly basis

i value because it kind of it kind of

re-motivates me in a lot of ways

uh reminds me of things that are

uh important and kind of refocuses it

you know like when your camera is too

close to something and it starts to

focus and it it finally focuses it's

that kind of a thing for me so

i really appreciate you guys joining

every week and

you you guys are awesome and i i really

appreciate that that

your sister is um

doing that that's cool that she's

pushing other people to kind of chase

their dreams and giving them the

sometimes you're giving someone else the

power to chase their dreams and that's

what she's doing that's cool he's trying

to re to have people realize that they

do have a dream

that's you know

whether it's you know doing flooring or

not i mean you you got to have something

that you're looking forward to

let's focus on that and that can be your

motivation on why you're here and doing

this i mean everyone's got hobbies right

yeah so take your take your passion from

there and kind of translate it over here

too because this is what's supporting

that hobby anyways you don't want

everyone anyone to feel stuck



all right gentlemen well thanks again

we'll be talking to you soon and

uh everybody else we will see you

uh next week

uh please join us and if you have any

comments feel free to to open up the

chat didn't have time to even look at if

uh there was any chats i don't believe i

know i we usually do it every excuse me

we usually do everything at the end but

i was kind of just throwing everything

in there as it was as it was coming too

yeah that was good though

awesome all right fellas we'll have a

good week and we will chat with you

later all right see you hi everybody


The Huddle - Episode 15 -The Path to Success


The Huddle - Episode 13 - Leveling Up; Taking Your Business to the Next Level