The Huddle - Episode 133 - First-Time Fails: Rookie Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Let's dive into the most common missteps new flooring installers make and how to sidestep them. From skipping moisture tests and using the wrong adhesive to improper subfloor prep, these rookie errors can lead to costly repairs and unhappy clients. We’ll share expert tips and insights to help installers avoid these pitfalls, ensuring a smooth installation process and long-lasting results. Tune in to learn what it takes to start strong and build a solid reputation in the flooring industry.
The Huddle was created by Paul Stuart of Stuart & Associates and Go Carrera, alongside Jose and Daniel Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring. Aimed at helping you maintain forward progress in your flooring career, they cover topics from personal and business growth, to installation tips & tricks and everything in-between.
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what's up welcome back to the Huddle your weekly Playbook where we help you gain forward progress in your flooring
career we are here to help you win to all of our new viewers welcome to the
team what's up fellas how's it going sorry we're late uh audience uh we had a
little technical difficulty so um but we got it we got it we're here on a cold
Bliss blistery uh Winter's day I would love it if anybody on would uh just
comment with what degree and where you're at because um we got 14 up here
in Kansas City and it feels like it's like seven well seven below it was
literally eight below here we don't get below we get cold in Kansas but below
zero four degrees and uh our low is Nega five yes Roland I am cold because I just
got back from lunch and it is
like 14 degrees and like I said it is almost
um with the wind chill I think it's saying like it feels like negative4 or something crazy anyway I think it is ne4
that's how cold it is it's cold yeah yeah I I actually plugged my
truck in last night to make sure that uh we're going to be good this in the morning good call well you're is it a
diesel yeah well you do that every time it's
like down in the below 20 you do that below 20 I don't know what um what our
guys do but they certainly um plug it in plug in our trucks I think it's probably
any time it's under freezing but anyway today is we are going to need
some audience participation uh for this to last an
hour but it's always a fun topic uh
you yeah I I don't it's fun now it's fun to talk about it now it wasn't fun back
on in the day right yeah yeah it wasn't fun when these things happened but you know your first time floring failed
um you know we'll go a little bit farther and um discuss like how to avoid
them too or you know what we learned from them
but it's GNA take participation because I've only made one mistake and I
think Daniel only made one Jose's only made one so what's up I think we got
like has at home sick right now too I think based on his uh post earlier hey
Jorge what how cold is it there dude I know it's always warm there but I heard
uh from Ben who many of you know with go Carrera um and he's been on the podcast
uh several times but he said that uh he was showing me pictures of family
members down in Houston that uh got four inches of snow
so I'm sure it ain't as warm as it usually is for you or he it's not might
as well just shut the whole Community down at that point when it's I think the whole city uh from what
Ben said the whole city is shut down like they just stayed home right like they don't have the
roads are different the tires are different and I never would have thought about that but when we were in Oklahoma
they shut down because of like two hours of freezing rain and we were down there with
Michigan tires and just like what you guys like what's
wrong all right we got some 27s to 40 degrees now okay well you're
whooping our ass it's you're three times as warm as we
are well we're GNA give it a second let some some audience um catch up with us
here and uh hopefully we'll be getting some
participation on this topic but when you think about let's let's start with this
when you think about floring all right uh when you think
about floring Fels um I what always comes to my mind
is things that go wrong but I'm not talking about um
not like you know I didn't prep the floor or something like that these are things that you you you maybe did early
on that uh caused you some issues so obviously a little bit um do a
temperature check here degrees wind till
five where are you at Holy Moly Maryland
yep oh yeah yeah well that checks
out but uh I was I was kidding when I said I've
only made one flooring fell I've made two and multiple more than that actually but
one that I was telling you guys I'll save but I do have another did you guys ever use um Dependable gypson patch back
in the are you old enough no like I think we're old enough to have used it but smart enough to have never used it
okay well you got me on the second Point Square buckets is it coming the square buckets went you could get it in square
buckets or bags yeah that's now I was an hourly employee so it wasn't like I was
trying to save money I just used what the company gave me to use I didn't go out and try to you know save a few bucks
on a bag of patch but we used I skim coded
I'm talking so there's a reason you're supposed to check your substrate let me
preempt this with check your subrate make sure that there's no oil it's free of oil and paint and these types of
things I did none of that first off and secondly I skim coded uh an entire
hallway and I even built it up real nice in a few areas maybe half inch with some
Dependable gypson base patch and
uh can anybody just guess what happened when I glued down my uh tried to glue
down my carpet it wase dude I had bubbles everywhere and I
could and it was like a 30 foot shot by about eight and a half nine foot wide and the entire thing came up well
then you Tred to spread glue right over the top of it and there was like a hydraulic oil or something in the it was
a it was a nightmare I couldn't I had to throw throw away I got in big trouble because I had to throw away the the
whole drop we couldn't get the the gypson by the way sticks to carpet glue
really well and it was stuck to the back of the carpet had no chance um what does
he say he say used it with milk it worked great I don't think he needs real milk
also he says it was the only thing LS and I'm an 80s baby so that's before my
time that is uh before your time but I would say
um I would say that we didn't I didn't mix it with latex either is that a thing
gypson with latex it makes it more more pliable I
haven't used it uh well since I opened my company we
we never used it it's always been cement Portland based product but anyway it was it was quite the
Nightmare how to avoid that is two things the substrate was contaminated
with something I think it was like hydraulic uh fluid or something like that they had to come in and clean up
the whole thing and secondly don't in my opinion not only in my opinion I could
show you a picture of a job that I went on uh just recently uh this over the
weekend and was uh helping the crew to get some stuff out and I I should
probably uh put this in for like worse sub worse demo of the year but it has as
you can see a nice layer of gypsum right on top of layer number
three that's four layers of vinyl and a layer of carpet over the top so that's
not a flooring fell we we knocked it out the park but it was a pain in the ass
pardon the French hey Danny where are you at brother it's so cold give me your location and temperature there
okay so uh we we've lost Daniel he's back
again I forgot to put it on do not disturb again and I got a phone call so we're back
sweet all right so chime in comment with your flooring fails and uh let's let us
make fun of you let us make fun of us too we do that really
well I did learn so like I guess one of the first experiences I had I think you need to turn your gain up it's really
hard to hear is it really that low yeah all right when you yelled at for it
being too much n better no yeah a little
bit boom boom boom that's come on
Daniel all right so my man Danny he did a a project my brother a while ago and
we prepped everything kind of similar to what you did we prepped everything you know we didn't really grind anything
there was a bunch of old adhesive or what we thought was adhesive um and uh
let's just call it contaminants on the floor so we tried to skim over it with ARX um then we started getting ready to
install and everything started popping up we didn't know what was going on but that's when we found out that that was
an inside chicken Coupe and the chicken poop itself and what they fed it
introduced a bunch of contaminants to the concrete the concrete absorbed it and when we tried to encapsulate it
brought everything back up and we could no longer do anything to that floor um
so of course that's rx's fault right I mean yeah 100% yeah
100% garbage garbage Dependable back just kidding our Dex we love you that
was a joke well the same thing like before I think uh this guy was on a job
site and he didn't have any water or something and mixed it with like a Mountain Dew or a Gatorade or something
and then come to find out when we're going through classes later that you don't want to mix sugar in with that
because that don't mix either so and the crazy thing is is you still see people on Facebook doing that like I don't have
anything I'm gonna mix this with my Coke real quick are you serious yeah there's and
they post it like it's it's the cool thing to do to like be proud of
yeah that's so silly desperate times the about the craziest I've gotten with
patch is you know heating up the water a little bit to make her kick off a little faster but oh yeah
yeah I think that that's a I don't want to say common practice
but little I have used that many times in the
past on some deeper stuff this is what your whole th this is
our life in flooring well guys just got a call installers are 9 foot short on
black base got to run and put it in it's at the Eagles Club and they got to put
the furniture back at 6 PM not salesperson
fail got those yeah it's just so funny to me like in
our that's like the epitome of our business you're just a little short on something or you gota and it's got to be
done that's the uh that's the world of flooring because we are We Are The Last
of the Mohicans in a job site typically it's moving right in behind us Danny says sometimes scarifying and primer
just aren't enough but there's always a way but when you don't know that way that's when you run into stuff because I
ran into one with that too where um we put a bunch of I mean we ground it right
and put a bunch of self leveler down and everything looked great like a week later they were like hey all that patch
is popping go back and uh come to find out like it was an a vestibule and it
just had the the grate there before so all that salt was just sitting there for years and just absorbed into that
concrete and it it was just a bond breaker wow yeah the I I would think
that the that high of alkalinity you talk about it yeah yeah I would have
broken that bond for sure see you Rin you go have fun installing your nine foot of Base see you
Rin okay polls are open how long is it going to take Ron to toss up nine feet of black vinyl
base it's probably already done it's already done Danny I did Prime first but
it was uh not a primer that that was was an epoxy primer is
probably case yeah it it just it did
nothing like you said that's a lot of alkalinity and that's mean straight salt
and it you have no idea how deep it went I got a question does
anybody well first off does does anybody put their do does
anybody use flammable contact cement when you're putting on carpet broadloom
on stairs there's nonflammable contact cement there is now yeah yeah there's
nonflammable I don't trust it that's what don't
either parabon does have one but good old what is it 5025 or whatever
the the uh red can parabon that's what I use
so one time oh it's 40 minutes away it'll take him a minute so it'll take
him 50 minutes it's gonna take him 42 minutes to get this
done so that's all I ever used when I was installing broadloom um
is uh contact cement flammable contact cement you know roll the back roll your
stairs and i' do on a 4 foot set of stairs you know i' I'd cut up for 10 and I'd
waterf them up the stairs and
uh they jumbo didn't know they had
nonflammable um so anyway I've got this I'm starting and what ends up happening is
you know I have that whole carpet draped over me so I was effectively in a flammable contact cement tent for about
an hour I didn't even realize how goofy I had gotten until I got all those the
first 10 uh stairs done but that is probably one if you want to stay smart
and not kill every brain cell that you should avoid doing so that's maybe one of my
ultimate fails was I was high as a kite for a good hour or so after that I
couldn't even and I was sick to my stomach I thought I was gonna puke on the job site it doesn't
make I got the munchies from from contact yeah and I did that when I was
12 years old contacting a bunch of stuff for this guy right here and then he got mad at me because I got sick yeah yeah
actually that was one of the first jobs he ever helped out with um out in Holland and uh yeah he's right I put him
on on contacting the steps and this guy's like I don't feel good and me being the awesome big brother I am just
pretty much told him that he was a little [ __ ] and blah blah blah or yeah that word sorry
guys and then and then didn't realize there was no ventilation yeah yeah I got
a brother in uh no ventilation sorry uh I seen jge
did the same thing s good yeah no ventilation and pretty much I got my brother highend chemicals at 12 years
old y Nate just did a bunch with some nonflammable too I seen the pictures
where he uh used the cool glide on the
seams yeah that's funny yeah it was not good Jorge and I don't know where you
got how you could possibly get the uh get hungry from it
but so he says that someone that he knows we're we're going to holde head
real quick uh someone that he knows installed some glue down plank in Zer degree weather it's acclimated inside
but how can you acclimate it and yeah I mean unless inside was like
the HVAC was on then it's it's fine the material flexed and gaap well I think uh
when when it's cold and then you install it it's going to end up pushing up on each other expanding
yeah that's a I can't imagine that that turned out good no not unless it stayed
there but surely they heated it up a minute you know put it back to normal
temperature okay Lanny says I had a project not pass inspection it was glued down broadland carpet and out of the
specs for Boeing I was it was on a weekend and I could not get in touch with the rep or
the salesman that was on vacation them damn salesman and vacation when you need
them the most and the commercial space had to be back uh in use on Monday I
crab stretch it as far as I could but it was on gypsum and it didn't hold very
well yep I could see that we ended up sending another guy out there to seam and stretch the centers cost me a few
bucks good learning experience learning experience though yeah I I I don't know
how you would um do that without cooling seams and prepping the gypsum
and priming it and prepping it the problem is gypsum you put a lot of glue on that
even if you prime it and like we've had it where gu skim
Cod it and they prime it and skim coat it and then you put down um if you have
like the thin set that they used in this very first unit it was more of a prepping thing uh
not necessarily skim coating but they had to prime it to be able to get the all these uh belly sways that were in
the Gip Creed out but point being when they mix their thin set and
they mix it really runny oh yeah all that moisture went in there and it it
released that and I was like dude that's going to happen every time even if you prime it and kind of do it mostly right
um You can get away with a lot but you know you don't want to over uh over wet in your then it would probably wouldn't
have held anyway at the end of the day so good early catch checking the
paracity after that after you prime it that first time too to make sure that it's not going to you know super soak up
some of that moisture yep but yeah I think a lot of these
these uh fails are just learning experiences like we're talking about contact and before we got on here that's
what I said you know I'm still in high school working at a high school during
the summertime was carrying a gallon of contact just from one end of the school
to the other in one of the rooms that we just installed slipped out of my hand
spilled everywhere I'm trying to clean it up and repair it before anyone comes
in and like like just when you think that you're in the clear like all right I got I got the the carpet there and it
was tandis so I'm just going to double cut it right as soon as I go to start double cutting it guess who just walks
in catches me like I was almost done almost there like the hell's going
on would you end up doing he he ended up showing me exactly how it should be done instead of me
messing it up even more yeah they because I didn't mess up right
that's how I learned too so yeah he said that he did prime it but he
didn't own a stretcher just a crab and the crab can only do so much we've been
on projects where we have two stretchers and like four crabs because the carpet
is that messed up and I mean granted it was out of Tolerance and the
manufacturer knew and they were like all right we're just going to pay you guys to get it in there we're confident it'll stretch that much and that's what we did
we we had a stretcher head on this side stretch your head on this side and stretched stretched it overnight let it
do its thing I I will say the the one thing that we did that on that project
that we learned uh was ripping it down into more manageable pieces to pre-stretch it like three foot four foot
wide pieces instead of the whole the whole 12 foot wi 12 foot six yeah we did
rip it down and and because not every part of it needed to be stretched that much
huh grinding the floor and putting it down without checking for paracity well a lot of guys also grind without even
vacuuming and they don't realize that that's grinding is going to introduce
dust into that concrete yeah i' I've been uh we've been
I should say guilty of not of of doing a vacuum after you
have a if you you got a really dusty job site coming back after lunch and thinking you could just
spread and nope all the dust from the settles like it just come yeah it just
came down and another good reason why a lot of flooring guys just prefer to work
it in the evenings when no one else is there because they cut sheetrock in the other room and that dust is over into
your room and it's enemy it
is days later I've seen it 30 days later still we've been into places like in
hospitals and then they're sanding it like we install and then they start sanding and then you can actually see it
migrating in the like the The Notches in between the notches and it just going
deeper and deeper H says Lan he learned that checking the carpet before insulation is
a must the problem is the store should be checking but they would leave it up to to the
installers to to check the day of installation he had he's had someone
send them bold material install it resend another role they said they double checked rolled it out and it was
the same thing and then he made another claim and
they said that he was probably wrong the in independent inspector came checked and said it was past the
tolerance again so you can't take anyone's word for it I mean
if you look at at just the the CFI right the the R1 you get into patterns and
elongation and bows and SKS and what to look for and how to look for it and it is a lot of it just falls on the
installer unfortunately but it it should be a Salesman type of thing but a lot of
these salesmen don't have the knowledge to just look at something and be like yeah that's wrong a lot well and and
think about it from a dollar's sense standpoint there's two things one most of the salesmen don't have the the skill
and ability to really know what they're looking at or really understand how to check it in the first place the second
thing is if you're pushing out 50 60 houses uh 75 houses a week or a hundred
even there's no time to unroll and
visibly I mean like dude that ain't going to happen it is going to fall on us and it's always going to fall on the
installer that's just how this business is until you get to where the
manufacturers don't try to send out crappy product because why is it that I'm going to defend the dealer on this
why is it the dealers responsibility they paid good money for quality product
manufacturer's Quality Inspection and yeah that that's on them I mean I get it
but well you also have that come to you and they're like yes just it's just some broadloom carpet
No pattern you get there and it's like a/ inch by 1 in pattern and it's like bro yeah like the hardest one I'd rather
do a three-foot pattern yeah just overlapping double cut right yeah well that's how you do all
carpet isn't it Serpentine brother Danny says he doesn't get it with all the social media
knowledge out there that it doesn't change and I think it's just that people some people don't want to change you
have to actually look at yourself and and admit that you're wrong
sometimes and that's hard for some people to do and Danny what do you specifically referencing like all the
problems from the manufacturer what or or are you are you talking about with
all the social media out there that you know the knowledge of these issues um should be wide
enough think smaller he's still he's a couple seconds he's a
little bit behind but yeah I I would I I'm wondering what he's referencing there but for sure like we all see stuff
on social media but unless you're in the learning like you're ready to learn just
running across someone else's fail isn't gonna I don't it doesn't it just isn't
gonna stick my favorite thing lately has been when the the guys that you see posting on a regular basis that are
posting some quality work and then they'll come out and be like just post a picture what's wrong with this picture
and then you know they'll be like yep that is that is the issue and then a lot of them are like and that is why I
worked until this time last night because I wasn't going to leave it like that but that's the thing it's you know
catching it and then fixing it and that's I think the the big thing about these rookie fails is you learn from
what you do like I don't ever want to make that mistake again like I know we've talked about before about trying
to glue down lenium like it was sheet vinyl and then there was bubbles everywhere it's like yeah I'm never
gonna do that again yeah part of it is like even after training you run across things because
there's no site there's so many millions of combinations from the type of concrete
to the job site conditions to the product that you're putting in to the adhesive you take four
variables and hundreds of thousands of different job sites and not one exact condition
matches the other that's why manufacturers are so vague in a lot of their their site conditions and then
they have to weigh that against like selling their product because there's a lot of Manufacturers um I won't name any
but we had a deal recently and this isn't on a flooring fil but it was it's just one of these examples
it says that the side condition should be uh between 65 and 85 for proper
installation and and and maintain uh for 40 48 Hours
thereafter well it's a PSA lvt and the when
it didn't when it gapped over what's uh
allowed it was like well what are they doing with the AC I'm like well they turn it off and I know that that's not shouldn't
happen but um your manufacturers instructions don't state that you have
to keep it there or within 10% SE some of them will say between seven and 10% or something
like that uh from there on it just says for 4 hours there after for 4 48
Hours 42 after yeah well that ain't gonna hold the that's not going to hold
the planks or or you know Help The Help the gapping out at all at all there are
so many issues but let's talk hard surface they remove floor pull product
out of the van and install or they think because drop off two days earlier
and assume it's acclimated no pH relative humidity yeah
well that's a whole different beast and I'm assuming you're talking about wood
uh for the first or just lvp natural
stone um yeah well you're not really checking
I guess you are checking our relative humidity of the of the uh area but you
know hardwood is even different because you got to check the actual wood moisture in the wood wood and in your
substrate and then there's the calculation you got to do to see if it's within tolerance
one of the best things a person can do for themselves is get trained get certifications continue learning after
that experience I ended up getting forb Master Certified Mohawk and mondo to this day I still learn all the time and
that's where hey man Lanny you you should be like an ambassador for us both at the
Huddle and for goera that is our that is
really active the groups and stuff too and I'm I'm pretty sure there's some
guys that still uh question his his knowledge even though he's been in it for a long time and he's learned so much
and just because they don't do it the exact same way that he does they're like nope you're wrong I don't need to do it
like that you're wrong I've done it this way for 20 years 20 years I can't stand that
saying yeah I mean when you have a just like um you know Danny was
talking about you know not checking for acclamation things like that I mean
that's that's a great uh time to be using floor cloud is
when you need to know your site conditions maybe you're not maybe you're you're not already on site and your
salesperson has that they can check the site conditions whether residential or commercial and they know right then
whether they should be dispatching you to the job whether or not they're going to be setting you up for success or not
so demand it demand floor Cloud it enables that real-time monitoring the
site conditions we're all believers we talk about it pretty often here about the simple and easy setup how great the
interface is and you know when you have job sites all over um particularly in
the commercial world but it obviously works just as good in the residential world uh you know having that
information right there at your fingertips is a real game changer let's run in your pocket amen let's run a
quick uh floor floor Cloud video floor Cloud enables realtime
monitoring of your jobsite conditions via desktop or mobile device no more
manual checking for temperature humidity or even dupoint no need for base
stations Wi-Fi or external power sources simply scan the the QR code on the front
of your sensors and you're up and running with the most accurate and Innovative sight monitoring system in
the flooring industry dispatch your Crews with confidence and reduce your climate related installation
issues now you know floor now you know yeah that that's a um Danny said
floor cloud is awesome knowing your site conditions is awesome and knowing it at your fingertips is really awesome so
yeah thank you to our sponsors Flor Cloud um I would say that you know guys
talking about milk earlier got me thinking we will milk a subject and we are doing so let's keep this
going I love it so um you know another thing when you're
talking about these the first these uh flooring failures first off I just want
to say this like admit that you didn't know what the hell you was doing and you messing up it was really funny to hear
your story about messing up that uh tandis carpet and your brother coming and like he's well he fixed it and kept
me from messing it up even worse like you're you know you were messing it up and you're able to like just admit it
move on learn that L not everyone has someone walking in on them like when
you're when you're in there right so it it was one of those things like you caught me
so show me how fix it right well my point is when you were talking about like some people uh maybe you know
giving Lanny uh not trust in what he has to say because we've been doing this 20 years or whatever um like guys the if
you think what is that saying like the smart the dumbest person in the room is the person who thinks he knows it all
and it's because you can't learn you're not going to be able to learn if you um
are constant believing that your way is the best I've said this story plenty of times we have
a a really good carpet crew and we sent them to uh Dan CF to R1 and C1 see you
Danny see you in Vegas baby see you in Vegas um anyway they they're a good pretty
good carpet crew but you know we wanted to get them certified and sent them R1
C1 I believe they ended up going back uh and and continuing that but when they came back
they talked about like man I I was so wrong and there's
something about training that can kind of break you down like being in the training that these people giving each
other advice it doesn't come across the same because the ego's getting away if you're going to a training like you are
more open to learning you know that's what you're there for those guys came back and they were like man we call them
the McDaniel brothers and like gushed about how much they learned
how much they had been doing wrong and and how they're going to be doing some things different in the in the future
particularly as it as it came to and I think this they did go through C2 possibly because particularly when it
came to double glue down stuff yeah and I've had the privilege of working with you know um guys that work directly for
manufacturers and teaching them and it's like they come back and they're like man
I didn't realize how much I didn't know until you know we went through this
class with you and it's like and that that's what it's all about and I when I'm teaching the classes I'm like
straight up if you guys know something that I don't let me know and the last time one of the guys did show me you
know he's like it's just something simple is just turn your tip a little bit then you don't have to you know work
it a certain way and it's like man I did that the next flash C project I did and
it was like that's how I'm doing it every time now amen yeah keep on learning to learn and and you're like
well even even if you you do know that you know a little bit right and you know more than the average or you feel like
you know more than the average and then you go to a class and you surround yourself by people uh individuals who
are trying to get better at their craft is the amount of information that you guys can bounce off of each other and
and and put it together to create like a a new hybrid technique or something like that that's that's what makes it all
worth it and able to absorb that information and then apply it in real lifetime the next
time you touch it is is worth a waiting gold Dan says he's been learning for 36 happy 36 birthday
Dan you know uh one thing always comes to mind is that you shouldn't be doing tricks of
the trade if you haven't learned the trade so so if you're doing
like things that are outside the manufacturer's recommendations or industry standard and you don't even
know what the industry standard is you're not doing a trick you're experimenting you know you're you're
you're not even experimenting uh you're you're really risking a lot and I I say that to people who
have uh no industry training and they're like I got this trick no you may have
something but there's no basis for your for your knowledge so get to trainings I
say it every I feel like every week I feel like I'm a broken record but get
CFI trained go go you know uh you can go
to the CFI do um org and or is it do
[ __ ] what's that CFI installer yeah you're I don't know what's up with your
mic my mik what' I do no no your brother say it again say something Daniel you're not
coming through is he I was muted
installers my bad yeah he muted so he didn't cough in I've seen your lips
moving but I didn't hear anything Lanny says that floor cloud is great like
third party moisture testing should be required if for whatever reason someone doesn't use floor Cloud he highly
suggests getting certified to conduct moisture testing prop L too many use
out-of-date equipment and do not followm standards when testing and my thing is is that we are certified and I and we do
use that and Flor cloud is what gave us the ability to read remotely well read
remotely and be like okay I am going to do my own moisture testing now because there's no way that I can construe these
results like you're getting the same thing that I'm getting because you can share it to gc's and Architects or
homeowners whoever you want to send it to it's no longer a conflict of interest
it's just more of keeping everyone's best interest in the Forefront and
having that live documentation and updates is huge worth worth thank you
dan. will get you there but it's like man get just get certified and know
that you don't know everything because it's it's a constantly changing
industry right every industry is like this if it's not changing then it's not
moving forward yeah yeah you got to stay up to date on all the new all the new
adhesives all the new application uh uh standards and you can
you can do that and build yourself a heck of an online reputation if you do
that and you have a go career profile too so um we'll be coming out with profile only some upcoming news here in
the new year uh we're working on finalizing some stuff for for uh that so
look look forward to um you know some some nice positive changes in the go-
career world so you can still get your free install our profile QR code right
on the screen but you can start building your rating uh start building your score
and get that thing up there and and that'll set you apart by from for
everyone meaning people understand a zero to five score um you know frankly
one of our problems in um flooring is there's so many different entities that
train and call different things different things so a homeowner may not know that a R2 is a good installer R2
you know but they're used to this 0er to five score so get on there and get your score that being said I am totally out
of mistake that I've made in this industry
or in the pocket for next time that I'm willing this one real quick there's
there's a when when I realized uh this is a while ago it also all this dumb stuff does involve me and Daniel for
some reason dude it really does involve me and Daniel we were working at a basement um of a um a priest home and
this is when I realized that flooring installers are not plumbers and don't act like you know what you're doing or
what you're messing with when we were installing sheet vinyl in the basement and we didn't know what we were touching
but we know that we could move it a little bit so we started rocking back and forth a pressure tank that was uh it
was a holding tank for all of this water was it was pressurized oh no no the pressure's
coming through the PVC and lift it up just a little bit more I push almost got it and right as it right as we like yep
good tuck it under boom it blew up and Water started coming out Daniel jumped on it like it was a
grenade put his hands over over it and water just went everywhere like no like
we appreciated the effort out of Daniel but it wasn't stopping anything no I still stopped a lot of that water I
don't even care what you say yeah okay yeah luckily the gentleman was very
understanding and and you know it was very humbling and said look here's what here's what happened I asked the guys do
this we were trying to get it in there so that way we have to make an unnecessary cut we wanted it to appear
that it was built on top and then boom but got the water shut off got everything fixed replaced and he
was actually very happy when we were done despite the damage that we
caused I always take one for the team taking one for the
team oh I'll just never forget that the the look on his face and the water didn't stop coming out
how would you just run do shut it off shut do theut yeah shut off the main y shut off
the main so I guess I guess that was another so how many gallons got out a lot I was soaked for the rest of the day
yeah there was a lot of water in that basement man wow if I were to
guess hundreds of gallons maybe yeah like not
good wow well if you're joining us today live thank you so much thanks everybody
for your comments and uh I didn't get a lot of stories but we got some that's
awesome again every thanks for the participation for every from everyone too amen yeah um we we always circles
back to training so we're a industry that needs trained um we're one of the
highest skilled Industries in the skilled trades in my opinion um and and
uh we need to prove it so let's go get trained let's get certified and uh let's build our build our reputations and uh
you know do great work if you want to catch us on any of the podcasting platforms you'll catch us later on
YouTube uh when we upload there anywhere you uh consume uh the Huddle please give
us some some feedback give us a like subscribe if you're on YouTube and we
certainly appreciate everything and you know I I think a common theme through here from the guys that are really
really good they're all still saying we're still learning still learning still learning look at there Mr Dan
Churchill still learning Dennis or Denise
yep so gu all right everyone on we're gonna be down in uh down in Vegas right
yeah hey thanks for bringing that it's gonna be a later show because we're going to do uh 400 PM Vegas time
whatever time zone that is yeah so catch us next week from live
from TY we're going to be uh hanging out going to a lot of different um different
um manufacturer booths we're g to try to get you guys some news give you some
insight on uh how the show's going and yeah who all is going to Vegas Lanny
Jorge yeah yeah awesome all right
everybody thanks for joining us and we will see you next week from Las Vegas
see you thank you everyone peace