In this episode we explore the comical yet instructive world of DIY flooring projects that go hilariously off course. This episode illustrates how seemingly straightforward tasks can lead to dramatic failures without a solid grasp of the necessary materials and techniques. We uncover the pitfalls of underestimating the complexities behind flooring installation. Tune in for an entertaining look at these DIY missteps and discover why professional insight is essential for perfect, enduring results.

The Huddle was created by Paul Stuart of Stuart & Associates and Go Carrera, alongside Jose and Daniel Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring. Aimed at helping you maintain forward progress in your flooring career, they cover topics from personal and business growth, to installation tips & tricks and everything in-between.

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what's up team welcome back to the Huddle we're your weekly Playbook where we not only strategize on playing the

game but changing it for mastering the fundamentals of the craft to distinguishing ourselves in the

marketplace we're here to give you the installer of voice and ensure you're equipped with everything you need so

band together with us let's start a new Legacy in Florine this is where you belong welcome to the team team speaking

of team we're a little shy on the teams today we uh it's Mr Jose Lake Gonzalez

and Paul Stewart with you here and I'm I'm the reason why we're

logging in late my bad well this episode uh kind of relies on more than

one person so I'm not going to lie I was like well we may have to postpone be the

first time we've done that in a long long time but uh so who's with us today chat us up let

us know who's out there um unfortunately Mr Daniel Gonzalez have

preferred Florine is not able to join us but it's for a good reason he's out in

the field running and gunning and trying to uh get the get the uh client taken

care of what's what's up peeps what's up horge Hey Kevin what's going on man

what's going on gentl Kevin is um with Roberts and one I I would imagine

preparing to go Musky fishing here pretty soon I just got back from a trip uh last

week from from uh Canada doing some pike fishing it was pretty

fantastic and uh musky and Pike are in the same family I don't know did you

know that Kevin I was taught that one has six sensors and one has four or

something like that on their face speaking of face there's a little pie on

some people's face today we're going to be looking at some DIY yeah fails um this makes me smile I

I want to be clear we're not just here to poop on or Uh crap on the diyers out

there uh but we're going to show some videos and and just kind of chat about

them at the end of the day it's all for fun but at the same time if you are a

DIY out there and uh you're curious on um how to

do things right uh watch this

podcast Kevin says Ready Go judge the Midwest Regional competition that's

where the pros are at right now yeah that's the one our indust

where's that at I think it's in Illinois um I don't know exactly where yeah but

um I do know that uh our friend Jeremy Glover was supposed to go there but just recently had a accident in a softball

tournament so he will no longer be able to compete at the

Regionals ah what' he do uh took a took a ball to the face oh

c are you last straight straight line drive third baseman or oh no he was just

coaching the base but I told him not to tell anybody that told him you gotta have a cool story behind that bro you

can't just get hit in the face and get bones broken and say I was I was just

not paying attention H well I took a line drive to

the shin once when I played on the construction League of softball and uh then everybody

started making fun of me because I started wearing soccer shin pads to play

cuz I was a third baseman man one line drive to the shin and I had enough yeah

I mean and I didn't grow up playing uh baseball or anything like that I could throw the ball hit the ball you know but

pretty construction League level player here yeah so so just just a wreck ball

player mean just that's it just wreck yeah that's um

it's fun until you get hit with the ball yeah no doubt so I never did

mind I was stupid though I thought a good play you were

stupid for what because I didn't I wasn't scared of the ball but then again I wore a mask

and a helmet so yeah you were a catcher or what no I was a pitcher for for pitch

and yeah I just I got geared up I wore lacrosse shinguards I

wor you're man after my own soul then oh yeah yeah I wore a mask and then a full

helmet um yeah I was uh Good Times all right well power to

the pros out there in softball and in floring uh we're going to watch a few uh

DIY videos I'm going to share and we'll just comment now let me set this up we

can pick apart everything uh but I also would like to see if we can pick out

some things they did right or that we can appreciate yeah so we'll start with

this first one uh here's how easy it is to install your

own flooring here's how easy is for you to

install flooring all by yourself in your own home that's clever hey I'm Alex I'm a diyer and my mother-in-law and I are

teaching my friends how to renovate their basement themselves as you can see we've come a long way and today we're

teaching them and you how easy it is to install H Flooring in your own home the first thing you need to know is that no

wall in your house is ever straight so the first thing you got to do is snap a straight line down the center of your room and you're going to use this as a

reference and these spacers along with some shims to make sure that that first row lines up exactly he's trying to square

every single piece of flooring you lay will slowly get more crooked and once you have that down here's how easy it is

to install H Flooring I mean just right here you can see how it just goes together like a puzzle piece they're also really easy to cut you just need to

squirt with their knife and then don't do this like I said super easy now I know what you're thinking what about the hard

cuts and this part doesn't need to scare you it's really simple just use a jigsaw even Sophie can do this she's never done

this before and look at that cut now once you hit the open field you're going to get on a roll and you're going to feel like nothing can stop you and even

these little cuts that annoyed you before are just going to be become trivial honestly I think my favorite thing about flooring is you don't need a

ton of tools to pull this off here I am using the multi-tool to make this cut you can honestly use whatever floats your boat but just crank it out and

eventually last pieces which you might have to do a little sliver cut but that's no big deal cuz once you finish

it off let me tell you you're going to feel like you're on top of the world and you just completely transform your room I mean look at where we started and look

at where we are now this B all right so Florine man was a disaster three months

ago one thing about floring is it makes a a huge difference in your your house

there's no doubt about it it doesn't matter where where you are your your home your

office yeah like you know in all the the videos

watching it I couldn't help but think I wish my my installers were this happy

putting this stuff in every person I know it's a video but every person's like hey look how easy this is and

they're putting stuff together of course a lot of you know a lot of uh rookie kind of

mistakes sure uh like you know like just going you end up

with the sliver because you didn't do anything to lay out yeah there you know what I mean so you know there's a couple

couple red flags in there that's for sure just like yeah how you gonna hurt your body ripping the carpet up like

that cut it um the layout at least he did say snap a line because nothing's

straight he did say that yep I I I thought that was good he

at least thought he at least made a true statement no wall in your house is going to be straight that's usually pretty

true you know even new homes I I don't want to bash him too too bad on there

right like it's there just a little bit more to it than that everyone it's just uh you know know that that the wood

floor like I didn't see them cleaning it like but it's a video right so they might skip that part um I was I would

have been looking at all that paint and all the the joints and well there

there's the key with uh with all this DIY is there's no one to hold responsible so it's easy to skip steps

and boy you have those same people pay somebody do it and they they

are you know what I mean like hey why aren't you catching that little crack or

what now this was a floating floor with a cork back looks somewhat similar not to say it is Shaw's core Tech I'm not

saying that whatsoever I'm just saying something similar to that um but like

Roland said he'll wait for the inspection to come his way there's been a few times I've had uh customers like

general contractors who actually kind of have some construction knowledge you know uh they'll install their own floor

and I had one I don't know it's been a couple years back but uh you know he had

major problems with it it was only because he was a GC that the store ended up replacing it for him but he had

bought the materials from a store and installed it himself and it completely failed some of it's due to stuff like

that so that one that one was pretty funny I'm gonna I'm gonna play he was he was really happy though you're you're

absolutely right like look how look how much fun they were having oh one more thing just super quick if you're going

to glue down your floor that was a floating floor I'm not sure Rand might be able to actually answer this but um

you know Paint Marker these kinds of things on the floor even on a wood floor I found

out uh can bleed through your Vinyl Products now that's a little bit

different with the floating SPC but if you are gluing down a vinyl and you have you know markers or paint and then you

put down a glue or even spray spray spray paint guys like spray paint will come through yeah the adhesive through

what plasticizer migration will draw that through the material to the surface because right to the surface I was just

on a job I suspect is the same thing it's got these circles and it's kind of orangish color and I thought I

thought did they spill iodine she's like we don't use iodine like oh okay well

that that explains why it's not a puddle look and it's like a circle look and then I've seen some other like designs

and it's always in like a circle or something it was almost like whe whether it's a flooring guy or someone else you

know was marking something out like that sounds like a sounds like they're marking out the sprinkler heads is what

that sounds like with the circle yeah we got a head right there Circle got a head right there yeah

so don't do that last thing you want is some guy uh spray

painting on your floor working its way through your flooring now again that was a floating floor so probably no no worry

but Rolland just says yep it can bleed through a vinyl floor even if it's a glue down lower Mill plank no my my

question is can it move through an SPC or a floating plank rolling uh glue down

uh I know for a fact can but uh let's go to the next let's go

to let's see this

okay oh let me I've gotta do a share here let me

share this one yeah I'm glad I'm glad you're here see Daniel this is why we need you Daniel where you at bro

yeah no idea well at least she admits she never research multiple YouTube

videos we're going to try this what I did first was vacuum all of the leftover debris from the carpet and I had no idea

if I wanted the floors horizontal or vertical but thank God I chose horizontal I don't know I just think it

looks better everything that I have here I ordered off of Amazon was great these is their peeling stick so it makes

everything 10 times easier and supposedly they're waterproof and SC I started with the closet first and what I

did was work in sections I had to cut some strips in order for it to fit lined everything up as perfectly as I could

could so that way the lines on the floor were straight and even there is a little gap between the baseboard and the floor

itself there was carpet in here it doesn't look terrible but a lot of stuff gets underneath there so I don't know

after I was done I swept everything moved her dresser back this is how it looked before I put in the flooring and this is how it looks now I think this

looks amazing and I love it don't be mad at me cuz I only did the closet I'm a mom of two okay so come back for part

three to see the results and come back for part four to see the failure okay

dude uh kudos to her for

uh for trying for setting that up that she is not a uh she had never done

floors before but couldn't tell couldn't tell couldn't tell look Pro to

me so rolland's uh answer is no it will not move through a floating floor so

there's your your answer I I suspect it as such although

maybe without completely crapping on that previous chick um and hey these V

these videos nine million times the amount of views our podcast gets so I

know I know dude dude whatever uh maybe making a ton of mistakes and and and uh

doing something fun hey same thing look she looked like she had a smile on her face the job did look better at least

for the time being um she was living her best life yeah

carpet like Jorge said an e for effort ah man hey I so she did she did

good by by putting forth effort and her Cuts did look pretty good against that trim she didn't put any shoe down um so

there's a couple scissors too dude she was using scissors come on you guys you know you know

because her hands probably from using a a utility knife I don't know um she did use a square right

did I see a square there I don't know I'll I don't know it may be better that

you use a pair of scissors if you've never laid flooring you don't want to end up cutting your finger

off yeah I don't know how long the scissors are going to last but

when when they go dull from cutting like this you can always just turn them and and just scribe on it and snap I guess

whatever works Jorge says that I feel that woman that women actually do more

DIY stuff than guys and since they're always right this is a good installation oh I agreed that was pretty

funny though I'll tell you you might want to Prime stagger your joints and um

put a a better subfloor down for one that that's yeah I mean what happens uh

for any diyers that may be watching which I doubt but if you watch this on YouTube and run across it uh because

we'll hashtag this Tik Tok maybe uh what happens is the she she at least vacuumed

I'll give her that you get the dirt out from in the in the um the crevices you know the so yeah uh

if she would have primed and staggered her joints um I I forgive the the

scissors I think you use what you can and kudos to her for getting it done um

like like Jorge said a lot of guys won't even touch stuff and so if the if the

women are in there actually giving it a shot hey yeah yeah he's got a point there um

for for anyone out there who who is listening and thinking about it though make if you read the instructions that

come along with that there's a lot of things that she didn't do that are like right on that piece of paper that's

inside in between all of that plank um and that's gonna make her break that

like the stuff already the peeling stick not my cup of tea I would

always Veer away from that personally um well but I mean you can say it straight

pilling stick is not I mean it is a DIY product um because they want to take the

trial and the adhesive out of the issue anybody can paint so you paint on a primer peel and stick it down there

there are some commercial grade peel and stick though where the system is very aggressive as long as you're following that system correctly um I I will say

that and uh those are okay yeah well uh pill and stick vinyls

I'm not a fan of I don't care I don't care if it's commercial or not now there some pill and stick carpets that I know

that you'd lose your mind but that like Collins and Aman is now tandis they're pill and stick I mean it works you use

seam weld but um jge said it's monolithic bro it was monolithic well

kudos to her for giving it a shot let's see if we I bet you she could

become a really good weekend warrior if you give her just a little bit of time a little bit of your time and education I

bet you that uh she'll get better quick you she checked two boxes yeah she was

happy doing it uh and she put in the effort

yep so check two of my boxes that I'd love my guys to

do let's check this next one out this


[Music] he seems so happy man I love

these it's just that that looked pretty dangerous look he didn't have to use a


[Music] okay what's going on

[Laughter] here oh is that what those things are for

that's he is so happy put a little transition

in I mean on a wood floor

um oh my goodness well that's a guy dude you know

I'm not gonna say he did uh I'm not gonna say you're happy so it's

acceptable um so same same issues as the other one

right no primer no nothing the uh the freehand thing and that's he used the

utility knife though he he did you know and um he used one of the uh the the

foldable ones with the quick detach blade yeah I mean that's hey some of

those are made pretty well two things what was the marks on the second

run the marks I I must have missed that one I think something and he marked down

the second one and then I I wasn't real sure why why that was done but you know

if you just if you have a full plank in the back of the of your of that closet just start off with a nine incher and

then take a new piece cut it and then start start running your random yeah uh

random floor for all the kids out there are better looking floors which means

each row whatever you cut off you start with and then run to the next one as long as it's not within the your seams

do not line up within the width of the plank so if you got a seven inch plank you want your butt joints at least seven

inches apart not all seven inches apart though you got to create the not all

juster yeah yeah then you run that row and you know you you can you can do it

random other ways but um random is a good way to save

materials and Rolland said he thinks she is a on Hammer [Laughter]

installer one scissor she's one there you go hey this

uh another I another happy installer right there so there's a a check boox

for that guy for being so happy uh I would say you can undercut your door jams with a

multi-tool and get look yeah uh for the diyers use a jamsa

or don't use a jamsa use a multi-tool please yeah that's all we use now we have the big Jam saws the powerful ones

we have the old school jam saw where the blade you know you can flip it they're

dangerous they they're dangerous if you don't know what you're doing uh yes they are or if you catch a

16 penny nail uh as you're trying to undercut your jam so you know no harm no foul

with an oscillating tool like a multi-tool yeah use that set a piece of

scrap material run your multi-tool on top of it to cut your your jam and it

works in tight Corners like that closet yeah and uh chip out the little pieces

your material slide right in you can just make a little L cut you will never see it it'll be up under the jam it'll

look like the the jam was built on top of your flooring there you go I I will

say that one of the tricks that that we've learned over time is once you get the initial cut and you take your piece

out slide your template piece piece under there or your sa piece under there and then use the oscillating tool again

to get that because sometimes it it does push it down at an angle a little bit um

Square it up nice with your piece and then you can slide your cut piece in there really super

easy yeah so there's some DIY

tips for the uh for the gentleman and then he I don't know what kind of transition that was but he he was very

happy gluing that sucker down down um I wonder why it didn't start right off of

that it looked like it may it was probably uh you know the same thickness

it appeared so uh I don't know um and I know that

they do make tracks that you secure to the the floor especially Overwood that you could snap that transition right

into um that makes life a lot easier you could put the track in first and build off the track I am noticing that theying

off of it they're working off like they're working away from themselves in every video so far um so so far they're

they're not uh you know of course we all may be doing that if if the standards

change on sheep on vinyl plank to a semi or a full wet

set or yeah working on on uh this

dispersement boards or you know working off the material

pushing Jorge says when peeps do uh our DIY feel that at the end of the day they

feel happy they did their own install but they are also willing to accept failure and live with it I think for the

most part you're probably right uh I don't know about the failure they're

going to accept it more than if we go install it and they and they have a failure for sure but it's pretty

um I think it's pretty satisfying most of these jobs we're looking at we can

laugh all we want the fact is the room does look better with new yeah than it does with with uh you know

the old rusty carpet uh you know messed up floor I

would say just about every DIY is vinyl

plank I have yet to find a DIY doing sheet vinyl just yeah I'd like to see that I

would I'm I'm hoping that we run across one

uh but we'll see look at there's a [ __ ] guy right there Mr Jeremy Glover what's up

Jeremy made a little comment right there look at that Jeremy I'm not a fan of what's he

say here what he say a fan of the plastic track I'm not a fan of the plastic track system I I like the screw

down ones fair enough fair enough I'm glad you're alive

Jeremy I heard you took a softball to the Dome dude right to the

cheekbone you know what though I will say that through all the trauma he's had

it still hasn't shut him up that's a talent that's the talent you got there

that's the determination that's check mark three we watch all these videos and all the

comments and we might have an installer all right let's let's check

out this next video I'll try to keep the facial expressions to a minimal this time

well that's part of the sun okay I'm using a fi installed new

flooring in our daughter's room for under 180 bucks first we ripped out all the old slime covered carpet and the

tack strip using a pie bar and a hammer and the Builder that also put the tacking on top of the threshold so I had to cut the vinyl back straight and

scraped all the glue residual paint and texture that was left over on the concrete I used this fible floor pad

from dap to fill in all the nail holes from the tack strip it dries fast and you can just scrape it to make sure that

it's nice and level and to prep the floors I mopped it really really good and then I used a self-stick tole primer

which is a latex coating that you apply to the concrete to make sure the ties stick firmly then I found the center of

the room and laid a chalk line down so that I could start laying my tile out from the center of the room from that

line we have vinyl flooring throughout our house and love the durability but a dollar a square foot for this peeling

stick we just couldn't pass that up and the install was so easy Emily actually did most of it so make sure you're

following us for the final room reveal you're not going to want to miss it all right so I will say

um that dude did a lot of things right might not have finished

them to to the level of acceptance that that we'd like to see but man he was

definitely a lot closer yeah well he he cleaned up the uh

cleaned the floor he freaking mopped it got it all clean

patched his holes I mean he used he used that but I mean he patched the holes

scraped it so that it was level with the concrete scraped up the glue and the I

mean he he did some paint yeah I mean did some can't knock the guy on that uh the

primer right is that I'm pretty sure that's what that was he encapsulated the floor um yeah so that way I'll give I'll

give him one tip you can take your Center Line and transfer it over to your doorway so you don't have to walk and

and contaminate all your primer and then you can just lay right out of your

hallway doorway right into the room and uh you know not have to have so much

traffic on your primer but that was that's all right man I I I'll give him a on a DIY level I need to find out how I

can do this now because I think I just screwed something up I'm like okay but on a DIY level I'll give

him a I'll give him an eight yeah he did pretty good man and um I will say hopefully he waited

for the floor to dry after he bopped it hopefully he did so I would say diyers

if you're going to if you're going to put introduce moisture into the concrete like that you you have to wait for that

to disappear before you do anything else especially that primer

yeah yep I think I may have found something that we can play with

some sheep on and we'll find out yeah I don't even know what you're on right now so I'm these are all my first time

seeing it so if this is your first time seeing all yeah yeah I I I've pre- just loaded like

three or four okay yeah and then uh most of them I haven't seen before

so oops I wonder why that's doing that let me see here oh I know

why they got better music than what what uh what I got going to

their music is on par with our start music all right let's watch another one you guys got some DIYs put them on the

comments too we like to like a link to a video all right this says shout out to my roomie and the Lowe's people I don't

know what this means now I'm wondering if you lost this

St oo baby I am see you deliver I'm your

oo back that time goodbye now I'm back andh to cry oo baby

if I am time SE deliver on [Music]

your I can see signed bubbled

delivered yikes well uh

there is a sheet vinyl install

okay all right there's a lot to unpack there but there there is I want to point

out that there was another female doing it what's up dudes where's all your DIY

stuff but uh and she seemed really really happy

um she is going to be replacing that floor pretty soon with all those bubbles

yeah uh yeah so I'm

confused was she full spreading was she full spreading or or perimeter it looked

like it started as perimeter and then ended that last bit was maybe full full

spread where all the bubbles were so give her some feedback I mean um what

what could she had done next time next time do all the prep and all the cleaning before you put your vinyl down

um I would say that that looked like that didn't happen that she was like cleaning and gluing as she

went um uh how important is it to make sure you

roll the floor with some weight one hand in that that exension

one hand yeah yeah like get down on that thing and push those you know get so all

diyers out there if you're using adhesive like you H the the purpose of it is not just to have the pleasure of

spreading it the truth is is you

must you must get the adhesive and the floor to make good contact at the right

time yeah your will tell you that time maybe it's a semi wet set or a full PSA

or pressure sensitive adhesive either way you're trying to get that

floor bonded with the adhesive at the right timing yeah did look almost look

like some type of under layment that was a weird uh yeah it did too didn't it like

they put a bunch of Dependable or something or DAP in in the joints every two feet I don't know maybe what would

they were little squares of so I've ran into that in a couple places where they

built the home and and say we're going to an upper level like say they're converting an attic or something like

that and you can't get a full board up there so I've been to places where

they've had you know what I mean like that is you're

like taking it in your SUV and you ain't got room for a 4 by8 sheet and so it's all ripped smaller pieces or something

or the or the path to the room isn't big enough to make a turn with the long sheet uh I mean it's I've been to some

pretty weird installs uh you know like they used to make drywall back in the day drywall used to be two foot uh two

foot strips right and that's how you used to put it up um

but now now they got well what what what else I mean rolling

the floor was probably the reason so if she didn't depending on the flashing or

cure time of the of the of the product maybe it over maybe it wasn't a a full

PSA and it should have went in somewhat wet or poor poor substrate that was a

full PSA brother that I I there was the so you could save it heat that heat

those seams up or heat those uh bubbles up you might be able to save it a little bit make it look a little better anyway

yeah and I would say um the easiest way for me to explain here let me see if I can get this I'll

just do it do with a piece of paper a vinyl if you're you're rolling

it you're setting it down make sure that you're rolling into place and not flop

in it yeah don't pick it up and flop it that's how she got those those wrinkles in there because if if it is a PSA she

flopped it in and it touched right there that bubble is gonna be there you could try to massage it out but I would say

rolling it into place like that is a lot better than flopping it sometimes you

have to flop it make sure you have help yes very strategic and laying it in as

they say as opposed to flopping it is uh you're not putting carpet in so yeah all

right well that that was fun she see she didn't seem like she was having as good a time I must say and I don't blame

her I don't know what I don't know what these are gonna bring up dude so whatever she tried it though right like

she Vino like that you have one shot one one opportunity are we going to start

rapping are we going to Eminem right now Eminem

good so this guy at that he he does a bunch of stuff so he

was one that that uh this was the one I was going to show

a few of that uh was interesting was this one right

here which one which one am I looking at the one that's that's playing

oh [ __ ] did I Los us no can you can you I'm

I'm here oh I I shared the wrong screen that's the problem oh let me

do this hold on a second I'm gonna go find it and then I'll fix

it so through the technical difficulties thank you for sticking with us here guys as we learn how to do uh um screen

share we are deficient today yeah yeah

yeah okay I know which one it is I think and try this again

yeah now what am I doing why am I doing it like this look at that

Perfection that looks legit all right woo good job

Lauren wo good job

Lauren Lin oh please yeah put putting the laminate on

a ceiling and then nailing it it looked like she was holding it up for some glue too that that looks like a disaster to

me yeah I mean if it's actual laminate I I mean I guess if she treats it like

real wood and trim and give that room for expansion puts up some nice crown or

something like that it'll work but I sense that it's gonna fall down and hit somebody in the head we put we had a job

where we put uh engineered hardwood on a ceiling and

full glue nail assist but we we we made sure that the we were going we were

actually going with the metal studs and so we had them put every two feet a

furing strip maybe it was 18 inches a wood fur strip across okay the so that

we had something to nail assist into yeah to hold it up while the glue was

drying so we didn't like you know this was F 15 feet in the air you're trying I

mean how are you going to like hold it until the adhesive dries so it had to be a a staple assist actually it

was 716 I think engineered on a ceiling so that's the closest I've ever done to

that um we we've installed some uh uh LV lvt or plank right on the walls too

right but some manufacturers do have it listed on there that it can be used for a vertical

installation um if it doesn't say that chances are they just don't have the rate adhesive for that

application I guess that's where uh the brad nailer comes in she was shooting right through the face but hey in her

defense who in the heck's gonna see that from the ground if you're using a brad meiller so uh I don't know so you can always

fill it too I mean looking up the ceiling it's a laminate bro you put bro it l good when

it was done it looked good she's not shooting into into the right backing backer board or anything structural say

she shooting right the drywall that that Brad nail is not doing anything that's why I say that looks like a disaster

waiting to happen let's get hit somebody in the head like that stuff is I mean

that's a lot of weight up on the ceiling it looked like it was staying at the end of the video I would love her toout

happy she is happy I'd love her to shout out if that if that actually stayed these women are absolutely happy

doing this work yes and well here we only got eight minutes

left on this we we watched a few videos and got to have some fun but truth is

man kudos to everybody out there trying to do you know put put down a new floor

make your house look a little nicer kudos for jumping in and just giving it a shot I would

say to be careful that ceiling looks dangerous I'm just being honest like if

that glue those brad nails AR not going to like you were alluding to they're not going to stay not they're going to work

their way out of she Rock now she had the mindfulness to make sure she was hitting studs all right a little bit

different I mean you could also maybe angle them different ways every shot to pinch them in there create that tension

but but that's but through laminate at least it said laminate it could have been

anything but um I don't know that you're going to get a brad nail through laminate actually so it's probably more

like a click together vinyl plank on the ceiling I couldn't tell but Kudos

everybody giving it a shot the ones out there that do this for a living you could learn one thing they

people are having fun doing this job you can have fun doing your job you can enjoy what you do we don't have to have

a negative attitude about doing what we do there's a saying that says

um I don't I don't try to find passion in my work I bring passion to my

work B and right there is the key for all of us these people I I know it's fun

to do stuff you don't do all the time and you get that satisfaction that same

satisfaction they're getting is why I love floring when I'm done with something or I've finished something

that satisfaction of doing it is why I enjoy flooring so much it's what hooked

me from the very beginning and you can see why people enjoy doing this stuff

and we can too because we get paid for it on top of that so enjoy what you do

put a smile on bring your passion to work with you um and at the end of the

day uh all the diyers out there they I think that Jorge is right like they love

the satisfaction of doing something for themselves and more power to them if you do need professionals reach out to one

of your Prof you know a professional to uh do your floor and uh no better way to

know if they're professional or not and except with the go career Hammer rating

which can tell you whether or not they are actually a qualified installer uh we

are growing Leaps and Bounds the the network um but some interesting stats

out there some of these diyers might have as big as high a hammer ratings as some of the people on the network it's

incredibly insightful to take a a sample that size and see how low

trained we really are I don't think we really understand the level of um of Def

efficiency and trainings and proper education and flooring and we because we do it as a career and we get paid for we

got to make sure we're doing it right so make sure to reach out to CFI aft ntca

ctef uh the the organizations out there you can go to go career's training page and find a bunch of these organizations

and get your training get your um get your Hammer raing up bro yeah don't let

the diyers out out Hammer you yeah no doubt uh although scissors may may be a

deduction um and then shout out to jumpstart which

is uh the placement tool for the industry if any installer on here if you guys are installers this week we're

going live with jumpstart and jumpstart is at go

jumpstart you'll be able to schedule interviews and hire your next great helper hopefully the industry's next

great rate installer these guys and gals have been through some initial industry

training whether it be a 10 we five week type course uh a lot of it's

Hands-On um CFI runs a lot of it uh so I know aft does some ntca we're reaching

out to them to get some of their graduates uh through the ntca university see if we can get some of these folks um

in the ceramic tower War World on jump start as well right now it's

predominantly soft goods and you can hire somebody who's saying Hey I want to be in flooring so we are asking you to

participate with jumpstart I don't ask a lot of things I'm asking you to help the

industry get the new recruits placed and you can do so by going to go

jump start so I'm gonna I'm going to go look

I'm going to see if we can get some people I mean like where else why not

where else would you hire from this we're we're so used to in our industry hiring from

uh working some customers what not much Rin some of the same hey we did put l we

did watch laminate get put on a ceiling but jump start is you know a

replacement for the way we've always done it we've always looked at our nephews and our sons and our grandsons

to get into the industry we've skipped a few generations of that the industry is filling it we're short Manpower now it's

going to get worse I know we keep saying that but it we've been on the we've been running uh the Huddle for going on two

years now and the the fact is is that the

the we can see the problem getting worse it's just it's a slow burn each year

people are retiring and we're not replacing them so what we're trying to do with jumpstart is put new recruits

out in front of uh installers new recruits out in front of flooring

companies and have you hire them they they went through some level of training they're saying I want to be in flooring

let's give them a shot let's get them recruited trained um and then Advance their work

really hard to advance their skills that's how we save this industry in my opinion

yep you gotta get gotta get outside that comfort zone right and uh I think uh we're feeling that heat right now too

because that that that Circle you said that that we're used to staying in you know that Circle can only go so

far it only lasts so long and um need to expand our Horizons over here as well we

all do I mean I'm as guilty as anybody I I created jump start a lot of what goers

created has been because of my own problems but jump start was it's clear

to me the number one problem with the industry uh this industry labor issue

the the singular like biggest Gap is placement yeah I mean where do the new

fcef graduates go to where do uh people that go through the five week initial

you know introduction to flor CFI where do they go where are they

going and if we're going to place them we have to have a mechanism to place

them help them be placed with installers with other subcontractors because they

install the most of our flooring most retailers don't hire employees and those who do have a pretty small staff of

employees and still supplement with subcontractors so if you're a sub out there the later later on this week you

can check check back anytime um uh get on go

jumpstart let's say Monday of next week um and get on there schedule an interview

and let's get these folks hired yep everybody needs a place to go right and uh this is probably one of the

first times we've ever had a pool that we can look into and say all right who's in my area who's hungry who's interested

who's willing to relocate yeah for a good job you know I

mean um look if you're going the Craigslist

way and you're you're siphoning through 30 applications of cook line cooks and

people who have never touched flooring and never shown any interest but they just want out of what they are are doing

now that's one way to hire like find people who don't want to be in the situation they're in anymore I would

rather hire from people are raising their hand saying I want to be in this industry the the FCF and I know I keep

naming off the acronym companies but uh CFI AF all of them are putting in work

to recruit and train we just need to step up and get them placed put them with people right who will you know what

I'm saying if you get a new helper it's been doing uh went through a 10-week training course and you can move him

along that is no different in the way you do with your niece or nephew or if you're looking for a decent helper on

Craigslist which if you get on on Facebook and read the comments there's nobody happy with that like it's it's

this major problem so get on go jumpstart and

support the industry it's our effort it's very very cheap it's 99 bucks for the entire year higher schedule

interviews 99 bucks is less than the sugar in your coffee let alone the C

it's not a coffee a day it's the sugar in your coffee a day and and you support the industry

we'll put your um we'll put your logo on our website um we have manufacturers who

are supporting us as well and what we're we're really looking at doing is opening

the floodgates of the new recruits to have them have jobs have them have a

place where they feel like they're going to get jobs so some of them have been uh

trained by Jonathan Bon some of them by Dwayne puit some of them by other people but the fact is there's plenty of

quality trainers out there that are are training I know Dave Garden does a lot

of the fcef I mean you're talking about Juggernaut daeve Garden come on yeah I mean the guy's awesome for only for only

27 cents a day you two can support the flooring industry yeah 27 cents a day I

mean it's cheap dude for that's is that even the right amount I mean

like9 divided by 365 it you know just over 2 27 cents man so round up for only

28 cents a day you could help a flooring installer who wants to create a career yeah and that's the truth these these uh

are you gonna have some you know people who don't work out of course we're all

going to have them but the key that we're trying to figure get started the the momentum we want to have happen is

people are getting placed and maybe we can give feedback to the training Community the training entities that

hey we need to add a profession uh you need to add a professionalism piece to your training because your placements

are are not staying very longer they're they're the the people hiring them are

saying they're underqualified even as a helper or something like that any of the feedback gets fed back to the entity

that can actually make the change so it'll create the metrics for them to hone their system for yield a better

outcome I mean that's yeah could said it better

myself all right brother well we are at that point yes we are the sign off well

it was a pleasure that was pretty fun I I um I know we walk the line of like crapping on people but also just kind of

talking about regular uh flooring topics and and the fact is uh the number one

lesson I can I can delve out of all that is how happy everybody was to do it and the satisfaction they get from

installing Great Floors so or installing floors I'll leave the grade off there for my Pros out there but you guys too

can be just happy and um I know that this business can be tough but um that's

that's the part we get paid for is the tough part let's put a smile on uh as we're doing it and bring our passion

with us there you go we'll see you next week my brother thanks for thank you everyone your time thank you to the

audience and the commenters I know we didn't get to all the commenters but appreciate your your uh participation

and we'll see you guys next week have a good one


The Huddle - Episode 115 - The Role of AI in Flooring Solutions


The Huddle - Episode 113 - Blue Collar Cruise #2