The Huddle - Episode 104 - Managing Time and Resources Effectively

In this episode, with special guest Ben Walker (COO of Go Carrera), we focus on the critical skills needed to efficiently manage both time and resources in the field and the office. This episode offers valuable insights into strategies for prioritizing tasks, optimizing workflows, and utilizing tools that maximize productivity without sacrificing quality. Whether you're coordinating a job site or running office operations, understanding how to effectively allocate your time and resources is key to enhancing performance and achieving business success. Tune in to learn practical tips that can revolutionize your daily operations.

The Huddle was created by Paul Stuart of Stuart & Associates and Go Carrera, alongside Jose and Daniel Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring. Aimed at helping you maintain forward progress in your flooring career, they cover topics from personal and business growth, to installation tips & tricks and everything in-between.

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what's up team welcome to the Huddle we your weekly Playbook where you not we

talk about not only strategizing on the game but changing it for mastering the fundamentals of the craft to

distinguishing ourselves into the marketplace we're here to give the installer a voice and ensure you're

equipped with everything you need let's band together and Forge a new Legacy in floring this is where you belong welcome

to the team what's up welcome to the team what's going on brother what's up

we got Ben with us today Ben is Kevin AKA

Kevin Kevin what's up guys Ben's the CE of go Carrera and here to uh discuss

today's topic managing your time and resources speaking of how you guys been

managing that time and resources this week horribly man things have just

been it's they have just been popping up this week and like

uh is it like new projects or no it's just like someone walking into the

office or like I was at a excuse me a chamber event this morning then as soon

as it ended like I get a phone call while I'm there and I answer and they're like hey how do I get a quote for some

carpet and I'm like uh what's what's the address you know is this residential or commercial they're like it's resid and

this is the address I'm like you know what I'm right down the street and they're like cool I'll see you in 10 minutes well that's a new

opportunity those are at least a little bit uh understandable but there's some

sucks out there I was gonna bring up and ask you guys what your biggest time

suck it all depends on what day and what we got on your agenda that that one was

nice though because when when I showed up there right and we're talking and he's like you know what you were my third phone call just Googled you know

different businesses around here he said the first one didn't answer the phone the second one was like you know what

I'm like four to six weeks out and he was like you were like I'm right around the corner basically he said I don't

even care man he said just give me give me a quote we'll work something out

that's the same thing happened to me today as I got a phone call uh probably about maybe four miles from our office

and I got some uh hard surface in my kitchen failing could you come and take a look at it and kind of lead me in the

right direction like should I put plank over it and I get there and the story

changed a little bit the wife's like can we just regrout it and then I was like I'm I'm sorry man like I wouldn't do

that they they just put it right over the wood substrate like they didn't do they didn't do it the right way that's

that's gonna keep happening well can we just install the floating floor over it

I you can if you want but I wouldn't advise that and I wouldn't do that for you well good on you for not doing

crappy work man but we're talking time sucks we're talking

about things that don't provide any value to you or your

business and suck a bunch of time and before you know it's the stuff that when you go

home and you look back at your day and you're like I didn't get [ __ ]

done I didn't feel personally I I I hate it when I get home and I don't feel like

I did anything productive that day like I just was doing

stuff and one of our biggest one of my biggest time sucks is uh got a minute

meetings hey you got a minute uh yes hey you got a hey you got a minute for sure

th those suck out 10 minutes here 10 minutes there 20es and then you know the

the kind of uh time frame it takes you to get back into whatever you were

doing yeah that's um abely right I just

realized I'm taking care of other people's priorities you know a lot of times people call me and they ask ask me

things and they're legitimate but I end up spending my time taking care of other people's issues rather than the ones

that are really most important to me and I just try to keep in mind uh uh why or

or try to keep in mind what's going to yield the results that you know I'm supposed to deliver and uh just try to

invest my time in those places and not get distracted by something else and sometimes the thing you get distracted

by is kind of interesting and fun for that minute so it's it's easy to do that I know um it's like a reprieve from the

hard work right for sure what Happ you know what you're right chasing information

chasing information that seems to be the hardest or the biggest time um suck for me lately is just knowing that there

things in place where information could be put but not everybody finds it

important so well I like what you said cha dealing with or chasing one of two

other people's priorities so one one thing that there's a bunch of different time management theories and processes

and things but the one that's always landed best

with me personally uh has been what's called a d six a gentleman by the name

of Chad Holmes uh had a program that I took back in 2006 I think it was it was

called Chad holes International and he's a business guy and he he taught time management and having a master and this

is just the simple part of managing your to-dos which there's a lot more to time

management and Resource Management than just this but just managing your to-dos

having a master list and then transferring off of that Master list

that basically gets written once a week and then every day before you leave most

uh advantageously before you leave your office that day before you shut down the

old uh computer or brain for the day you write down the six most important things

off of that Master list for the next day and the theory is that your mind your

subconscious basically will work on that on its own while you sleep and while

you're recuperating and in the morning you get there and you start attacking that

D6 um very similar to that is one of my mentors Andy filla who I was in R

for three or four years and he's the he's one of the head guys there he has

the power list and it's five items uh you can buy his power list online um

but essentially the the same theory is work on the most important things for

that day and don't leave until you get them done yeah now every once in a while

you get some hurdle that prevents you from doing something but for the most part you want to not leave just because

it's five o'clock uh somewhere um but that

sucks to say it like that but yeah yeah but that you're actually completed with the five items or six items and and Andy

says heck if you finish them at two o'clock and those are the five most important things you could do that day you should

leave as a business owner yeah really yeah you mean don't find 20 other things

to put on your list and then try to unfortunately that's how I've done it mostly to be honest with you which is

not really following the the the reward system side of this that he talks about

is like man if you get the five most important things done by two o'clock you deserve to leave you deserve to get out

of there and go because uh as business owners we know that we're going to have

this whole we're going to have plenty of days that you're staying until 8 9 10 o'clock

at night oh yeah we're not banking time really it's not how we work in our heads

but there's going to be plenty of those days that you you uh are going to work you know well past uh when everybody's

left and shut the lights off to finish your D6 but if you're just as committed to staying late you should be just as

committed to cutting out a little early if you get it knocked out you just made me uh made me look at it a little

different but that's that's a that's a that's how uh Andy does it the the point

though is Master list converted to a daily list of what you're going to knock

out that day keeps you focused in executing on tasks that are should be

broken down versions of your long-term bigger goals bigger

goals you know there's another tool that that I've used quite a bit called EOS or entrepreneurial operating system which

sounds like based on what you said sort of a different version of some similar activities but

uh you can Google that EOS or entrepreneurial operating system and the most basic tool is called a vision

traction organizer or VTO and what's really great is on the front and back

side of a piece of paper you end up with uh longterm medium and short-term goals

all within that one piece of paper that is super easy to review and super easy to uh to uh you know kind of make

actionable and you end up everything from weekly goals to uh to 10 your vision

and uh I think that it's it's a great tool to use especially for small fast growing companies because it really

keeps you keeps your mind on these uh longer term goals and just chipping away

at them chipping away at them so that you look up at three months and all of a sudden these these these big things are

falling your way and so uh check out that check out Vis Vision traction Vision traction organizer and

entrepreneurial oper it's a or something like that right yeah it is and there's the

the books and everything we talked quite a bit about those in earlier

episodes Wickman so we we use EOS at Stuart

Associates uh self-implemented [Music] um the EOS is like for us we we set our

quarterly quarterly rocks and then our weekly to-dos with

um and then you have issues to discuss um during that Weekly leadership meeting

that can easily be be broken down that thought from an installer standpoint and

I know there's a lot of flooring contractors that uh you know run EOS but

from an installer standpoint for those of you that are installers in our audience the idea is still you should

have goals for your business for your installation and then you end up the

next day um executing on those and those can be by project one of the things that

I always talk about when I was installing every day I wasn't the

fastest because I could spread glue faster or because my heat gun was or my

welder was somehow faster at welding it was all process oriented you know it was

all about I I had a very systematic mindset which I still have

um and so I approach jobs in making sure

that tomorrow I'm not coming in and patching floors for example and waiting for floor patch to dry if I have to stay

an extra hour four hours tomorrow yeah if I could

stay an extra hour to patch all the saw joints in six classrooms I'm lay carpet

in tonight before I leave then tomorrow

I'm just rocking and rolling and so there's there's a lot of um these

Concepts that can be used for your installation day-to-day installation stuff and making sure that you end

up not only successful on projects but that you know um you also end up feeling

like you got something done that you didn't waste a bunch of time there's nothing worse than going in patching floors and then sitting around for 4

hours for your patch to dry especially when you're doing stuff that has to dry those kinds of that kind of planning

really makes a big difference man the most proficient productive installer

that we had at Capitol tile his main thing was just daily goals he talked about daily goals all the time he always

had it he always said it first thing in the morning or the day before and uh

those guys would stay until they met that goal uh and and it it showed up in

his results every day what kind of tools do you guys

use actually audience what do you guys do what's your guys's

uh anybody want to chime in that's in the audience that uh Eduardo maybe or or

some some of our uh weekly visitors and

participants what uh back to you guys Daniel and Jose what do you guys do how do you how do you just not become a leaf

in the wind you go into the office and then just wherever the wind blows you that day is where you go what what what

he did right I think uh making lists so I I make the list and that's

what I do I I kind of break it out into because as a business owner there's

multiple different things and it's like these are priority under this umbrella

and then they they go like that so it's I break them out like that and

then I try to keep on task so the top priorities will be at the top and then it goes down and then I try to cross

them off as I go and then when once you start talking about you know what uh

what starts wasting your time and and stuff like that it's uh getting a call on or getting an email from a bid that

you already won and it's like a architect doesn't like your sub midle start getting on it again and this

project supposed to be starting in like a couple weeks and it's like well and

like I talked to the project the GC and stuff he's like dude these are the best submittal I've ever seen I don't even

understand why this architect is being like this but it's like you got to do what the architect wants so now I got to

spend my time trying to to please the architect instead of getting you do that do you jump on that

that day or do you just add it to your list for tomorrow I no I I add it to the

list but it's something that that has to get done that takes priority over some of the other things on my list which is

like um so in the middle of my list is a bunch of proposals that are out for bid

right now right so instead of doing some of these it's all right I have to work

on something that I already have in the works that is going to take priority instead of doing

something like that so let's talk about

delegation if only I had some someone to delegate it to yeah I know the feeling

yeah yeah we're we're trying to work to that that just that the I'm working on

this too guys so one of my biggest things is if it can be done by someone else

than they should be uh I'm kind of going through a coaching program now about about how to be a

CEO I mean uh if I'm just honest with everybody um I

have struggled with with that um but

what I've learned and what's really intriguing is there's only a few things

that a CEO can do that nobody else can do there are things that only I can do

those are the things that I must do everything else should

be considered on how I can delegate it or delegate it and one of the um one of

the things that Rose to the top for me is when we bid work we have a at steuart

Associates at the flooring company we have a rule that every job gets two sets

of eyes or I guess it'd be four two sets four to four total eyes Four Eyes

unless unless someone doesn't have one eye or if they have

glasses so either to two sets of eyes goes over the

The Proposal the spreadsheet the takeoff that kind of thing so that's always fallen on me or

my uh coo at the flooring company Joel or a peer

review then the other big time suck for me and that that has turned into a

full-time job because we have decided that we don't just review the takeoff

and the spreadsheet we have now expanded that the reviewer needs to review the

takeoff the well the plans specs the takeoff and the spreadsheet so almost

like considering it like you're getting ready to take it off by yourself again like you're getting ready to do the

estimate all by yourself and so the that process is a full-time job

with as much as we as many bids as we put out then we have contract review and

signing so I do all of the signing of contracts those two are the biggest time

sucks that I have and one of the things that uh and Nate I I feel your pain

that's one of the biggest things that we struggle with is trust issues with people doing it but uh we're in the

middle uh I've written the job description and we are searching uh so

if anybody out in the uh uh uh audience wants to get a job call me um we are

searching for a contract a bid and contract analyst and that person will review every bid

that goes out of our company of course we'll train exactly what I want to it's going to be a pretty

responsible job very responsible and of course a lot of handholding in the beginning because it is going to take uh

trust um yep but once you get someone trained to properly analyze the bid sign

off on it make any changes that are needed make sure that the estimator hey

it mentions uh you know it doesn't just mention epoxy setting and grouting it

says under the installation instructions epoxy setting and grouting you only have epoxy grouting so you need to add epoxy

setting I use that as an example because we miss that on job not so long ago it's a big Miss and that's a big Miss just

the epoxy setting is an expensive Miss so

um and then contract analysis so if the

uh bid analyst takes notes then he can go back

to those notes when the contract comes in review the scope and most of the terms and

conditions if you're getting consistent contracts from the same people that's the same it's the scope and the exhibits

that you that we have to really analyze and then in my ideal world uh we're

we're wining work and I'm getting contracts on my desk that says approve to sign and then I just put my signature

and date and send it back to our coordinator to uh send it send it back

to the GC so that is a huge time suck that I've

identified and it it's hard to let go because is it important it's incredibly

important but is it something that can be delegated trained and delegated and the

answer is yes is it something that only the CEO can do or if you're an installer

is it something only the lead installer can do and you know I was probably a better

lead installer than I am a CEO I was better at delegating to my helpers on

what to do and only doing the stuff that as a

mechanic I should be doing so putting together seams or in carpet or or

routing and Welding layout deciding the cuts deciding the plan for the day those

kinds of things I see another really smart

comment Nate made I believe with all my heart that if you write things down the chances of remembering it go up 100% so

I totally endorse this whole idea and for me it even works Nate if if I'm like taking notes on my phone I I still get I

think the benefit of that of that memory if you write things down uh if you can't if you even repeat it three or four

times and just do things like that and you really will remember so much more than if you just uh hear something and

passing so that is a really good super simple tool that I I think makes a big

it is it is one of those uh one of those things that at first you're like oh I don't want to write this down but you

start realizing that you know you're you're hearing it now you're writing it now you're seeing it and then if you

read it you know you just touch that same thing four times you know if one trick I I've done a lot is uh send

myself an email yep yep and it's super goofy but it works I thought that was a

standard you guys this just a a I cannot endorse my executive assistant enough to

get an executive assistant that can handle your emails and

calendar that has been a huge savings to me I might just get to lean on my finger

or sit on my finger lean back on my thumb if I can get this bit contract analysis position hired not really just

kidding oh my goodness but Abby who's my uh my assistant she's done fantastic and

she's not even here in the US so you can hire a virtual assistant um I

used a company called wing and that's where I found her and she it's you know

about the same as If you hired here maybe a little cheaper but they're highly highly trained and typically have

technical skills that yeah just and she I don't know how old she is to be honest

with you but I would guess she's 25 and she has the technical skills that like

blow me away and research on things and you know that kind of stuff it's um this

might be a good time to announce uh I wish we had some more uh people in the audience right now but if

you're watching this we're going to be starting a new series that'll go forever

hopefully here on the Huddle called the Blue Collar cruise and we're going to talk about the most relevant uh uh

latest news topics um about once a month we're going to pull them all off of

various uh um uh news reporting sites from everything in construction not just

flooring uh obviously a lot of flooring but AI stuff that's going on new

projects um I read a article today I won't ruin it but like just stuff that

happens and then we're going to just chat about it we're going to give our opinions we'd love for the audience to

participate and give your opinions it's going to give us um some really fun

talking points I believe but the blue colar Cruise stay tuned it's gonna be coming uh June or I'm sorry July 9th I

believe is our first episode of the blue collar Cruise yeah all right so we got

some great topics we went through today but guess who's aggregating and putting all that together after Drive picked the

Articles Abby and Ashlin they're working together to aggregate that and put it

together for uh us three to uh review and talk about and get our opinions

formed um but it it should be a lot of fun but that being said that that's another that's what I'm getting at is a

huge time saer for me is Abby um that's awesome so Kudos Abby if you're watching

doing work doing work get a get an assistant you guys could use one I think it would help you a lot

and it's we could use a couple I'm telling you you get one and you'll find out quickly that she she

supports more than just me she supports a lot of efforts secondary people like

secondary stuff that I don't necessarily I put in motion and she goes

and takes care of it she might talk to Ben she might talk to Ashlin she might talk to like honest whenever I need something

done I just let Ashlin know so oh an

assistant I got a question I got a question Paul I want to go back to to what you said about um if it could be

done by others right and then you know the whole process happens it comes back to you for signing um for everyone out

there is um what does it look like creating those steps and the checklist to create that trust right for your team

um so that way at the end of the day you have something on your desk said ready for a signature and you're comfortable signing it are for people trying to

build that people like Nate uh and Kendall and you know myself and Danny who have a hard time with that trust

Factor right because Details Matter What is it look like and and how does it how do you go about creating a

checklist or a system like that so that way you can trust the process well that's a really great question first off

I started with a just the ideal getting the what I'm delegating into a

job description so I have a full job description for that so now I know what I am going to expect for them to do the

checklist I develop during the training I have a general checklist of items but

that's going to get added and deducted from so I like the person that I'm going

to have doing that to be involved in it uh they'll they'll own it more and so

some things might be taken off that checklist that I initially start some of

and it's right off the job description you know review specs okay I'm going to

teach them how to review specs but there's going to be a checklist there like check this if it says this then

check that you know what I mean does the specifications match the finished Legend

if not which one's more detailed yeah spoiler alert it doesn't

[Laughter] this is true about 92 to 99% of the time they do not and the

point is which one's more detailed that's going to indicate to to you which one the architect or designer spent more

time on then from there if it's still unclear RFI it which one is superseding

in general and don't be flipping flopping back and forth I'm sure you dealt with this at Capital Tile but oh

well the spec matters here but the Finish Legend matters here and it's the finished plan that matters here and

so that checklist will get built out as I'm training them I know we will

discover things together with a good person the right hire and then we'll form that checklist and that'll be what

they'll go through and all the while just like I said we you take notes you guys take notes they will take notes

through this entire process why because then you have all these notes you can go back to when you're an

analyzing the contract if you approve the bid and we get the contract now

you're analyzing the contract and so you have some insight and you go back to your notes so that's how I plan to do it

that's how I've done any new role is allow that new role my first hire in

that new role which unfortunately is not always the right hire but got to start

somewhere um but forming that checklist with

them and that's probably the best way to do it because then you're learning together and and two people creating a

checklist new roles in particular yeah I think also you know when you when you go through that you find uh key elements

you can check but you can check fast and easily and uh you you figure those out

in that checklist process as well and you go back and maybe you check one or two things that you know if those things are right that it gives you a really

strong indication that the other elements of it are are correct too so they you get some checks and balances in

there that give you a lot of confidence what about calendar or email

or things like that a couple of Tricks uh that and I'd love to hear your guys's input on how

you handle your calendar an email but pretty much every I would say good in

the 90 percentile if I'm doing it it's on my calendar um if aby's listening don't pay

attention to this but if she said jump off a bridge I might do it if she told me which

Bridge go to this bridge and jump off on the left side I I might do it if it's

not on my calendar I'll forget it use your calendar we all have smartphones or

99% of us have smartphones they if you have Gmail you got a g a Google Calendar

if you have Yahoo you have Yahoo calendar most every phone has some type of calendar live it live by that

calendar and then email wise um I'm really bad without Abby I'm really bad

with email uh I allow it I have it up all the time I don't want to miss anything I'm really bad at it one of the

things that I'm told is shut that sucker down and give your and time block this

is another time management thing is time blocking and so you set yourself on a

task for a certain amount of time uh and you can go you can go to YouTube and

there's these timers I think it's called the Paro method or something like that and you basically time Block it's around

15 to 25 minutes and you focus on that thing for that amount of time and you

don't you shut your door there are no got a minute meetings there is no email you shut your phone off like complete

focus on that task um email's tough because you there's anxiety built around

it so it's a mixed blessing right I mean it's really good to have all that communication

but a time stock for me is the fact that I get an email and especially if it's something that I'm interested in or

excited about I want to look at it and read it right then and it it takes what five minutes to transition and five or

10 minutes to transition back and and you end up stopping and starting so off or I end up stopping and starting on all

these tasks and if I can just you know do email 30 minutes every twice a day or

something like that it's so much better and I think another thing though is having standards around answering email

I mean for me I try to answer email every day and I have a just a commitment

to no more than 24 hours and I think that having some idea of what you're comfortable with one it gives you

permission not to do it right that second because you know you're going to do it and it I just think it makes you a lot more

efficient your notifications popping up turn those off um that's what B say I'm

bad at it I got a lot better and obviously when you have an assistant that manages all your emails that that

makes it even easier but I would say shut off your notifications look at your

emails in a Time block give yourself a half hour an hour twice a day to siphon

through your emails respond as necessary but one email trick that I did get pretty good

at is um the breaking the habit of like

reading an email and then unreading it so that you can get back to Breaking that habit and saying it

goes in a folder you either deal with it or delete it or put it in a folder for a

review later folder uh of some sort and then when you have time you go do that

what I typically would do and I still find myself like do it sometimes is I

read something I'm like okay that's important enough but I don't want to deal with it right now so I unread it

and I use that as my reminder that's not necessarily the best way to do it as I'm

told um it's like time blocking for your emails or any

communication that's a good idea because you know what that one of the with the opening conversation about uh the time

wasters or what's sucking our time it is emails emails take up a lot of my time

because I do exactly what you just said I'll sift through all of them I'll delete the ones I don't feel are

important and I'll flag the ones I don't want to get anymore but then I'll click on some just to say oh what does this person say oh look at this project let

me let me click that and put uh Mark unread I'll come back to it and then

I'll Mar back it I'll mark it unread three times before I have the time to do it yeah um I'm like oh what was this

about like oh you know what and then I wait till everybody's gone and it's quiet and I know there's

no one gonna be here and then that's when I go but yeah that time blocking I wrote that down and then the folders I

gotta get better at that I have folders that probably haven't been touched in couple years yeah they delete it deal

with it or put it in a folder for later delete it deal with it or ditch it

there you there you go always triple [Laughter]

d's that's your fave I I my son has uh two friends we

call them the triple d's because they're all all their names start with D so we

call him the triple dog Waters what's her real

name Daniel Dylan and Dominic okay that's what you should call even

though they're real name then you got a real problem like I don't know man we just call them triple D I really don't

know their name I have friends that didn't know my real name for years that's because you had nicknames yeah

yeah 100% yeah I would ask people they be like yeah they'd be like

hey aren't you uh and then I'd be like yeah I'm Jose's brother and they'd be like no I don't know Jose be like oh

then I don't know who the hell you're talking about but no yeah it's because his

nickname no one they still don't know his real name right now even though they have him on Facebook

correct so uh a that's kind of some overall time

management stuff um that I've learned over the years Ben has worked for

Fortune 500 companies to small business for himself and now he works at a startup so he got a lot of experience in

dealing with different demands so his V his input on these things are uh

valuable um so I appreciate you joining us yeah really glad to be here um what

about Resource Management like and to apply this to installers I think it's taking care of your equipment knowing

where your equipment's at we still struggle with this even this morning one of our demo tools a little Eddy we

couldn't locate one of them and finally found out it was in this guy's van and had to have the warehouse guy go

pick it up from the J this job site and take it over to this job site but resource management is another key time

killer if we're not careful so how you guys you guys got a great

uh I should say a plethora of really cool tools how do you guys manage to

make sure that you know especially some of the specialty stuff that you know where it's at that you

know when you need it you know managing that whole thing I think a lot of that

is um a lot of those specialty tools don't go out unless the project calls

for it well sure that's one that's one of the items um the other thing is that

um Daniel is very Hands-On with helping the guys load that stuff up sometimes and

that's uh that's one of the ways to deal with it but we just trust the guys to bring it

back and put it back where it goes where it's supposed to go does it happen all the time no it doesn't happen all the time unfortunately um unfortunately when

um sometimes at the end of the day depending on how long how hard the day was it might make it to the uh I mean

youve seen our setup it might make it to you know we have the the area called I call it the Milwaukee way right it might

make it to that to that unit like in front of it like literally two feet from

where it goes it might make it there um sometimes it stays in the van overnight and they unload it in the morning but

for the most part the guys are pretty good at putting everything back or in the vicinity um but that's one of those

hard things to track um the smaller items expensive items that are everyday

use that are hard to find that's that's a different story so toolboard as Justin

brings up is is we have a digital one works great except when installers

trade tools ah on a job side because one guy

needs it tomorrow and in this guy's B

but it's really with this guy and this other guy needs it too or this other crew needs it too um but yeah we've

had I don't know if you can manage all the way out but you should give it your best try we did it online only because

then all of our installers actually have it and sometimes they can self um figure

that out like just call Rob and say hey Rob you're you got this tool yeah I need

to meet you to grab it kind of thing um that's really good stuff right there yeah they have they have access because

it's on Google Sheets and they're shared to it just like um other stuff we want

them to know about so you know what it'd be really cool Jimmy I'll be in Indiana this weekend so will I um' be really

cool if they had some way to like you know they got those what do they call them the air tags if there was like a a

better like a like a sticker version or something way of doing that to where when it goes out of the warehouse it

notices that it's no longer in the warehouse and it enters a van it logs it into van one van two van three and then

when it exits that van it gives a GPS location of where it was exited and if it doesn't get put back in then it

notices that it's in the red it was not returned to the van that would be they

have uh equipment trackers but it's for bigger equipment than what you know even

I mean it'd work on our demo machine or a few of those bigger a welder it's like this big you

know um but yeah there I agree if it was like a sticker this size that you could

put your logo on and put your sticker on and it's got a GPS tracker to always know where it's at it would be fantastic

truth is that's probably not too far away that sounds it's probably someone's got something going especially now that

we're talking about it time sorry would you guys do this and then I'll buy the stickers

right with all the spare time all the spare time a partner deal on goera yeah

we'll put we'll put a partner deal on goer and then yeah we'll block out 25

minutes for that that's efficiency no but yeah it's just

something that we struggle with all the time it's like and a lot of it

is a most of what we deal with is what you talked about it's both Vans are on this one job site they unload both Vans

they load up the tool every single tool on one van

instead of splitting them back up into two Vans and then they leave the shop the next day day no one checks for the

tools they get to the separate job sites and everyone's like well I don't have this and

this and if they were only marked to what van they go to yeah it's a that's a that's a

struggle but um we we did toolboxes for each van the

big ones um full of your day in day out stuff and even that because what what's

a guy gonna say hey man I don't have a broom I need a broom oh I've got mine in

the deal well then he takes his and then then then he doesn't have it when he needs it or whatever hey I'm I don't

have broom well where's yours Rob took it where's Rob's I don't know ask

him you're and all the while you're trying to get a job done that sounds like a Time suck that's a time oh what

about this one hey we're going out to a job to prep today all right here's who's going with me let's go guys get all the

way out there our drive like we don't have a mixer or any patching TRS oh my

God that that'll make you lose your mind they don't call me the the the the

one thing I would say to everybody is

um progress not Perfection like something is better than nothing take

the steps find out what could be better and just kind of improve your systems when it comes to equipment and resources

but your most valuable resource if you'll treat it like money is time uh you know we may not give away

$20 but we some reason as humans will give away 20 minutes no problem oh my

goodness you're so right so right you know so think of your

time literally like money and not don't use the C don't let the cliche uh Cloud

your vision you know the time is money cliche okay we've all heard that I'm saying think of it like money if you

wouldn't give $20 to that person why are you giving them 20

minutes that's crazy and you know um and you know that

that can be used for for some instances right because I do have sometimes when a

a conversation person a person ends up becoming a relationship or a work relationship um that benefits both

parties um so I'd say um hopefully not all of your time is

wasted like that hopefully something materializes out of it but I think um what you're trying to say Paul is

recognize what time is potentially wasted versus what time is invested yeah I mean there I'm not

saying be a robot and you can never have a conversation with someone but I'm just saying like the it's really the god a

minute meetings you know um which leads me to the last part of the time sucks

it's meetings effective meetings so Oprah Winfrey is famous for walking into

the the meeting any meeting what is this meeting about what are our key

objectives and how long is this going to last

boom like if you didn't know what you were there for what the objective of the

meeting was like what are you trying to get out of this meeting and how long it's going to last she's

out you can invite me to all the meeting as you want and I'll probably come but if there's no agenda I won't come there

has to be an agenda it's a it's a maybe it's a those same yeah similar what do

you want out of it what's the agenda what's a reason for this meeting

um and how long is it going to last otherwise you'll

have a 10-minute meeting last 30 minutes people you have a bunch of Jose talking

about everything but the meeting but people will Jose will go down the vision

board and before you know it it's a it's a a 30 minute meeting

that could have um lasted 15 minutes and gotten the same

same goals uh achieved so that's a good one like what I'll probably go but you

better have an agenda yeah and a reason what's this meeting about oh well

we don't really have we don't really know we just want send me an email I'll see you guys later yeah and then Mark it unre four

times at least four times all right well we're nearing the end of the podcast so I want to thank

everybody for joining us if you're watching this on YouTube please give us a like a subscribe comment thumbs up

thumbs down we really don't care as long as you interact with us another thing the blue collar Cruise July 9th it's

going to be fun it's more interactive the goal is to

bring like latest trends and latest things that you may not have the time to

read about you may not have the time to consider and we're going to bring them out and get your opinions on them give

you our opinions again our opinions and not our facts but what we feel about the

topic and we'll discuss now it some of this stuff we'll get into politics uh

not intentionally but anytime you're dealing with large construction or labor issues there's going to be some uh

things brought into the bluecar cruise that is not AR typical content so uh if

you don't uh mind we're it may come up we don't dive into those uh details of

that very often uh try to keep it friendly here and there's nothing friendly in politics so we we we'll try

to keep it as as as crisp as possible but some of that might uh some of that

cream might rise to the top and I'm I'm kind of excited for some uh new content

we're working real hard to siphon through all the the trends and the new stuff and the um new ideas stuff that

flooring people were a little behind Construction in general behind in

technology and staying on the for Forefront but flooring we're we're behind overall constru like the

electrical contractors and the the the um the uh big gcc's and stuff like that

so join us for the blue color cruise and and uh it's going to be fun thanks

Justin I love it yeah guys you guys got anything else any closing uh comments statements on time

and Resource Management n pretty much uh all we all I

came away with was uh I gotta be better I gotta organize compartmentalize and prioritize right um and then 3DS right

delete it deal with it or ditch it I like all the say you come up with

what what was the you remember it what was the the list that you said that you

follow I thought I think you you were talking about D6 or something yeah it's called

D6 is one of them uh and that's from Chad Holmes he's passed away

probably half a decade ago or more by now uh unfortunately but he was a really

Savvy business guy so it was called the D6 and then there's uh Andy filla's

power list and you can actually buy the physical power list from his

website um or you can grab a notebook paper and write down five things whatever whatever a master list

sometimes Master list and then uh that you can follow um like I do certain

routines every day and I built a journal that I eventually I'll publish but I

built a journal I got the copy got the physical uh copies from the publisher

but there are the things I do and sometimes just having it organized for you does help so the power list from

Andy or the D6 um can be powerful tools uh keep you laser focused so I got these

big lists I got like my master list then I organized the master list

into the D list and then I have like these little sheets of paper that I put all of the tasks that involve in that

bigger list I yeah um yeah well you can simplify it maybe a

little bit yeah I could I 100 100% all right guys well I guess we will catch

you guys next uh next week and

um what is next week's topic do you know offand Ashlin I think isn't pu it going

to be on next week I think it is next week that's a

Ain nothing to it but to Pro it yeah I have to remind him because he he he

texted me two Tuesdays early this month one of them he got dressed up for

thinking he was on so I was like dude it's July

2nd so so he's looking forward love it he's looking forward to it he's I think he'll be ready and and uh Dressed Up all

fancy I'm going to tell him put his his uh purple suit on he used to crash my

yeah so next week is uh the benefits of specializing in Niche flooring markets

so yeah so you know if you're awesome carpet ler being an awesome carpet ler

and and Jorge be great for this too because he really did that I know another guy that does you know uh uh

binding and ins surging and that's basically all he does so there's a lot of lot of stuff into there from hardwood

to TI we'll get into that next week join us again if you see us on any of the socials make some comments I'm going to

get better at reading and re uh replying to comments so uh get on there and let

us know what you guys are thinking yeah all right appreciate you guys thank

you week it's great enjoy spending the time with you guys yeah see you guys uh

see everyone next week week all right thanks everyone Kevin


The Huddle - Episode 105 - The Benefits of Specializing in Niche Flooring Markets


The Huddle - Episode 103 - Tools of the Trade